IObjectReference.GetRealObject メソッド
Function GetRealObject( _
ByVal context As StreamingContext _) As Object
object GetRealObject(
Object* GetRealObject(
function GetRealObject(
context : StreamingContext) : Object;
- context
現在のオブジェクトの逆シリアル化元である StreamingContext 。
例外の種類 | 条件 |
SecurityException | 呼び出し元に、必要なアクセス許可がありません。 |
このメソッドは、実際のオブジェクトではなく、プロキシ作成オブジェクトをシリアル化するリモート処理の場合に役に立ちます。プロキシ作成オブジェクトが逆シリアル化されると、逆シリアル化によってそのオブジェクトの GetRealObject メソッドが呼び出されます。この時点で、プロキシ作成オブジェクトは、元の実際のオブジェクト (リモート コンピュータ上にある可能性がある) まで参照するプロキシ オブジェクトの新しいインスタンスを作成します。最後に、プロキシ作成オブジェクトは破棄され、後でガベージ コレクションでクリアされます。
Type オブジェクトをシリアル化する方法を例に説明します。 Type オブジェクトからデータが送信されるのではなく、型オブジェクトの名前、および IObjectReference を実装しているオブジェクト内で検索されるアセンブリについての情報を持つホルダ オブジェクトが、システムによって送信されます。型名とアセンブリ名の両方が使用できる場合は、逆シリアル化インフラストラクチャが送信済みのホルダ オブジェクトに GetRealObject を呼び出します。このホルダは、グラフに挿入される Type オブジェクトを返します。
このメソッドは、 SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter が指定された SecurityPermission に関して SecurityAction.LinkDemand によって保護されています。
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
' There should be only one instance of this type per AppDomain.
<Serializable()> Public NotInheritable Class Singleton
Implements ISerializable
' This is the one instance of this type.
Private Shared ReadOnly theOneObject As New Singleton
' Here are the instance fields.
Public someString As String
Public someNumber As Int32
' Private constructor allowing this type to construct the Singleton.
Private Sub New()
' Do whatever is necessary to initialize the Singleton.
someString = "This is a string field"
someNumber = 123
End Sub
' A method returning a reference to the Singleton.
Public Shared Function GetSingleton() As Singleton
Return theOneObject
End Function
' A method called when serializing a Singleton.
Private Sub GetObjectData(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _
ByVal context As StreamingContext) _
Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData
' Instead of serializing this object, we will
' serialize a SingletonSerializationHelp instead.
' No other values need to be added.
End Sub
' Note: ISerializable's special constructor is not necessary
' because it is never called.
End Class
<Serializable()> Friend NotInheritable Class SingletonSerializationHelper
Implements IObjectReference
' This object has no fields (although it could).
' GetRealObject is called after this object is deserialized.
Public Function GetRealObject(ByVal context As StreamingContext) As Object Implements IObjectReference.GetRealObject
' When deserialiing this object, return a reference to
' the Singleton object instead.
Return Singleton.GetSingleton()
End Function
End Class
Class App
<STAThread()> Shared Sub Main()
Dim fs As New FileStream("DataFile.dat", FileMode.Create)
' Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it
' to serialize the data to the stream.
Dim formatter As New BinaryFormatter
' Create an array with multiple elements refering to
' the one Singleton object.
Dim a1() As Singleton = {Singleton.GetSingleton(), Singleton.GetSingleton()}
' This displays "True".
Console.WriteLine("Do both array elements refer to the same object? " & _
Object.ReferenceEquals(a1(0), a1(1)))
' Serialize the array elements.
formatter.Serialize(fs, a1)
' Deserialize the array elements.
fs.Position = 0
Dim a2() As Singleton = DirectCast(formatter.Deserialize(fs), Singleton())
' This displays "True".
Console.WriteLine("Do both array elements refer to the same object? " & _
Object.ReferenceEquals(a2(0), a2(1)))
' This displays "True".
