
RootNode クラス

インク分析の結果を示すノード ツリーの最上位 ContextNode を表します。

名前空間 :  Microsoft.Ink
アセンブリ :  Microsoft.Ink.Analysis (Microsoft.Ink.Analysis.dll 内)


Public NotInheritable Class RootNode _
    Inherits ContextNode
Dim instance As RootNode
public sealed class RootNode : ContextNode
public ref class RootNode sealed : public ContextNode
public final class RootNode extends ContextNode
public final class RootNode extends ContextNode


InkAnalyzer.RootNode プロパティを使用して RootNode にアクセスできます。

RootNode オブジェクトには、次の型の子を格納できます。

次の例では、InkAnalyzer, theInkAnalyzer について取り上げ、その ContextNode ツリーを使用して、RootNode を開始位置として、TreeView、theTreeView に書き込みます。ツリー ビューのノードを選択すると、ストロークが赤色で表示されるように設定されます。Tag プロパティは、それらのストロークが表すツリー ノードとコンテキスト ノードの間を対応付けるために使用されます。

Private Sub BuildTree()
    Dim rootNode As New TreeNode(Me.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode.ToString())
    rootNode.Tag = Me.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode

    WalkTree(Me.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode, rootNode)

End Sub 'BuildTree

Private Sub WalkTree(ByVal parentContextNode As Microsoft.Ink.ContextNode, _
                     ByVal parentTreeNode As TreeNode)

    Dim cNode As ContextNode
    For Each cNode In parentContextNode.SubNodes
        Dim newTNode As New TreeNode(cNode.ToString())
        If TypeOf cNode Is Microsoft.Ink.InkWordNode Then
            newTNode.Text = newTNode.Text + _
                ": " + CType(cNode, InkWordNode).GetRecognizedString()
        ElseIf TypeOf cNode Is Microsoft.Ink.InkDrawingNode Then
            Dim shapeName As String = CType(cNode, InkDrawingNode).GetShapeName()
            If shapeName <> "" Then
                newTNode.Text = newTNode.Text + ": " + shapeName
            End If
        End If
        WalkTree(cNode, newTNode)

        ' Add the context node as a tag of the tree node
        newTNode.Tag = cNode
    Next cNode

End Sub 'WalkTree

Private Sub theTreeView_AfterSelect(ByVal sender As Object, _
            ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TreeViewEventArgs) _
            Handles theTreeView.AfterSelect
    ' Get the context node
    Dim selectedNode As ContextNode = CType(e.Node.Tag, ContextNode)


    timeStampLabel.Text = ""

    ' Show selected results
    If Not (selectedNode Is Nothing) Then
        Select Case selectedNode.Type
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.WritingRegion
                Dim writingRegion As WritingRegionNode = _
                    CType(selectedNode, WritingRegionNode)
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = writingRegion.GetRecognizedString()
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Paragraph
                Dim paragraph As ParagraphNode = _
                    CType(selectedNode, ParagraphNode)
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = paragraph.GetRecognizedString()
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Line
                Dim line As LineNode = _
                    CType(selectedNode, LineNode)
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = line.GetRecognizedString()
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkWord
                Dim inkWord As InkWordNode = _
                    CType(selectedNode, InkWordNode)
                Dim parentNode As ContextNode = inkWord.ParentNode
                If TypeOf parentNode Is LineNode Then
                    Dim parentLine As LineNode = CType(parentNode, LineNode)
                    ' Put parent line's recognized string into the text box
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = parentLine.GetRecognizedString()

                    ' Select the text that corresponds to the ink word
                    Dim subNodes As New ContextNodeCollection(theInkAnalyzer)
                    Dim start As Integer
                    Dim length As Integer
                    parentLine.GetTextRangeFromNodes(subNodes, start, length)
                    If start >= 0 AndAlso length > 0 Then
                        selectedResultsTextBox.Select(start, length)
                    End If
                End If
                ' Show the time stamp
                If inkWord.ContainsPropertyData(Me.timeStampGuid) Then
                    Dim timeStamp As DateTime = _
                        CType(inkWord.GetPropertyData(Me.timeStampGuid), DateTime)
                    timeStampLabel.Text = timeStamp.ToShortTimeString()
                End If

                ' Snippet to demonstrate GetPropertyDataIds
                Dim propertyDataIds() As Guid = inkWord.GetPropertyDataIds()

                ' Snippets to demonstrate loading and saving
                Dim data As Byte() = inkWord.SavePropertiesData()
                If (Not inkWord.LoadPropertiesData(data)) Then
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot load property data")
                End If
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkDrawing
                Dim drawingNode As InkDrawingNode = CType(selectedNode, InkDrawingNode)
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = drawingNode.GetShapeName()
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkBullet
                Dim bulletNode As InkBulletNode = CType(selectedNode, InkBulletNode)
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = bulletNode.GetRecognizedString()
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Object
                Dim selectedObject As ObjectNode = selectedNode
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = selectedObject.GetRecognizedString()
            Case Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.CustomRecognizer
                Dim customRecognizer As CustomRecognizerNode = selectedNode
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = customRecognizer.GetRecognizedString()
            Case Else
                selectedResultsTextBox.Text = String.Empty
        End Select
    End If
    Me.currentNode = selectedNode

