
AppDomain.SetCachePath メソッド

指定したディレクトリ パスを、アセンブリのシャドウ コピー先として設定します。

Public Overridable Sub SetCachePath( _
   ByVal path As String _) Implements _AppDomain.SetCachePath
public virtual void SetCachePath(stringpath);
public: virtual void SetCachePath(String* path);
public function SetCachePath(
   path : String);


  • path
    シャドウ コピー先の絶対パス。




例外の種類 条件
AppDomainUnloadedException 操作が、アンロードされたアプリケーション ドメインで試行されています。
SecurityException 呼び出し元に、正しいアクセス許可がありません。要件のセクションを参照してください。


Imports System
Imports System.Security.Policy
 'for evidence object

Class ADShadowCopy
   'Entry point which delegates to C-style main Private Function
   ' Public Overloads Shared Sub Main()
    '  Main(System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs())
   ' End Sub
   Public Overloads Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
      Dim setup As New AppDomainSetup()
      ' Shadow copying will not work unless the application has a name.
      setup.ApplicationName = "MyApplication"
      'Create evidence for the new application domain from evidence of
      ' current application domain.
      Dim adevidence As Evidence = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence
      ' Create a new application domain.
      Dim domain As AppDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyDomain", adevidence, setup)
      ' MyAssembly.dll is located in the Assemblies subdirectory.
      ' MyOtherAssembly.dll and MyThirdAssembly.dll are located in the
      ' MoreAssemblies subdirectory.
      ' Display the relative search path.
      Console.WriteLine(("RelativeSearchPath: " + domain.RelativeSearchPath))
      ' Because Load returns an Assembly object, the assemblies must be
      ' loaded into the current domain as well. This will fail unless the
      ' current domain also has these directories in its search path.
      ' Save shadow copies to C:\Cache
      ' Shadow copy only the assemblies in the Assemblies directory.
      domain.SetShadowCopyPath((domain.BaseDirectory + "Assemblies"))
      ' Turn shadow copying on.
      ' This will be copied.
      ' You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here. 
      domain.Load("Assembly1 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken")
      ' This will not be copied.
      ' You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here. 
      domain.Load("Assembly2 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken")
      ' When the shadow copy path is cleared, the CLR will make shadow copies
      ' of all private assemblies.
      ' MoreAssemblies\MyThirdAssembly.dll should be shadow copied this time.
      ' You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here.
      domain.Load("Assembly3 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken")
      ' Unload the domain.
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'ADShadowCopy

using System;
using System.Security.Policy;  //for evidence object
namespace AppDomainSnippets
    class ADShadowCopy
        static void Main(string[] args)

            AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
            // Shadow copying will not work unless the application has a name.
            setup.ApplicationName = "MyApplication";

            //Create evidence for the new application domain from evidence of
            // current application domain.
            Evidence adevidence = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence;
            // Create a new application domain.
            AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("MyDomain", adevidence, setup);
            // MyAssembly.dll is located in the Assemblies subdirectory.
            // MyOtherAssembly.dll and MyThirdAssembly.dll are located in the
            // MoreAssemblies subdirectory.
            // Display the relative search path.
            Console.WriteLine("RelativeSearchPath: " + domain.RelativeSearchPath);
            // Because Load returns an Assembly object, the assemblies must be
            // loaded into the current domain as well. This will fail unless the
            // current domain also has these directories in its search path.
            // Save shadow copies to C:\Cache
            // Shadow copy only the assemblies in the Assemblies directory.
            domain.SetShadowCopyPath(domain.BaseDirectory + "Assemblies");
            // Turn shadow copying on.
            // This will be copied.
            // You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here. 
            domain.Load("Assembly1 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");
            // This will not be copied.
            // You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here. 
            domain.Load("Assembly2 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");
            // When the shadow copy path is cleared, the CLR will make shadow copies
            // of all private assemblies.
            // MoreAssemblies\MyThirdAssembly.dll should be shadow copied this time.
            // You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here.
            domain.Load("Assembly3 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");
            // Unload the domain.

#using <mscorlib.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Security::Policy;  //for evidence Object*

int main() {

   AppDomainSetup* setup = new AppDomainSetup();
   // Shadow copying will not work unless the application has a name.
   setup->ApplicationName = S"MyApplication";

   //Create evidence for the new application domain from evidence of
   // current application domain.
   Evidence* adevidence = AppDomain::CurrentDomain->Evidence;

   // Create a new application domain.
   AppDomain*  domain = AppDomain::CreateDomain(S"MyDomain", adevidence, setup);

   // MyAssembly.dll is located in the Assemblies subdirectory.
   // MyOtherAssembly.dll and MyThirdAssembly.dll are located in the
   // MoreAssemblies subdirectory.
   // Display the relative search path.
   Console::WriteLine(S"RelativeSearchPath: {0}", domain->RelativeSearchPath);
   // Because Load returns an Assembly Object*, the assemblies must be
   // loaded into the current domain as well. This will fail unless the
   // current domain also has these directories in its search path.

   // Save shadow copies to C:\Cache
   // Shadow copy only the assemblies in the Assemblies directory.
   domain->SetShadowCopyPath(String::Concat(domain->BaseDirectory, S"Assemblies"));
   // Turn shadow copying on.

   // This will be copied.
   // You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here.
   domain->Load(S"Assembly1 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");
   // This will not be copied.
   // You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here.
   domain->Load(S"Assembly2 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");

   // When the shadow copy path is cleared, the CLR will make shadow copies
   // of all private assemblies.
   // MoreAssemblies\MyThirdAssembly.dll should be shadow copied this time.
   // You must supply a valid fully qualified assembly name here.
   domain->Load(S"Assembly3 text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");

   // Unload the domain.

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ

.NET Framework セキュリティ:


AppDomain クラス | AppDomain メンバ | System 名前空間 | CachePath