
<idleTimeoutInMilliSeconds> Element

Specifies the time before an idle connection will be closed when receiving SOAP messages using the TCP protocol.

<microsoft.web.services3> Element
  <messaging> Element
    <transports> Element
      <add> Element for <transports>

<idleTimeoutInMilliSeconds value />

Attributes and Elements


Attribute Description


Required attribute. Specifies the time, in milliseconds, before an inactive connection is closed. A value of -1 specifies that there is no limit. The default value is 120,000 milliseconds (2 minutes).

Child Elements


Parent Elements

Element Description

<add> Element for <transports>

Adds a SOAP transport to the system.


The minimum value for the value attribute is 30000 milliseconds.

Before adding the <idleTimeoutInMilliSeconds> element to a configuration file, you must add the microsoft.web.services3 configuration section handler to the configuration file. For details about adding the microsoft.web.services3 configuration section handler, see <section> Element.


The following code example specifies that a connection will be closed if no message is received over the TCP protocol for 1 minute.

        <add scheme="soap.tcp">
          <receiveTimeoutInMilliSeconds value="40000" />
          <sendTimeoutInMilliSeconds value ="40000" />
          <idleTimeoutInMilliSeconds value="60000" />

See Also


<transports> Element
<add> Element for <transports>