Console.WriteLine("Do all array elements refer to the same object? " & _
Object.ReferenceEquals(a1(0), a2(0)))
Catch e As SerializationException
Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize. Reason: " & e.Message)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
// There should be only one instance of this type per AppDomain.
public sealed class Singleton : ISerializable
// This is the one instance of this type.
private static readonly Singleton theOneObject = new Singleton();
// Here are the instance fields.
public String someString;
public Int32 someNumber;
// Private constructor allowing this type to construct the Singleton.
private Singleton()
// Do whatever is necessary to initialize the Singleton.
someString = "This is a string field";
someNumber = 123;
// A method returning a reference to the Singleton.
public static Singleton GetSingleton()
return theOneObject;
// A method called when serializing a Singleton.
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(
SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
// Instead of serializing this object,
// serialize a SingletonSerializationHelp instead.
// No other values need to be added.
// Note: ISerializable's special constructor is not necessary
// because it is never called.
internal sealed class SingletonSerializationHelper : IObjectReference
// This object has no fields (although it could).
// GetRealObject is called after this object is deserialized.
public Object GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
// When deserialiing this object, return a reference to
// the Singleton object instead.
return Singleton.GetSingleton();
class App
static void Main()
FileStream fs = new FileStream("DataFile.dat", FileMode.Create);
// Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it
// to serialize the data to the stream.
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
// Create an array with multiple elements refering to
// the one Singleton object.
Singleton[] a1 = { Singleton.GetSingleton(), Singleton.GetSingleton() };
// This displays "True".
"Do both array elements refer to the same object? " +
(a1[0] == a1[1]));
// Serialize the array elements.
formatter.Serialize(fs, a1);
// Deserialize the array elements.
fs.Position = 0;
Singleton[] a2 = (Singleton[]) formatter.Deserialize(fs);
// This displays "True".
Console.WriteLine("Do both array elements refer to the same object? "
+ (a2[0] == a2[1]));
// This displays "True".
Console.WriteLine("Do all array elements refer to the same object? "
+ (a1[0] == a2[0]));
catch (SerializationException e)
Console.WriteLine("Failed to serialize. Reason: " + e.Message);
#using <mscorlib.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Binary;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
private __sealed __gc class SingletonSerializationHelper;
// There should be only one instance of this type per AppDomain.
public __sealed __gc class Singleton : public ISerializable
// This is the one instance of this type.
static Singleton* theOneObject = new Singleton();
// Here are the instance fields.
String* someString;
Int32 someNumber;
// Private constructor allowing this type to construct the singleton.
// Do whatever is necessary to initialize the singleton.
someString = S"This is a String* field";
someNumber = 123;
// A method returning a reference to the singleton.
static Singleton* GetSingleton()
return theOneObject;
// A method called when serializing a Singleton.
void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo* info, StreamingContext context)
// Instead of serializing this Object*, we will
// serialize a SingletonSerializationHelp instead.
// No other values need to be added.
// NOTE: ISerializable*'s special constructor is NOT necessary
// because it's never called
private __sealed __gc class SingletonSerializationHelper : public IObjectReference
// This Object* has no fields (although it could).
// GetRealObject is called after this Object* is deserialized
Object* GetRealObject(StreamingContext context)
// When deserialiing this Object*, return a reference to
// the singleton Object* instead.
return Singleton::GetSingleton();
int main()
FileStream* fs = new FileStream(S"DataFile.dat", FileMode::Create);
// Construct a BinaryFormatter and use it
// to serialize the data to the stream.
BinaryFormatter* formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
// Create an array with multiple elements refering to
// the one Singleton Object*.
Singleton* a1[] = { Singleton::GetSingleton(), Singleton::GetSingleton() };
// This displays S"True".
Console::WriteLine(S"Do both array elements refer to the same Object? {0}", __box((a1->Item[0] == a1->Item[1])));
// Serialize the array elements.
formatter->Serialize(fs, a1);
// Deserialize the array elements.
fs->Position = 0;
Singleton* a2[] = (Singleton* __gc[]) formatter->Deserialize(fs);
// This displays S"True".
Console::WriteLine(S"Do both array elements refer to the same Object? {0}", __box((a2->Item[0] == a2->Item[1])));
// This displays S"True".
Console::WriteLine(S"Do all array elements refer to the same Object? {0}", __box((a1->Item[0] == a2->Item[0])));
catch (SerializationException* e)
Console::WriteLine(S"Failed to serialize. Reason: {0}", e->Message);
return 0;
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ
IObjectReference インターフェイス | IObjectReference メンバ | System.Runtime.Serialization 名前空間