
TypeLoadException.GetObjectData メソッド

SerializationInfo オブジェクトに、クラス名、メソッド名、リソース ID、および追加例外情報を設定します。

Overrides Public Sub GetObjectData( _
   ByVal info As SerializationInfo, _   ByVal context As StreamingContext _) Implements ISerializable.GetObjectData
public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfoinfo,StreamingContextcontext);
public: void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo* info,StreamingContextcontext);
public override function GetObjectData(
   info : SerializationInfo,context : StreamingContext);


  • info
    シリアル化されたオブジェクト データを保持するオブジェクト。
  • context




例外の種類 条件
ArgumentNullException info オブジェクトが null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) です。


GetObjectData は、シリアル化する対象のすべての例外オブジェクト データを使用して、 SerializationInfo を設定します。逆シリアル化中に、ストリームで転送された SerializationInfo から例外オブジェクトが再構成されます。

詳細については、「 XML シリアル化および SOAP シリアル化 」を参照してください。


例外を生成し、例外データをファイルにシリアル化してから、その例外を再構築する例を次に示します。このコード例を実行するには、アセンブリの完全限定名を指定する必要があります。アセンブリの完全限定名を取得する方法については、「 アセンブリ名 」を参照してください。

Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization
Imports System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap
Imports System.IO

Class GetObjectDataDemo
   Inherits Attribute

   Public Shared Sub Main()
      ' Load the mscorlib assembly and get a reference to it.
      ' You must supply the fully qualified assembly name for mscorlib.dll here.
      Dim myAssembly As [Assembly] = [Assembly].Load("Assembly text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken")
         Console.WriteLine("Attempting to load a type not present in the assembly 'mscorlib'")
         ' This loading of invalid type raises a TypeLoadException
         Dim myType As Type = myAssembly.GetType("System.NonExistentType", True)
      ' Serialize the exception to disk and reconstitute it back again.
      ' Create MyTypeLoadException instance with current time.
      ' Serialize the MyTypeLoadException instance to a file.
      ' Deserialize and reconstitute the instance from file.
            Dim ErrorDatetime as System.DateTime = DateTime.Now
            Console.WriteLine("A TypeLoadException has been raised.")
            'Create MyTypeLoadException instance with current time.
            Dim myTypeLoadExceptionChild as MyTypeLoadExceptionChild = new MyTypeLoadExceptionChild(ErrorDatetime)
            Dim myFormatter as IFormatter  = new SoapFormatter()
            Dim myFileStream as Stream 
            myFileStream = new FileStream("typeload.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
            Console.WriteLine("Serializing the TypeLoadException with DateTime as " + ErrorDatetime.ToString())

            'Serialize the MyTypeLoadException instance to a file.
            myFormatter.Serialize(myFileStream, myTypeLoadExceptionChild)
            Console.WriteLine("Deserializing the Exception.")
            myFileStream = new FileStream("typeload.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)

            'Deserialize and reconstitute the instance from file.
            myTypeLoadExceptionChild = CType(myFormatter.Deserialize(myFileStream), MyTypeLoadExceptionChild)
            Console.WriteLine("Deserialized exception has ErrorDateTime = " + myTypeLoadExceptionChild.ErrorDateTime.ToString())
         Catch e as Exception
            Console.WriteLine ("Exception :" + e.Message)
         End Try

      Catch e As Exception
         Console.WriteLine(("Exception : " + e.Message))
      End Try
   End Sub 'Main
End Class 'GetObjectDataDemo

' This class overrides the GetObjectData method and initializes
' its data with current time. 
<Serializable()> Public Class MyTypeLoadExceptionChild
   Inherits TypeLoadException
   Public ErrorDateTime As System.DateTime = DateTime.Now

   Public Sub New(myDateTime As DateTime)
      ErrorDateTime = myDateTime
   End Sub 'New

   Protected Sub New(sInfo As SerializationInfo, sContext As StreamingContext)
      ' Reconstitute the deserialized information into the instance.
      ErrorDateTime = sInfo.GetDateTime("ErrorDate")
   End Sub 'New
   Public Overrides Sub GetObjectData(sInfo As SerializationInfo, sContext As StreamingContext)
      ' Add a value to the Serialization information.
      sInfo.AddValue("ErrorDate", ErrorDateTime)
   End Sub 'GetObjectData
End Class 'MyTypeLoadExceptionChild


using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap; 
using System.IO;

class GetObjectDataDemo : Attribute
   public static void Main()
      // Load the mscorlib assembly and get a reference to it.
      // You must supply the fully qualified assembly name for mscorlib.dll here.
      Assembly myAssembly = Assembly.Load("Assembly text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");
         Console.WriteLine ("Attempting to load a type not present in the assembly 'mscorlib'");
         // This loading of invalid type raises a TypeLoadException
         Type myType = myAssembly.GetType("System.NonExistentType", true);
      catch (TypeLoadException)
         // Serialize the exception to disk and reconstitute it back again.
            System.DateTime ErrorDatetime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("A TypeLoadException has been raised.");

