
SystemInformation.MonitorsSameDisplayFormat プロパティ

すべてのディスプレイ モニタで同じピクセル色形式が使用されているかどうかを示す値を取得します。

名前空間: System.Windows.Forms
アセンブリ: System.Windows.Forms (system.windows.forms.dll 内)


Public Shared ReadOnly Property MonitorsSameDisplayFormat As Boolean
Dim value As Boolean

value = SystemInformation.MonitorsSameDisplayFormat
public static bool MonitorsSameDisplayFormat { get; }
static property bool MonitorsSameDisplayFormat {
    bool get ();
/** @property */
public static boolean get_MonitorsSameDisplayFormat ()
public static function get MonitorsSameDisplayFormat () : boolean


すべてのモニタのピクセル色形式が同じ場合は true。それ以外の場合は false


MonitorsSameDisplayFormat は、オペレーティング システムが現在認識しているすべてのモニタで同じピクセル色形式が使用されているかどうかを示します。

ピクセル形式は、ピクセルの色と明るさの情報をエンコードするために使用するデータ構造を定義します。PixelFormat 列挙体は、標準のピクセル色形式のセットを示します。ピクセル値にはいろいろなエンコード形式があり、カラー値の範囲やビット精度、およびピクセル データ形式の構造内におけるビットの配列は、エンコード形式によって異なります。


2 つのディスプレイのビット数が同じでも、カラー形式は異なる場合があります。


このプロパティは、Windows 98、Windows Millennium Edition、Windows 2000、Windows XP、および Windows Server 2003 ファミリでのみサポートされています。


次のコード例では、SystemInformation クラスのすべてのプロパティを ListBox に一覧表示し、リスト項目が選択されると、TextBox に現在のプロパティ値を表示します。

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Public Class SystemInfoBrowserForm
    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
    Private listBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
    Private textBox1 As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox  
    Public Sub New()
        ' Add each property of the SystemInformation class to the list box.
        Dim t As Type = GetType(System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation)
        Dim pi As PropertyInfo() = t.GetProperties()
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To pi.Length - 1
        Next i
        textBox1.Text = "The SystemInformation class has " + pi.Length.ToString() + " properties." + ControlChars.CrLf
        ' Configure the list item selected handler for the list box to invoke a 
        ' method that displays the value of each property.
        AddHandler listBox1.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged
    End Sub    
    Private Sub listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
        ' Return if no list item is selected.
        If listBox1.SelectedIndex = - 1 Then
        End If         
        ' Get the property name from the list item.
        Dim propname As String = listBox1.Text
        If propname = "PowerStatus" Then
            ' Cycle and display the values of each property of the PowerStatus property.
            textBox1.Text += ControlChars.CrLf + "The value of the PowerStatus property is:"
            Dim t As Type = GetType(System.Windows.Forms.PowerStatus)
            Dim pi As PropertyInfo() = t.GetProperties()
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To pi.Length - 1
                Dim propval As Object = pi(i).GetValue(SystemInformation.PowerStatus, Nothing)
                textBox1.Text += ControlChars.CrLf + "    PowerStatus." + pi(i).Name + " is: " + propval.ToString()
            Next i
            ' Display the value of the selected property of the SystemInformation type.
            Dim t As Type = GetType(System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation)
            Dim pi As PropertyInfo() = t.GetProperties()
            Dim prop As PropertyInfo = Nothing
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To pi.Length - 1
                If pi(i).Name = propname Then
                    prop = pi(i)
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
            Dim propval As Object = prop.GetValue(Nothing, Nothing)
            textBox1.Text += ControlChars.CrLf + "The value of the " + propname + " property is: " + propval.ToString()
        End If
    End Sub    
    Private Sub InitForm()
        ' Initialize the form settings
        Me.listBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.ListBox()
        Me.textBox1 = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox()
        Me.listBox1.Anchor = CType(System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right, System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
        Me.listBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(8, 16)
        Me.listBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(172, 496)
        Me.listBox1.TabIndex = 0
        Me.textBox1.Anchor = CType(System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom Or System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right, System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)
        Me.textBox1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(188, 16)
        Me.textBox1.Multiline = True
        Me.textBox1.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical
        Me.textBox1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(420, 496)
        Me.textBox1.TabIndex = 1
        Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(616, 525)
        Me.Text = "Select a SystemInformation property to get the value of"
    End Sub
    <STAThread()>  _
    Shared Sub Main()
        Application.Run(New SystemInfoBrowserForm())
    End Sub

