
(IND) Create EXIM authorization schemes for export orders


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

You can create export-import (EXIM) authorization schemes for confirmed sales orders and export orders, and on the basis of annual consumption. This topic describes how to create EXIM authorization schemes for export orders.

  1. Click General ledger > Common > EXIM Authorization schemes.


    Information on this page is available only if the Advance Authorization check box is selected in the Incentive scheme parameters form.

  2. In the Authorization type field, select AA (Advance Authorization).

  3. On the Action Pane, in the New group, click EXIM Authorization schemes to create a new EXIM authorization scheme.

    The authorization ID is created automatically, based on the number sequence that is set up in the General ledger parameters form. The Date/Time field contains the date and time that the authorization was created. You can modify these values.

  4. On the Overview FastTab, select a product group and a port for the authorization scheme.

  5. In the Authorization basis field, select Export orders. You cannot modify the Authorization basis field after the record is saved.

    The status of the authorization scheme is automatically set to Created.

  6. If the authorization scheme is transferable, select the Transferable check box.

  7. Click Attach > Export order details.


    The Attach button is available only if the Status field is set to Created. The Export order details menu item is available only if Export orders is selected in the Authorization basis field.

  8. In the From date field, enter the starting date of the export orders list. In the To date field, enter the ending date of the export orders list.

  9. Click Show data to view all the export orders in the specified date range, product group, and port ID that are not attached to any other AA incentive scheme licenses. To view only fully settled invoices, select the Realized invoices check box.

  10. On the Lines FastTab, select the Mark check box for the orders to apply Standard Input Output Norms (SION) to.

  11. Click Apply SION to update the Importable Items form.

    When you click Apply SION, you receive a confirmation message. Click Yes to update the Importable Items form for each record on the Lines FastTab in the Export order details form.

    The fields in the Importable Items form are updated based on the data that is set up in the SION Items form. When you apply SION, the importable items are updated for item lines for which the Mark check box is selected.

  12. Click Importable Items, and then verify the records.

    For details about the information to verify, see "Updated information in the Importable items form," later in this topic.


    • The Importable Items form does not display any records if you open the form before you click Apply SION.

    • You cannot manually create a new record or delete an existing record in the Importable Items form.

    • You must verify the records against the paper copy of the SION that you received from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT).

    For information about the changes that are applied in the Importable Items form, see "Updated information in the Importable Items form," later in this topic.

  13. Close the Importable Items form.

  14. In the Export order details form, click Inventory > Dimensions display, and then select the dimensions for the inventory. Click OK to close the Dimensions display form.

  15. In the Export order details form, click Bank certificate details.

  16. In the Apply to field, select whether to attach the bank certificate details for all transactions, marked transactions, or unmarked transactions.

  17. In the Bank certificate number field, enter the bank certificate number, and then, in the Bank certificate date/time field, enter the date and time that the bank certificate was issued.

  18. Click OK to close the Bank certificate number form.

    You can view the updated bank certificate number, and the updated bank certificate date and time, on the Lines FastTab in the Export order details form.

  19. In the Export order details form, click OK.

    For information about the changes that occur in the form, see "Changes that occur when you close the Annual consumption form," later in this topic.

  20. Close the EXIM Authorization schemes form.

Updated information in the Importable Items form

  • The Item number field displays the item numbers for items in the bill of materials (BOM) that have been updated in the SION Items form.

  • The Product name field and the Unit field are updated to display the values in these fields in the SION Items form.

  • If the Basis field of an item line in the SION Items form is set to anything other than Pct. of FOB or Value, and the Apply restriction check box is not selected, the value in the Allowed quantity field is used to calculate the Quantity field.

    If the Apply restriction check box is selected for an item line in the SION Items form, the value in the Restricted allowed quantity field is used to calculate the quantity, based on the following calculation:

    allowed quantity (or restricted allowed quantity) * quantity (in the Export orders form) / quantity (in the SION form)


    The Quantity field is updated after unit conversion. For more information, see Unit conversions (form).

  • If the Basis field is set to Pct. of FOB for an item line in the SION Items form, the value in the Value field for an item in the Importable Items form is based on the following calculation:

    assessable value amount (in the Export orders form) * value amount (in the SION form) / 100

    If Value is selected in the Basis field for an item line in the SION Items form, the value for an item in the Importable Items form is based on the following calculation:

    quantity amount (in the Export orders form) * value amount (in the SION form)

Changes that occur when you close the Annual consumption form

  • In the EXIM Authorization schemes form, the export assessable value is updated to equal the cumulative assessable value of all of the export order lines for which the Mark check box is selected. The import assessable value is updated based on the assessable value percentage that is set in the Incentive scheme parameters form.


    You can view the details of importable items in the Summary Importable items form, based on the License status field. You can modify the Allowed quantity field and the Allowed value field. When the authorization status is Applied, you can create a new record.

  • The cumulative value of the amounts in the Assessable value field for all the item lines for which the Mark check box selected on the Lines FastTab in the Export order details form is updated in the Export assessable value field for the record that is selected on the Lines FastTab in the EXIM Authorization schemes form. The value that is updated in the Export assessable value field is the value that is converted to the base currency. The value is converted by using the customs exchange rate.

  • The details in the Importable Items form for each item line are summarized and updated in the Summary Importable items form for the authorization.

  • The Status field for the record that is selected on the Overview FastTab in the EXIM Authorization schemes form is updated to Applied. After you apply the SION, all the updated data is cleared and new records are updated when you click Show data in the Export order details form.

  • The Import assessable value field in the EXIM Authorization schemes form is updated when the percentage in the Assessable value pct. field in the Advance Authorization area in the Incentive scheme parameters form is applied to the value in the Export assessable value field in the EXIM Authorization schemes form.

See also

(IND) Create EXIM authorization schemes for confirmed sales orders

(IND) Create EXIM authorization schemes on the basis of annual consumption

Setting up and maintaining inventory dimensions