
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Mime Namespace

The set of classes that enable Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) support in the Web Services Enhancements for Microsoft .NET (WSE).


Class Description
BMMatcher Implements the Boyer-Moore search algorithm. This algorithm enables searching for a specified pattern and can run in less than linear time.
MultipartMime Represents constants related to MIME handling for MTOM.
Xop Defines constants that represent the names of XML attributes for an <Include> element in an XOP package.
Xop.AttributeNames Defines constants that represent the names of XML attributes for the <Include> element in an XOP package. This class cannot be inherited.
Xop.ContentTypeParameterNames Defines constants that are used to construct a content type in a Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)-encoded SOAP message.
Xop.ElementNames Defines constants that represent the names of XML elements in a XOP package.
XopContentsNode Represents the text content of an XML node in an XOP package of a SOAP message that is Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)-encoded.
XopDocument Represents an XOP package that is part of an MTOM-encoded SOAP message
XopDocumentException Exception that is thrown when errors are found in the data that was found while parsing an XopDocument.


Interface Description
IStreamXmlReader Reads the contents of an MTOM-encoded SOAP message by using a stream.
IStreamXmlWriter Writes the contents for an MTOM encoded SOAP message using a stream.