
Update project quotations


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use the following procedures to update a project quotation.

Modify a quotation

You can modify an existing quotation by editing the information that is registered on the selected quotation.

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Common > Quotations > Project quotations.

  2. Select or open the project quotation that you want to modify.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Quotation tab, in the Maintain group, click Edit.

  4. In the Project quotation form, add or change information as appropriate.

Send a quotation

Any quotation with the status of Created can be sent to the prospect for confirmation, either by using e-mail or by mailing a printed copy.

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Common > Quotations > Project quotations.

  2. Select or open the quotation that you want to send to the prospect.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Quote tab, in the Generate group, click Quotation.

  4. In the Send quotation form, click Options, and then in the Print destination settings form, select whether you want the quotation sent to Screen, E-mail, File, Print archive or Printer, and then make any adjustments that you want in the Specification area in order to properly route the quotation.

  5. Click OK in the Print destination settings form.

  6. In the Send quotation form, click OK to accept the update and to change the quotation status to Sent.

Confirm a quotation

You can confirm any quotation with the status of Created. You can confirm the status before the quotation is sent.

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Common > Quotations > Project quotations.

  2. Select or open the quotation that has been accepted and confirmed by the prospect.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Follow up tab, in the Generate group, click Confirm.

  4. In the Confirm quotation form, select the Print confirmation check box if you want to print the quotation.

  5. Click OK to accept the update and to change the quotation status to Confirmed.

The quotation is converted to a project. Use the Projects form for additional processing.

Record a quotation as lost

When a quotation does not lead to a sale, you can update the status to Lost.

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Common > Quotations > Project quotations.

  2. Select or open the quotation that you want to register as lost.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Follow up tab, in the Generate group, click Lost quotation.

  4. In the Lose quotation form, in the Reason lost or canceled field, select the reason that the quotation did not lead to a sale.

  5. Click OK to accept the update and to change the quotation status to Lost.

Cancel a quotation

Any quotation with the status Sent can be canceled.

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Common > Quotations > Project quotations.

  2. Select or open the quotation that you want to cancel.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Follow up tab, in the Generate group, click Cancel.

  4. In the Cancel quotation form, in the Reason lost or canceled field, select the reason that the quotation was canceled.

  5. Click OK to accept the update and to change the quotation status to Canceled.

Update multiple quotations

  1. Click Project management and accounting > Common > Quotations > Project quotations.

  2. Select the quotations that you want to update.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Follow up tab, in the Generate group, click the relevant update option.


    If you select quotations that have different statuses, only the update options that are available for all the selected quotations are available on the Action Pane. For example, if you select a quotation that has the status Sent and a quotation that has the status Created, only the Confirm button is available on the Action Pane.

  4. Enter your changes in the update form.

You can also use update multiple quotations at the same time by using a periodic job. Click Project management and accounting > Periodic > Quotations, and then click the type of update that you want to perform.

See also

Project quotation (form)

Projects (form)

Send quotation (class form)

Confirm quotation (class form)

Lose quotation (class form)

Cancel quotation (class form)