End Class
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace SystemInfoBrowser
    public class SystemInfoBrowserForm : System.Windows.Forms.Form
        private System.Windows.Forms.ListBox listBox1;
        private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1;        
        public SystemInfoBrowserForm()
            // Add each property of the SystemInformation class to the list box.
            Type t = typeof(System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation);            
            PropertyInfo[] pi = t.GetProperties();            
            for( int i=0; i<pi.Length; i++ )
                listBox1.Items.Add( pi[i].Name );            
            textBox1.Text = "The SystemInformation class has "+pi.Length.ToString()+" properties.\r\n";

            // Configure the list item selected handler for the list box to invoke a 
            // method that displays the value of each property.
            listBox1.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged);
        private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Return if no list item is selected.
            if( listBox1.SelectedIndex == -1 ) return;
            // Get the property name from the list item.
            string propname = listBox1.Text;
            if( propname == "PowerStatus" )
                // Cycle and display the values of each property of the PowerStatus property.
                textBox1.Text += "\r\nThe value of the PowerStatus property is:";                                
                Type t = typeof(System.Windows.Forms.PowerStatus);
                PropertyInfo[] pi = t.GetProperties();            
                for( int i=0; i<pi.Length; i++ )
                    object propval = pi[i].GetValue(SystemInformation.PowerStatus, null);            
                    textBox1.Text += "\r\n    PowerStatus."+pi[i].Name+" is: "+propval.ToString();
                // Display the value of the selected property of the SystemInformation type.
                Type t = typeof(System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation);
                PropertyInfo[] pi = t.GetProperties();            
                PropertyInfo prop = null;
                for( int i=0; i<pi.Length; i++ )
                    if( pi[i].Name == propname )
                        prop = pi[i];
                object propval = prop.GetValue(null, null);            
                textBox1.Text += "\r\nThe value of the "+propname+" property is: "+propval.ToString();

        private void InitForm()
            // Initialize the form settings
            this.listBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox();
            this.textBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();            
            this.listBox1.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) 
                | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left) | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
            this.listBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 16);
            this.listBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(172, 496);
            this.listBox1.TabIndex = 0;            
            this.textBox1.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)(((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Top | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom) 
                | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
            this.textBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(188, 16);
            this.textBox1.Multiline = true;
            this.textBox1.ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.Vertical;           
            this.textBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(420, 496);
            this.textBox1.TabIndex = 1;            
            this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(616, 525);            
            this.Text = "Select a SystemInformation property to get the value of";                   

        static void Main() 
            Application.Run(new SystemInfoBrowserForm());
#using <System.Windows.Forms.dll>
#using <System.Drawing.dll>
#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::ComponentModel;
using namespace System::Drawing;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Windows::Forms;
public ref class SystemInfoBrowserForm: public System::Windows::Forms::Form
   System::Windows::Forms::ListBox^ listBox1;
   System::Windows::Forms::TextBox^ textBox1;

      // Add each property of the SystemInformation class to the list box.
      Type^ t = System::Windows::Forms::SystemInformation::typeid;
      array<PropertyInfo^>^pi = t->GetProperties();
      for ( int i = 0; i < pi->Length; i++ )
         listBox1->Items->Add( pi[ i ]->Name );
      textBox1->Text = String::Format( "The SystemInformation class has {0} properties.\r\n", pi->Length );
      // Configure the list item selected handler for the list box to invoke a 
      // method that displays the value of each property.
      listBox1->SelectedIndexChanged += gcnew EventHandler( this, &SystemInfoBrowserForm::listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged );
      this->ResumeLayout( false );

   void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged( Object^ /*sender*/, EventArgs^ /*e*/ )
      // Return if no list item is selected.
      if ( listBox1->SelectedIndex == -1 )

      // Get the property name from the list item.
      String^ propname = listBox1->Text;
      if ( propname->Equals( "PowerStatus" ) )
         // Cycle and display the values of each property of the PowerStatus property.
         textBox1->Text = String::Concat( textBox1->Text, "\r\nThe value of the PowerStatus property is:" );
         Type^ t = System::Windows::Forms::PowerStatus::typeid;
         array<PropertyInfo^>^pi = t->GetProperties();
         for ( int i = 0; i < pi->Length; i++ )
            Object^ propval = pi[ i ]->GetValue( SystemInformation::PowerStatus, nullptr );
            textBox1->Text = String::Format( "{0}\r\n    PowerStatus.{1} is: {2}", textBox1->Text, pi[ i ]->Name, propval );

