
オブジェクト コンテキストで EntityConnection を使用する方法 (Entity Framework)

このトピックでは、オブジェクト コンテキストに既存の EntityConnection を渡して使用する方法について説明します。 詳細については、「接続文字列 (Entity Framework)」を参照してください。

このトピックの例には、AdventureWorks Sales Model が使用されています。 To run the code in this example, you must have already added the AdventureWorks Sales Model to your project and configured your project to use the Entity Framework. 具体的な方法については、「Entity Data Model ウィザードを使用する方法 (Entity Framework)」の手順を参照してください。

この例では、実行時間の長い ObjectContext のコンストラクターに渡す EntityConnection を作成します。 接続は手動で開きます。 EntityConnectionObjectContext は、どちらも手動で破棄します。

' Define the order ID for the order we want. 
Dim orderId As Integer = 43680

' Create an EntityConnection. 
Dim conn As New EntityConnection("name=AdventureWorksEntities")

' Create a long-running context with the connection. 
Dim context As New AdventureWorksEntities(conn)

    ' Explicitly open the connection. 
    If conn.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then
    End If

    ' Execute a query to return an order. 
    Dim order As SalesOrderHeader = context.SalesOrderHeaders.Where("it.SalesOrderID = @orderId", _
                                        New ObjectParameter("orderId", orderId)).Execute(MergeOption.AppendOnly).First()

    ' Change the status of the order. 
    order.Status = 1

    ' You do not have to call the Load method to load the details for the order, 
    ' because lazy loading is set to true 
    ' by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    ' With lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when 
    ' you access the navigation property. In this case SalesOrderDetails. 

    ' Delete the first item in the order. 

    ' Save changes. 
    If 0 < context.SaveChanges() Then
        Console.WriteLine("Changes saved.")
    End If

    ' Create a new SalesOrderDetail object. 
    ' You can use the static CreateObjectName method (the Entity Framework 
    ' adds this method to the generated entity types) instead of the new operator: 
    ' SalesOrderDetail.CreateSalesOrderDetail(1, 0, 2, 750, 1, (decimal)2171.2942, 0, 0, 
    ' Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Today)); 
    Dim detail = New SalesOrderDetail With
        .SalesOrderID = 0,
        .SalesOrderDetailID = 0,
        .OrderQty = 2,
        .ProductID = 750,
        .SpecialOfferID = 1,
        .UnitPrice = CDec(2171.2942),
        .UnitPriceDiscount = 0,
        .LineTotal = 0,
        .rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(),
        .ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now


    ' Save changes again. 
    If 0 < context.SaveChanges() Then
        Console.WriteLine("Changes saved.")
    End If
Catch ex As InvalidOperationException
    ' Explicitly dispose of the context and the connection. 
// Define the order ID for the order we want.
int orderId = 43680;

// Create an EntityConnection.
EntityConnection conn =
    new EntityConnection("name=AdventureWorksEntities");

// Create a long-running context with the connection.
AdventureWorksEntities context =
    new AdventureWorksEntities(conn);

    // Explicitly open the connection.
    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

    // Execute a query to return an order.
    SalesOrderHeader order =
        "it.SalesOrderID = @orderId", new ObjectParameter("orderId", orderId))

    // Change the status of the order.
    order.Status = 1;

    // You do not have to call the Load method to load the details for the order,
    // because  lazy loading is set to true 
    // by the constructor of the AdventureWorksEntities object. 
    // With  lazy loading set to true the related objects are loaded when
    // you access the navigation property. In this case SalesOrderDetails.

    // Delete the first item in the order.

    // Save changes.
    if (0 < context.SaveChanges())
        Console.WriteLine("Changes saved.");

    // Create a new SalesOrderDetail object.
    // You can use the static CreateObjectName method (the Entity Framework
    // adds this method to the generated entity types) instead of the new operator:
    // SalesOrderDetail.CreateSalesOrderDetail(1, 0, 2, 750, 1, (decimal)2171.2942, 0, 0,
    //                                         Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Today));
    SalesOrderDetail detail = new SalesOrderDetail
        SalesOrderID = 1,
        SalesOrderDetailID = 0,
        OrderQty = 2,
        ProductID = 750,
        SpecialOfferID = 1,
        UnitPrice = (decimal)2171.2942,
        UnitPriceDiscount = 0,
        LineTotal = 0,
        rowguid = Guid.NewGuid(),
        ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now


    // Save changes again.
    if (0 < context.SaveChanges())
        Console.WriteLine("Changes saved.");
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
    // Explicitly dispose of the context and the connection. 



実行時間の長いオブジェクト コンテキストの接続を管理する方法 (Entity Framework)
オブジェクト コンテキストから接続を手動で開く方法 (Entity Framework)