
Interlocked.CompareExchange メソッド (Int32, Int32, Int32)

2 つの 32 ビット符号付き整数が等しいかどうかを比較します。等しい場合は、それらの値のいずれかを置き換えます。

Overloads Public Shared Function CompareExchange( _
   ByRef location1 As Integer, _   ByVal value As Integer, _   ByVal comparand As Integer _) As Integer
public static int CompareExchange(   ref intlocation1,intvalue,intcomparand);
public: static int CompareExchange(int* location1,intvalue,intcomparand);
public static function CompareExchange(
   location1 : int,value : int,comparand : int) : int;


  • location1
    comparand パラメータの値と比較され、置き換えられる可能性のある比較先の値。
  • value
  • comparand
    location1 パラメータと比較される値。


location1 パラメータの元の値。


comparandlocation1 が等しい場合、 value は格納先に格納されます。それ以外の場合は、操作が実行されません。比較操作および交換操作は、分割不可能な操作として実行されます。


' This example demonstrates a thread-safe method that adds to a
' running total.  It cannot be run directly.  You can compile it
' as a library, or add the class to a project.
Imports System.Threading

Public Class ThreadSafe
    ' Field totalValue contains a running total that can be updated
    ' by multiple threads. It must be protected from unsynchronized 
    ' access.
    Private totalValue As Integer = 0

    ' The Total property returns the running total.
    Public ReadOnly Property Total As Integer
            Return totalValue
        End Get
    End Property

    ' AddToTotal safely adds a value to the running total.
    Public Function AddToTotal(ByVal addend As Integer) As Integer
        Dim initialValue, computedValue As Integer
            ' Save the current running total in a local variable.
            initialValue = totalValue

            ' Add the new value to the running total.
            computedValue = initialValue + addend

            ' CompareExchange compares totalValue to initialValue. If
            ' they are not equal, then another thread has updated the
            ' running total since this loop started. CompareExchange
            ' does not update totalValue. CompareExchange returns the
            ' contents of totalValue, which do not equal initialValue,
            ' so the loop executes again.
        Loop While initialValue <> Interlocked.CompareExchange( _
            totalValue, computedValue, initialValue)
        ' If no other thread updated the running total, then 
        ' totalValue and initialValue are equal when CompareExchange
        ' compares them, and computedValue is stored in totalValue.
        ' CompareExchange returns the value that was in totalValue
        ' before the update, which is equal to initialValue, so the 
        ' loop ends.

        ' The function returns computedValue, not totalValue, because
        ' totalValue could be changed by another thread between
        ' the time the loop ends and the function returns.
        Return computedValue
    End Function
End Class

// This example demonstrates a thread-safe method that adds to a
// running total.  It cannot be run directly.  You can compile it
// as a library, or add the class to a project.
using System.Threading;

public class ThreadSafe {
    // totalValue contains a running total that can be updated
    // by multiple threads. It must be protected from unsynchronized 
    // access.
    private int totalValue = 0;

    // The Total property returns the running total.
    public int Total {
        get { return totalValue; }

    // AddToTotal safely adds a value to the running total.
    public int AddToTotal(int addend) {
        int initialValue, computedValue;
        do {
            // Save the current running total in a local variable.
            initialValue = totalValue;

            // Add the new value to the running total.
            computedValue = initialValue + addend;

            // CompareExchange compares totalValue to initialValue. If
            // they are not equal, then another thread has updated the
            // running total since this loop started. CompareExchange
            // does not update totalValue. CompareExchange returns the
            // contents of totalValue, which do not equal initialValue,
            // so the loop executes again.
        } while (initialValue != Interlocked.CompareExchange(
            ref totalValue, computedValue, initialValue));
        // If no other thread updated the running total, then 
        // totalValue and initialValue are equal when CompareExchange
        // compares them, and computedValue is stored in totalValue.
        // CompareExchange returns the value that was in totalValue
        // before the update, which is equal to initialValue, so the 
        // loop ends.

        // The function returns computedValue, not totalValue, because
        // totalValue could be changed by another thread between
        // the time the loop ends and the function returns.
        return computedValue;

// This example demonstrates a thread-safe method that adds to a
// running total.  It cannot be run directly.  You can compile it
// as a library, or add the class to a project.

#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <system.dll>

using namespace System::Threading;

public __gc class ThreadSafe 
    // totalValue contains a running total that can be updated
    // by multiple threads. It must be protected from unsynchronized 
    // access.
    int totalValue;

    // The Total property returns the running total.
    __property int get_Total()
        return totalValue;

    // AddToTotal safely adds a value to the running total.
    int AddToTotal(int addend) 
        int initialValue, computedValue;
            // Save the current running total in a local variable.
            initialValue = totalValue;

            // Add the new value to the running total.
            computedValue = initialValue + addend;

            // CompareExchange compares totalValue to initialValue. If
            // they are not equal, then another thread has updated the
            // running total since this loop started. CompareExchange
            // does not update totalValue. CompareExchange returns the
            // contents of totalValue, which do not equal initialValue,
            // so the loop executes again.
        while (initialValue != Interlocked::CompareExchange(&totalValue, computedValue, initialValue));
        // If no other thread updated the running total, then 
        // totalValue and initialValue are equal when CompareExchange
        // compares them, and computedValue is stored in totalValue.
        // CompareExchange returns the value that was in totalValue
        // before the update, which is equal to initialValue, so the 
        // loop ends.

        // The function returns computedValue, not totalValue, because
        // totalValue could be changed by another thread between
        // the time the loop ends and the function returns.
        return computedValue;

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プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ, .NET Compact Framework - Windows CE .NET, Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) Standard


Interlocked クラス | Interlocked メンバ | System.Threading 名前空間 | Interlocked.CompareExchange オーバーロードの一覧 | スレッド処理 | Interlocked