         // Display the value of the selected property of the SystemInformation type.
         Type^ t = System::Windows::Forms::SystemInformation::typeid;
         array<PropertyInfo^>^pi = t->GetProperties();
         PropertyInfo^ prop = nullptr;
         for ( int i = 0; i < pi->Length; i++ )
            if ( pi[ i ]->Name == propname )
               prop = pi[ i ];
         Object^ propval = prop->GetValue( nullptr, nullptr );
         textBox1->Text = String::Format( "{0}\r\nThe value of the {1} property is: {2}", textBox1->Text, propname, propval );

   void InitForm()
      // Initialize the form settings
      this->listBox1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::ListBox;
      this->textBox1 = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::TextBox;
      this->listBox1->Anchor = (System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles)(System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Left | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right);
      this->listBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 8, 16 );
      this->listBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 172, 496 );
      this->listBox1->TabIndex = 0;
      this->textBox1->Anchor = (System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles)(System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Top | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Bottom | System::Windows::Forms::AnchorStyles::Right);
      this->textBox1->Location = System::Drawing::Point( 188, 16 );
      this->textBox1->Multiline = true;
      this->textBox1->ScrollBars = System::Windows::Forms::ScrollBars::Vertical;
      this->textBox1->Size = System::Drawing::Size( 420, 496 );
      this->textBox1->TabIndex = 1;
      this->ClientSize = System::Drawing::Size( 616, 525 );
      this->Controls->Add( this->textBox1 );
      this->Controls->Add( this->listBox1 );
      this->Text = "Select a SystemInformation property to get the value of";


int main()
   Application::Run( gcnew SystemInfoBrowserForm );
package SystemInfoBrowser;

import System.*;
import System.Collections.*;
import System.ComponentModel.*;
import System.Drawing.*;
import System.Reflection.*;
import System.Windows.Forms.*;

public class SystemInfoBrowserForm extends System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private System.Windows.Forms.ListBox listBox1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.TextBox textBox1;

    public SystemInfoBrowserForm()
        // Add each property of the SystemInformation class to the list box.
        Type t = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.class.ToType();
        PropertyInfo pi[] = t.GetProperties();
        for (int i = 0; i < pi.length; i++) {
        textBox1.set_Text("The SystemInformation class has "
            + ((Int32)pi.length).ToString() + " properties.\r\n");
        // Configure the list item selected handler for the list box to invoke
        // a method that displays the value of each property.
            new EventHandler(listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged));
    } //SystemInfoBrowserForm

    private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Return if no list item is selected.
        if (listBox1.get_SelectedIndex() == -1) {
        // Get the property name from the list item.
        String propname = listBox1.get_Text();

        if (propname.Equals("PowerStatus")) {
            // Cycle and display the values of each property of the
            // PowerStatus property.
                + "\r\nThe value of the PowerStatus property is:");
            Type t = System.Windows.Forms.PowerStatus.class.ToType();
            PropertyInfo pi[] = t.GetProperties();
            for (int i = 0; i < pi.length; i++) {
                Object propval = pi[i].GetValue(
                    SystemInformation.get_PowerStatus(), null);
                    + "\r\n    PowerStatus." + pi[i].get_Name()
                    + " is: " + propval.ToString());
        else {
            // Display the value of the selected property of the
            // SystemInformation type.
            Type t = System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.class.ToType();
            PropertyInfo pi[] = t.GetProperties();
            PropertyInfo prop = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < pi.length; i++) {
                if (pi[i].get_Name().Equals(propname)) {
                    prop = pi[i];
            Object propval = prop.GetValue(null, null);
            textBox1.set_Text(textBox1.get_Text() + "\r\nThe value of the "
                + propname + " property is: " + propval.ToString());
    } //listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged

    private void InitForm()
        // Initialize the form settings
        this.listBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.ListBox();
        this.textBox1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox();
            | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom
            | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left
            | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right));
        this.listBox1.set_Location(new System.Drawing.Point(8, 16));
        this.listBox1.set_Size(new System.Drawing.Size(172, 496));
            | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom
            | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right));
        this.textBox1.set_Location(new System.Drawing.Point(188, 16));
        this.textBox1.set_Size(new System.Drawing.Size(420, 496));
        this.set_ClientSize(new System.Drawing.Size(616, 525));
        this.set_Text("Select a SystemInformation property to get the value of");
    } //InitForm

    /** @attribute STAThread()
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Application.Run(new SystemInfoBrowserForm());
    } //main
} //SystemInfoBrowserForm


Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

開発プラットフォームの中には、.NET Framework によってサポートされていないバージョンがあります。サポートされているバージョンについては、「システム要件」を参照してください。


.NET Framework

サポート対象 : 2.0、1.1、1.0



SystemInformation クラス
SystemInformation メンバ
System.Windows.Forms 名前空間
SystemInformation.MonitorCount プロパティ