End Sub 'theTreeView_AfterSelect

Private Sub MarkNodeAsRed(ByVal selectedNode As ContextNode)
    ' Set all node strokes to black, but this one to red
    Dim inkStroke As Stroke
    For Each inkStroke In Me.theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes
        If Not (selectedNode Is Nothing) AndAlso _
           selectedNode.Strokes.Contains(inkStroke) Then
            inkStroke.DrawingAttributes = New DrawingAttributes(Color.Red)
            inkStroke.DrawingAttributes = Me.theInkCollector.DefaultDrawingAttributes
        End If
    Next inkStroke

End Sub 'MarkNodeAsRed

        private void BuildTree()
            TreeNode rootNode =
                new TreeNode(this.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode.ToString());
            rootNode.Tag = this.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode;

            WalkTree(this.theInkAnalyzer.RootNode, rootNode);

        private void WalkTree(ContextNode parentContextNode, TreeNode parentTreeNode)
            foreach (ContextNode cNode in parentContextNode.SubNodes)
                TreeNode newTNode = new TreeNode(cNode.ToString());
                if (cNode is Microsoft.Ink.InkWordNode)
                    newTNode.Text +=
                        ": " + ((InkWordNode)cNode).GetRecognizedString();
                else if (cNode is Microsoft.Ink.InkDrawingNode)
                    String shapeName = ((InkDrawingNode)cNode).GetShapeName();
                    if (shapeName != "")
                        newTNode.Text += ": " + shapeName;
                WalkTree(cNode, newTNode);

                // Add the context node as a tag of the tree node
                newTNode.Tag = cNode;

        private void theTreeView_AfterSelect(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e)
            // Get the context node
            ContextNode selectedNode = (ContextNode)e.Node.Tag;


            timeStampLabel.Text = "";

            // Show selected results
            if (selectedNode != null)
                if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.WritingRegion)
                    WritingRegionNode writingRegion = (WritingRegionNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = writingRegion.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Paragraph)
                    ParagraphNode paragraph = (ParagraphNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = paragraph.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Line)
                    LineNode line = (LineNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = line.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkWord)
                    InkWordNode inkWord = (InkWordNode)selectedNode;
                    ContextNode parentNode = inkWord.ParentNode;
                    if (parentNode is LineNode)
                        LineNode parentLine = (LineNode)parentNode;
                        // Put parent line's recognized string into the text box
                        selectedResultsTextBox.Text = parentLine.GetRecognizedString();

                        // Select the text that corresponds to the ink word
                        ContextNodeCollection subNodes = new ContextNodeCollection(theInkAnalyzer);
                        int start = 0;
                        int length = 0;
                        parentLine.GetTextRangeFromNodes(subNodes, out start, out length);
                        if (start >= 0 && length > 0)
                            selectedResultsTextBox.Select(start, length);
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkDrawing)
                    InkDrawingNode drawingNode = (InkDrawingNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = drawingNode.GetShapeName();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.InkBullet)
                    InkBulletNode bulletNode = (InkBulletNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = bulletNode.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.CustomRecognizer)
                    CustomRecognizerNode customRecognizer = (CustomRecognizerNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = customRecognizer.GetRecognizedString();
                else if (selectedNode.Type == Microsoft.Ink.ContextNodeType.Object)
                    ObjectNode selectedObject = (ObjectNode)selectedNode;
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = selectedObject.GetRecognizedString();
                    selectedResultsTextBox.Text = String.Empty;

                if (selectedNode is InkWordNode)
                    InkWordNode inkWord = (InkWordNode)selectedNode;

                    // Show the time stamp
                    if (inkWord.ContainsPropertyData(this.timeStampGuid))
                        DateTime timeStamp =
                        timeStampLabel.Text = timeStamp.ToShortTimeString();

                    // Snippet to demonstrate GetPropertyDataIds
                    Guid[] propertyDataIds = inkWord.GetPropertyDataIds();
                    // Snippets to demonstrate loading and saving
                    byte[] data = inkWord.SavePropertiesData();
                    if (!inkWord.LoadPropertiesData(data))
                        MessageBox.Show("Cannot load property data");

            this.currentNode = selectedNode;

        private void MarkNodeAsRed(ContextNode selectedNode)
            // Set all node strokes to black, but this one to red
            foreach (Stroke stroke in this.theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes)
                if (selectedNode != null && 
                    stroke.DrawingAttributes = new DrawingAttributes(Color.Red);
                    stroke.DrawingAttributes = this.theInkCollector.DefaultDrawingAttributes;




スレッド セーフ

この型のすべてのパブリック static (Visual Basic では Shared) メンバは、スレッド セーフです。インスタンス メンバの場合は、スレッド セーフであるとは限りません。


Windows Vista

.NET Framework および .NET Compact Framework では、各プラットフォームのすべてのバージョンはサポートしていません。サポートされているバージョンについては、「.NET Framework システム要件」を参照してください。


.NET Framework

サポート対象 : 3.0



RootNode メンバ

Microsoft.Ink 名前空間
