
GregorianCalendar コンストラクタ ()

既定の GregorianCalendarTypes 値を使用して、GregorianCalendar クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。

名前空間: System.Globalization
アセンブリ: mscorlib (mscorlib.dll 内)


Public Sub New
Dim instance As New GregorianCalendar
public GregorianCalendar ()
GregorianCalendar ()
public GregorianCalendar ()
public function GregorianCalendar ()


既定の GregorianCalendarTypes 値は Localized です。CultureInfoDateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar プロパティがこのコンストラクタで作成した GregorianCalendar に設定されている場合、日付と時刻は CultureInfo に関連付けられている言語でローカライズされます。


ローカライズされた GregorianCalendar を使用して DateTime を出力するコードの例を次に示します。

Imports System
Imports System.Globalization

Public Class SamplesGregorianCalendar

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes three different CultureInfo.
      Dim myCIarSA As New CultureInfo("ar-SA", False)
      Dim myCIdeDE As New CultureInfo("de-DE", False)
      Dim myCIenUS As New CultureInfo("en-US", False)
      Dim myCIfrFR As New CultureInfo("fr-FR", False)

      ' Creates a Localized GregorianCalendar.
      ' GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized is the default when using the GregorianCalendar constructor without parameters.
      Dim myCal = New GregorianCalendar()

      ' Sets the DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar property to a Localized GregorianCalendar.
      ' Localized GregorianCalendar is the default calendar for de-DE, en-US, and fr-FR,
      myCIarSA.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = myCal

      ' Creates a DateTime.
      Dim myDT As New DateTime(2002, 1, 3, 13, 30, 45)

      ' Displays the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine("ar-SA: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIarSA))
      Console.WriteLine("de-DE: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIdeDE))
      Console.WriteLine("en-US: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIenUS))
      Console.WriteLine("fr-FR: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIfrFR))

   End Sub 'Main 

End Class 'SamplesGregorianCalendar

'This code produces the following output. The question marks take the place of native script characters.
'ar-SA: 03 ?????, 2002 01:30:45 ?
'de-DE: Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2002 13:30:45
'en-US: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:30:45 PM
'fr-FR: jeudi 3 janvier 2002 13:30:45
using System;
using System.Globalization;

public class SamplesGregorianCalendar  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes three different CultureInfo.
      CultureInfo myCIarSA = new CultureInfo("ar-SA", false);
      CultureInfo myCIdeDE = new CultureInfo("de-DE", false);
      CultureInfo myCIenUS = new CultureInfo("en-US", false);
      CultureInfo myCIfrFR = new CultureInfo("fr-FR", false);

      // Creates a Localized GregorianCalendar.
      // GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized is the default when using the GregorianCalendar constructor without parameters.
      Calendar myCal = new GregorianCalendar();

      // Sets the DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar property to a Localized GregorianCalendar.
      // Localized GregorianCalendar is the default calendar for de-DE, en-US, and fr-FR,
      myCIarSA.DateTimeFormat.Calendar = myCal;

      // Creates a DateTime.
      DateTime myDT = new DateTime( 2002, 1, 3, 13, 30, 45 );

      // Displays the DateTime.
      Console.WriteLine( "ar-SA: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIarSA ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "de-DE: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIdeDE ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "en-US: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIenUS ) );
      Console.WriteLine( "fr-FR: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIfrFR ) );



This code produces the following output. The question marks take the place of native script characters.

ar-SA: 03 ?????, 2002 01:30:45 ?
de-DE: Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2002 13:30:45
en-US: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:30:45 PM
fr-FR: jeudi 3 janvier 2002 13:30:45

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
int main()
   // Creates and initializes three different CultureInfo.
   CultureInfo^ myCIarSA = gcnew CultureInfo( "ar-SA",false );
   CultureInfo^ myCIdeDE = gcnew CultureInfo( "de-DE",false );
   CultureInfo^ myCIenUS = gcnew CultureInfo( "en-US",false );
   CultureInfo^ myCIfrFR = gcnew CultureInfo( "fr-FR",false );
   // Creates a Localized GregorianCalendar.
   // GregorianCalendarTypes::Localized is the default when using the GregorianCalendar constructor with->Item[Out] parameters.
   Calendar^ myCal = gcnew GregorianCalendar;
   // Sets the DateTimeFormatInfo::Calendar property to a Localized GregorianCalendar.
   // Localized GregorianCalendar is the default calendar for de-DE, en-US, and fr-FR,
   myCIarSA->DateTimeFormat->Calendar = myCal;
   // Creates a DateTime.
   DateTime myDT = DateTime(2002,1,3,13,30,45);
   // Displays the DateTime.
   Console::WriteLine( "ar-SA: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIarSA ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "de-DE: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIdeDE ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "en-US: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIenUS ) );
   Console::WriteLine( "fr-FR: {0}", myDT.ToString( "F", myCIfrFR ) );

This code produces the following output. The question marks take the place of native script characters.

ar-SA: 03 ?????, 2002 01:30:45 ?
de-DE: Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2002 13:30:45
en-US: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:30:45 PM
fr-FR: jeudi 3 janvier 2002 13:30:45

import System.* ;
import System.Globalization.* ;

public class SamplesGregorianCalendar
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creates and initializes three different CultureInfo.
        CultureInfo myCIarSA =  new CultureInfo("ar-SA", false);
        CultureInfo myCIdeDE =  new CultureInfo("de-DE", false);
        CultureInfo myCIenUS =  new CultureInfo("en-US", false);
        CultureInfo myCIfrFR =  new CultureInfo("fr-FR", false);

        // Creates a Localized GregorianCalendar.
        // GregorianCalendarTypes.Localized is the default when using the
        // GregorianCalendar constructor without parameters.
        Calendar myCal = new GregorianCalendar();

        // Sets the DateTimeFormatInfo.Calendar property to a 
        // Localized GregorianCalendar.
        // Localized GregorianCalendar is the default calendar for
        // de-DE, en-US, and fr-FR,
        myCIarSA.get_DateTimeFormat().set_Calendar( myCal);

        // Creates a DateTime.
        DateTime myDT =  new DateTime(2002, 1, 3, 13, 30, 45);

        // Displays the DateTime.
        Console.WriteLine("ar-SA: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIarSA));
        Console.WriteLine("de-DE: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIdeDE));
        Console.WriteLine("en-US: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIenUS));
        Console.WriteLine("fr-FR: {0}", myDT.ToString("F", myCIfrFR));
    } //main 
} //SamplesGregorianCalendar

This code produces the following output. The question marks take the place 
    of native script characters.

ar-SA: 03 ?????, 2002 01:30:45 ?
de-DE: Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2002 13:30:45
en-US: Thursday, January 03, 2002 1:30:45 PM
fr-FR: jeudi 3 janvier 2002 13:30:45


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

開発プラットフォームの中には、.NET Framework によってサポートされていないバージョンがあります。サポートされているバージョンについては、「システム要件」を参照してください。


.NET Framework

サポート対象 : 2.0、1.1、1.0

.NET Compact Framework

サポート対象 : 2.0、1.0



GregorianCalendar クラス
GregorianCalendar メンバ
System.Globalization 名前空間