
SoapAttributes.SoapElement プロパティ

オーバーライドする SoapElementAttribute を取得または設定します。

Public Property SoapElement As SoapElementAttribute
public SoapElementAttribute SoapElement {get; set;}
public: __property SoapElementAttribute* get_SoapElement();public: __property void set_SoapElement(SoapElementAttribute*);
public function get SoapElement() : SoapElementAttribute;public function set SoapElement(SoapElementAttribute);


オーバーライドする SoapElementAttribute


SoapElementAttribute は、クラス メンバを XML 要素としてシリアル化する方法を制御するために使用されます。クラス メンバを XML 要素としてシリアル化する方法をオーバーライドするには、この SoapElement プロパティに新しい SoapElementAttribute を設定します。そのためには、新しい SoapElementAttribute を作成し、それをこのプロパティに割り当てます。次に、 SoapAttributesSoapAttributeOverrides に追加します。この SoapAttributeOverrides を使用して XmlTypeMapping を作成してから、その XmlTypeMapping を使用して XmlSerializer を構築します。

詳細については、 SoapAttributeOverrides クラスの概要を参照してください。


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] Transportation という名前のクラスをシリアル化する例を次に示します。 Vehicle フィールドのシリアス化がオーバーライドされます。 CreateOverrideSerializer メソッド内では、 SoapAttributeOverrides が作成され、オーバーライド対象のメンバまたは列挙体ごとに、適切なプロパティが設定された SoapAttributes が作成され、それぞれが SoapAttributeOverrides に追加されています。 XmlTypeMappingSoapAttributeOverrides を使用して作成され、その XmlTypeMapping を使用して、既定のシリアル化をオーバーライドする XmlSerializer が作成されます。

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Text
Public Class Transportation
   ' The SoapElementAttribute specifies that the
   ' generated XML element name will be "Wheels"
   ' instead of "Vehicle".
   <SoapElement("Wheels")> Public Vehicle As String 
   <SoapElement(DataType:= "dateTime")> _
   public CreationDate As DateTime    
   <SoapElement(IsNullable:= true)> _
   public thing As Thing
End Class

Public Class Thing
   <SoapElement(IsNullable:=true)> public ThingName As string 
End Class

Public Class Test

   Shared Sub Main()
      Dim t As Test = New Test()
      Console.WriteLine("Finished writing two XML files.")
   End Sub

   ' Return an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
   Public Function CreateSoapOverrider() As XmlSerializer 
      ' Create the SoapAttributes and SoapAttributeOverrides objects.
      Dim soapAttrs As SoapAttributes = New SoapAttributes()

      Dim soapOverrides As SoapAttributeOverrides = _
      New SoapAttributeOverrides()
      ' Create a SoapElementAttribute to override 
      ' the Vehicles property. 
      Dim soapElement1 As SoapElementAttribute = _
      New SoapElementAttribute("Truck")
      ' Set the SoapElement to the object.
      soapAttrs.SoapElement= soapElement1

      ' Add the SoapAttributes to the SoapAttributeOverrides,
      ' specifying the member to override. 
      soapOverrides.Add(GetType(Transportation), "Vehicle", soapAttrs)
      ' Create the XmlSerializer, and return it.
      Dim myTypeMapping As XmlTypeMapping = (New _
      SoapReflectionImporter (soapOverrides)).ImportTypeMapping _
      return New XmlSerializer(myTypeMapping)
   End Function

   Public Sub SerializeOverride(filename As String)
      ' Create an XmlSerializer instance.
      Dim ser As XmlSerializer = CreateSoapOverrider()

      ' Create the object and serialize it.
      Dim myTransportation As Transportation = _
      New Transportation()

      myTransportation.Vehicle = "MyCar"
      myTransportation.CreationDate = DateTime.Now
      myTransportation.thing= new Thing()
      Dim writer As XmlTextWriter = _
      New XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding.UTF8)
      writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
      ser.Serialize(writer, myTransportation)
   End Sub

   Public Sub SerializeObject(filename As String)
      ' Create an XmlSerializer instance.
      Dim ser As XmlSerializer = _
      New XmlSerializer(GetType(Transportation))
      Dim myTransportation As Transportation = _
      New Transportation()
      myTransportation.Vehicle = "MyCar"
      myTransportation.thing= new Thing()

      Dim writer As XmlTextWriter = _
      new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding.UTF8)
      writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented
      ser.Serialize(writer, myTransportation)
   End Sub
End Class

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using System.Collections;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
public class Transportation
   // The SoapElementAttribute specifies that the
   // generated XML element name will be "Wheels"
   // instead of "Vehicle".
   public string Vehicle;
   [SoapElement(DataType = "dateTime")]
   public DateTime CreationDate;
   [SoapElement(IsNullable = true)]
   public Thing thing;

public class Thing{ 
   [SoapElement(IsNullable=true)] public string ThingName;

public class Test
   public static void Main()
      Test t = new Test();
      Console.WriteLine("Finished writing two XML files.");

