
How to: Install the Visual Studio Debugger Proxy Service 

To detach a native C++ program under Windows 2000, you must be running the Visual Studio Debugger Proxy (dbgproxy) service. To detach from a program on a remote machine running Windows 2000, the remote machine must be running the dbgproxy service.

You cannot run dbgproxy in a Terminal Server session. If you run Visual Studio in a Terminal Server window, and the session is running on Windows 2000, you will not be able to detach programs.

To install dbgproxy

  1. Locate dbgproxy.exe in \Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug

  2. From the Windows command prompt, install dbgproxy.exe using the following syntax:

    dbgproxy.exe -install

To run dbgproxy

  1. From the Start menu, click Settings and choose Control Panel.

  2. In Control Panel, double-click the Administrative Tools icon.

  3. In the Administrative Tools window, double-click Services.

  4. In the Services dialog box, right-click Visual Studio Debugger Proxy and choose start from the shortcut menu.

To run dbgproxy from the command prompt

  • From the Windows command prompt, enter:

    net start dbgproxy

To stop dbgproxy

  • From the Windows command prompt, enter:

    net stop dbgproxy

See Also


How to: Detach All Processes

Other Resources

Attaching to Running Processes