
Type.GetFields メソッド

現在の Type のフィールドを取得します。


現在の Type のすべてのパブリック フィールドを返します。

.NET Compact Framework でもサポート。

[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Function GetFields() As FieldInfo()

[C#] public FieldInfo[] GetFields();

[C++] public: FieldInfo* GetFields() [];

[JScript] public function GetFields() : FieldInfo[];

派生クラスによってオーバーライドされた場合、指定したバインディング制約を使用して、現在の Type に対して定義されているフィールドを検索します。

.NET Compact Framework でもサポート。

[Visual Basic] Overloads Public MustOverride Function GetFields(BindingFlags) As FieldInfo() Implements IReflect.GetFields

[C#] public abstract FieldInfo[] GetFields(BindingFlags);

[C++] public: virtual FieldInfo* GetFields(BindingFlags) [] = 0;

[JScript] public abstract function GetFields(BindingFlags) : FieldInfo[];


GetFields(BindingFlags) メソッドを使用する例を次に示します。

Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Class AttributesSample

    Public Sub Mymethod(ByVal int1m As Integer, ByRef str2m As String, ByRef str3m As String)
        str2m = "in Mymethod"
    End Sub 'Mymethod

    Public Shared Function Main(ByVal args() As String) As Integer
        Console.WriteLine("Reflection.MethodBase.Attributes Sample")

        ' Get the type.
        Dim MyType As Type = Type.GetType("AttributesSample")

        ' Get the method Mymethod on the type.
        Dim Mymethodbase As MethodBase = MyType.GetMethod("Mymethod")

        ' Display the method name.
        Console.WriteLine("Mymethodbase = {0}.", Mymethodbase)

        ' Get the MethodAttribute enumerated value.
        Dim Myattributes As MethodAttributes = Mymethodbase.Attributes

        ' Display the flags that are set.
        PrintAttributes(GetType(System.Reflection.MethodAttributes), CInt(Myattributes))
        Return 0
    End Function 'Main

    Public Shared Sub PrintAttributes(ByVal attribType As Type, ByVal iAttribValue As Integer)
        If Not attribType.IsEnum Then
            Console.WriteLine("This type is not an enum.")
        End If
        Dim fields As FieldInfo() = attribType.GetFields((BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Static))
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To fields.Length - 1
            Dim fieldvalue As Integer = CType(fields(i).GetValue(Nothing), Int32)
            If (fieldvalue And iAttribValue) = fieldvalue Then
            End If
        Next i
    End Sub 'PrintAttributes
End Class 'AttributesSample


using System;
using System.Reflection;
class AttributesSample
    public void Mymethod (int int1m, out string str2m, ref string str3m)
        str2m = "in Mymethod";
    public static int Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine ("Reflection.MethodBase.Attributes Sample");
        // Get the type.
        Type MyType = Type.GetType("AttributesSample");
        // Get the method Mymethod on the type.
        MethodBase Mymethodbase = MyType.GetMethod("Mymethod");
        // Display the method name.
        Console.WriteLine("Mymethodbase = " + Mymethodbase);
        // Get the MethodAttribute enumerated value.
        MethodAttributes Myattributes = Mymethodbase.Attributes;
        // Display the flags that are set.
        PrintAttributes(typeof(System.Reflection.MethodAttributes), (int) Myattributes);
        return 0;
    public static void PrintAttributes(Type attribType, int iAttribValue)
        if (!attribType.IsEnum)
            Console.WriteLine("This type is not an enum."); 
        FieldInfo[] fields = attribType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
        for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
            int fieldvalue = (Int32)fields[i].GetValue(null);
            if ((fieldvalue & iAttribValue) == fieldvalue)


#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;

public __gc class AttributesSample
    void Mymethod (int int1m, [Out] String** str2m, String** str3m)
        *str2m = S"in Mymethod";

void PrintAttributes(Type* attribType, int iAttribValue)
    if (!attribType->IsEnum)
        Console::WriteLine(S"This type is not an enum."); 

    FieldInfo* fields[] =
        attribType->GetFields(static_cast<BindingFlags>(BindingFlags::Public | BindingFlags::Static));
    for (int i = 0; i < fields->Length; i++)
        int fieldvalue = *dynamic_cast<Int32*>(fields[i]->GetValue(0));
        if ((fieldvalue & iAttribValue) == fieldvalue)

int main()
    Console::WriteLine (S"Reflection.MethodBase.Attributes Sample");

    // Get the type.
    Type* MyType = Type::GetType(S"AttributesSample");

    // Get the method Mymethod on the type.
    MethodBase* Mymethodbase = MyType->GetMethod(S"Mymethod");

    // Display the method name.
    Console::WriteLine(S"Mymethodbase = {0}", Mymethodbase);

    // Get the MethodAttribute enumerated value.
    MethodAttributes Myattributes = Mymethodbase->Attributes;

    // Display the flags that are set.
    PrintAttributes(__typeof(System::Reflection::MethodAttributes), (int) Myattributes);
    return 0;


 import System;
 import System.Reflection;
 class AttributesSample
    public function Mymethod (int1m : int) : void
    public static function Main() : void
       Console.WriteLine ("Reflection.MethodBase.Attributes Sample");
       // Get our type
       var MyType : Type = Type.GetType("AttributesSample");
       // Get the method Mymethod on our type
       var Mymethodbase : MethodBase = MyType.GetMethod("Mymethod");
       // Print out the method
       Console.WriteLine("Mymethodbase = " + Mymethodbase);
       // Get the MethodAttribute enumerated value
       var Myattributes : MethodAttributes = Mymethodbase.Attributes;
       // print out the flags set
       PrintAttributes( System.Reflection.MethodAttributes, int(Myattributes) );
    public static function PrintAttributes( attribType : Type, iAttribValue : int ) : void 
       if ( ! attribType.IsEnum ) { Console.WriteLine( "This type is not an enum" ); return; }
       var fields : FieldInfo[] = attribType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
       for ( var i:int = 0; i < fields.Length; i++ )
          var fieldvalue : int = int(fields[i].GetValue(null));
          if ( (fieldvalue & iAttribValue) == fieldvalue )
             Console.WriteLine( "\t" + fields[i].Name );
 This code produces the following output:
Reflection.MethodBase.Attributes Sample
Mymethodbase = Void Mymethod(Int32)


Type クラス | Type メンバ | System 名前空間