   // Return an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
   public XmlSerializer CreateSoapOverrider()
      // Create the SoapAttributes and SoapAttributeOverrides objects.
      SoapAttributes soapAttrs = new SoapAttributes();

      SoapAttributeOverrides soapOverrides = 
      new SoapAttributeOverrides();
      /* Create an SoapElementAttribute to override 
      the Vehicles property. */
      SoapElementAttribute soapElement1 = 
      new SoapElementAttribute("Truck");
      // Set the SoapElement to the object.
      soapAttrs.SoapElement= soapElement1;

      /* Add the SoapAttributes to the SoapAttributeOverrides,
      specifying the member to override. */
      soapOverrides.Add(typeof(Transportation), "Vehicle", soapAttrs);
      // Create the XmlSerializer, and return it.
      XmlTypeMapping myTypeMapping = (new SoapReflectionImporter
      return new XmlSerializer(myTypeMapping);

   public void SerializeOverride(string filename)
      // Create an XmlSerializer instance.
      XmlSerializer ser = CreateSoapOverrider();

      // Create the object and serialize it.
      Transportation myTransportation = 
      new Transportation();

      myTransportation.Vehicle = "MyCar";
      myTransportation.thing = new Thing();

      XmlTextWriter writer = 
      new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
      writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
      ser.Serialize(writer, myTransportation);
   public void SerializeObject(string filename){
      // Create an XmlSerializer instance.
      XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Transportation));
      Transportation myTransportation = 
      new Transportation();
      myTransportation.Vehicle = "MyCar";
      myTransportation.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
      myTransportation.thing = new Thing();
      XmlTextWriter writer = 
      new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
      writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;
      ser.Serialize(writer, myTransportation);

#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Text;

__gc public class Thing
   String* ThingName;

__gc public class Transportation
   // The SoapElementAttribute specifies that the
   // generated XML element name will be S"Wheels"
   // instead of S"Vehicle".
   String* Vehicle;

   [SoapElement(DataType = S"dateTime")]
   DateTime CreationDate;

   [SoapElement(IsNullable = true)]
   Thing * thing;

__gc public class Test
   // Return an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
   XmlSerializer * CreateSoapOverrider() 
      // Create the SoapAttributes and SoapAttributeOverrides objects.
      SoapAttributes* soapAttrs = new SoapAttributes();

      SoapAttributeOverrides* soapOverrides = new SoapAttributeOverrides();

      // Create an SoapElementAttribute to the Vehicles property.
      SoapElementAttribute* soapElement1 = new SoapElementAttribute(S"Truck");

      // Set the SoapElement to the Object*.
      soapAttrs -> SoapElement= soapElement1;

      // Add the SoapAttributes to the SoapAttributeOverrides,specifying the member to.
      soapOverrides -> Add(__typeof(Transportation), S"Vehicle", soapAttrs);

      // Create the XmlSerializer, and return it.
      XmlTypeMapping * myTypeMapping = (new SoapReflectionImporter
         (soapOverrides)) -> ImportTypeMapping(__typeof(Transportation));
      return new XmlSerializer(myTypeMapping);

   void SerializeOverride(String* filename) 
      // Create an XmlSerializer instance.
      XmlSerializer * ser = CreateSoapOverrider();

      // Create the Object* and serialize it.
      Transportation* myTransportation = new Transportation();

      myTransportation -> Vehicle = S"MyCar";
      myTransportation -> CreationDate=DateTime::Now;
      myTransportation -> thing = new Thing();

      XmlTextWriter* writer = new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding::UTF8);
      writer -> Formatting = Formatting::Indented;
      writer -> WriteStartElement(S"wrapper");
      ser -> Serialize(writer, myTransportation);
      writer -> WriteEndElement();
      writer -> Close();

   void SerializeObject(String* filename) 
      // Create an XmlSerializer instance.
      XmlSerializer* ser = new XmlSerializer(__typeof(Transportation));
      Transportation* myTransportation = new Transportation();
      myTransportation -> Vehicle = S"MyCar";
      myTransportation -> CreationDate = DateTime::Now;
      myTransportation -> thing = new Thing();
      XmlTextWriter* writer = new XmlTextWriter(filename, Encoding::UTF8);
      writer -> Formatting = Formatting::Indented;
      writer -> WriteStartElement(S"wrapper");
      ser -> Serialize(writer, myTransportation);
      writer -> WriteEndElement();
      writer -> Close();

int main() 
   Test* t = new Test();
   t -> SerializeObject(S"SoapElementOriginal.xml");
   t -> SerializeOverride(S"SoapElementOverride.xml");
   Console::WriteLine(S"Finished writing two XML files.");

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ


SoapAttributes クラス | SoapAttributes メンバ | System.Xml.Serialization 名前空間 | XmlAttributes | エンコード済み SOAP シリアル化を制御する属性 | XML シリアル化を使用した SOAP メッセージの生成