            // Create MyTypeLoadException instance with current time.
            MyTypeLoadExceptionChild myTypeLoadExceptionChild = new MyTypeLoadExceptionChild(ErrorDatetime);
            IFormatter myFormatter = new SoapFormatter();
            Stream myFileStream = new FileStream("typeload.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            Console.WriteLine("Serializing the TypeLoadException with DateTime as " + ErrorDatetime);

            // Serialize the MyTypeLoadException instance to a file.
            myFormatter.Serialize(myFileStream, myTypeLoadExceptionChild);
            Console.WriteLine("Deserializing the Exception.");
            myFileStream = new FileStream("typeload.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);

            // Deserialize and reconstitute the instance from file.
            myTypeLoadExceptionChild = (MyTypeLoadExceptionChild) myFormatter.Deserialize(myFileStream);
            Console.WriteLine("Deserialized exception has ErrorDateTime = " + myTypeLoadExceptionChild.ErrorDateTime);
         catch (Exception e)
            Console.WriteLine ("Exception :" + e.Message);
      catch(Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.Message);

// This class overrides the GetObjectData method and initializes
// its data with current time. 

public class MyTypeLoadExceptionChild : TypeLoadException 
   public System.DateTime ErrorDateTime = DateTime.Now;
   public MyTypeLoadExceptionChild(DateTime myDateTime) 
      ErrorDateTime = myDateTime;

   protected MyTypeLoadExceptionChild(SerializationInfo sInfo, StreamingContext sContext)
      // Reconstitute the deserialized information into the instance.

   public override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo sInfo, StreamingContext sContext) 
      // Add a value to the Serialization information.


#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization;
using namespace System::Runtime::Serialization::Formatters::Soap; 
using namespace System::IO;

// This class overrides the GetObjectData method and initializes
// its data with current time. 

public __gc class MyTypeLoadExceptionChild : public TypeLoadException {
   System::DateTime ErrorDateTime;
   MyTypeLoadExceptionChild() {
      ErrorDateTime = DateTime::Now;
   MyTypeLoadExceptionChild(DateTime myDateTime) {
      ErrorDateTime = myDateTime;
   MyTypeLoadExceptionChild(SerializationInfo* sInfo, StreamingContext* sContext) {
      // Reconstitute the deserialized information into the instance.
   void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo* sInfo, StreamingContext* sContext) {
      // Add a value to the Serialization information.
      sInfo->AddValue(S"ErrorDate", ErrorDateTime);

int main() {
   // Load the mscorlib assembly and get a reference to it.
   // You must supply the fully qualified assembly name for mscorlib.dll here.
   Assembly*  myAssembly = Assembly::Load(S"Assembly text name, Version, Culture, PublicKeyToken");
   try {
      Console::WriteLine (S"Attempting to load a type not present in the assembly 'mscorlib'");
      // This loading of invalid type raises a TypeLoadException
      Type*  myType = myAssembly->GetType(S"System::NonExistentType", true);
   } catch (TypeLoadException*) {
      // Serialize the exception to disk and reconstitute it back again.
      try {
         System::DateTime ErrorDatetime = DateTime::Now;
         Console::WriteLine(S"A TypeLoadException has been raised.");

         // Create MyTypeLoadException instance with current time.
         MyTypeLoadExceptionChild* myTypeLoadExceptionChild = new MyTypeLoadExceptionChild(ErrorDatetime);
         IFormatter* myFormatter = new SoapFormatter();
         Stream* myFileStream = new FileStream(S"typeload.xml", FileMode::Create, FileAccess::Write, FileShare::None);
         Console::WriteLine(S"Serializing the TypeLoadException with DateTime as {0}", __box(ErrorDatetime));

         // Serialize the MyTypeLoadException instance to a file.
         myFormatter->Serialize(myFileStream, myTypeLoadExceptionChild);
         Console::WriteLine(S"Deserializing the Exception.");
         myFileStream = new FileStream(S"typeload.xml", FileMode::Open, FileAccess::Read, FileShare::None);

         // Deserialize and reconstitute the instance from file.
         myTypeLoadExceptionChild = __try_cast<MyTypeLoadExceptionChild*>(myFormatter->Deserialize(myFileStream));
         Console::WriteLine(S"Deserialized exception has ErrorDateTime = {0}", __box(myTypeLoadExceptionChild->ErrorDateTime));
      } catch (Exception* e) {
         Console::WriteLine (S"Exception : {0}", e->Message);
   } catch (Exception* e) {
      Console::WriteLine(S"Exception : {0}", e->Message);

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ


TypeLoadException クラス | TypeLoadException メンバ | System 名前空間 | SerializationInfo | XML シリアル化および SOAP シリアル化