XmlTypeAttribute コンストラクタ ()
XmlTypeAttribute クラスの新しいインスタンスを初期化します。
名前空間: System.Xml.Serialization
アセンブリ: System.Xml (system.xml.dll 内)
Public Sub New
Dim instance As New XmlTypeAttribute
public XmlTypeAttribute ()
XmlTypeAttribute ()
public XmlTypeAttribute ()
public function XmlTypeAttribute ()
XmlTypeAttribute クラスの 2 つのインスタンスを作成し、それらのインスタンスを使用して 2 つのクラスのシリアル化をオーバーライドする例を次に示します。
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Public Class Person
Public personName As String
Public address As Address
End Class
Public Class Address
Public state As String
Public zip As String
End Class
Public Class PersonTypeAttribute
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim myPersonTypeAttribute As New PersonTypeAttribute()
End Sub
Public Function CreateOverrider() As XmlSerializer
Dim personOverride As New XmlAttributeOverrides()
Dim personAttributes As New XmlAttributes()
Dim personType As New XmlTypeAttribute()
personType.TypeName = "Employee"
personType.Namespace = "https://www.microsoft.com"
personAttributes.XmlType = personType
Dim addressAttributes As New XmlAttributes()
' Create 'XmlTypeAttribute' with 'TypeName' as an argument.
Dim addressType As New XmlTypeAttribute("Address")
addressType.Namespace = "https://www.microsoft.com"
addressAttributes.XmlType = addressType
personOverride.Add(GetType(Person), personAttributes)
personOverride.Add(GetType(Address), addressAttributes)
Dim myXmlSerializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(Person), personOverride)
Return myXmlSerializer
End Function
Public Sub SerializeObject(filename As String)
Dim myXmlSerializer As XmlSerializer = CreateOverrider()
Dim myAddress As New Address()
myAddress.state = "AAA"
myAddress.zip = "11111"
Dim myPerson As New Person()
myPerson.personName = "Smith"
myPerson.address = myAddress
' Serialize to a file.
Dim writer = New StreamWriter(filename)
myXmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, myPerson)
End Sub
End Class
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
public class Person
public string personName;
public Address address;
public class Address
public string state;
public string zip;
public class PersonTypeAttribute
public static void Main()
PersonTypeAttribute myPersonTypeAttribute= new PersonTypeAttribute();
public XmlSerializer CreateOverrider()
XmlAttributeOverrides personOverride = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
XmlAttributes personAttributes = new XmlAttributes();
XmlTypeAttribute personType = new XmlTypeAttribute();
personType.TypeName = "Employee";
personType.Namespace = "https://www.microsoft.com";
personAttributes.XmlType = personType;
XmlAttributes addressAttributes = new XmlAttributes();
// Create 'XmlTypeAttribute' with 'TypeName' as an argument.
XmlTypeAttribute addressType = new XmlTypeAttribute("Address");
addressType.Namespace = "https://www.microsoft.com";
personOverride.Add(typeof(Person) ,personAttributes);
XmlSerializer myXmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer
(typeof(Person), personOverride);
return myXmlSerializer;
public void SerializeObject(string filename)
XmlSerializer myXmlSerializer = CreateOverrider();
Address myAddress = new Address();
Person myPerson = new Person();
// Serialize to a file.
TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
myXmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, myPerson);
#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;
public ref class Address
String^ state;
String^ zip;
public ref class Person
String^ personName;
Address^ address;
public ref class PersonTypeAttribute
XmlSerializer^ CreateOverrider()
XmlAttributeOverrides^ personOverride = gcnew XmlAttributeOverrides;
XmlAttributes^ personAttributes = gcnew XmlAttributes;
XmlTypeAttribute^ personType = gcnew XmlTypeAttribute;
personType->TypeName = "Employee";
personType->Namespace = "https://www.microsoft.com";
personAttributes->XmlType = personType;
XmlAttributes^ addressAttributes = gcnew XmlAttributes;
// Create 'XmlTypeAttribute' with 'TypeName' as an argument.
XmlTypeAttribute^ addressType = gcnew XmlTypeAttribute( "Address" );
addressType->Namespace = "https://www.microsoft.com";
addressAttributes->XmlType = addressType;
personOverride->Add( Person::typeid, personAttributes );
personOverride->Add( Address::typeid, addressAttributes );
XmlSerializer^ myXmlSerializer = gcnew XmlSerializer( Person::typeid,personOverride );
return myXmlSerializer;
void SerializeObject( String^ filename )
XmlSerializer^ myXmlSerializer = CreateOverrider();
Address^ myAddress = gcnew Address;
myAddress->state = "AAA";
myAddress->zip = "11111";
Person^ myPerson = gcnew Person;
myPerson->personName = "Smith";
myPerson->address = myAddress;
// Serialize to a file.
TextWriter^ writer = gcnew StreamWriter( filename );
myXmlSerializer->Serialize( writer, myPerson );
int main()
PersonTypeAttribute^ myPersonTypeAttribute = gcnew PersonTypeAttribute;
myPersonTypeAttribute->SerializeObject( "XmlType.xml" );
import System.*;
import System.IO.*;
import System.Xml.Serialization.*;
public class Person
public String personName;
public Address address;
} //Person
public class Address
public String state;
public String zip;
} //Address
public class PersonTypeAttribute
public static void main(String[] args)
PersonTypeAttribute myPersonTypeAttribute = new PersonTypeAttribute();
} //main
public XmlSerializer CreateOverrider()
XmlAttributeOverrides personOverride = new XmlAttributeOverrides();
XmlAttributes personAttributes = new XmlAttributes();
XmlTypeAttribute personType = new XmlTypeAttribute();
XmlAttributes addressAttributes = new XmlAttributes();
// Create 'XmlTypeAttribute' with 'TypeName' as an argument.
XmlTypeAttribute addressType = new XmlTypeAttribute("Address");
personOverride.Add(Person.class.ToType(), personAttributes);
personOverride.Add(Address.class.ToType(), addressAttributes);
XmlSerializer myXmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(Person.class.ToType(),
return myXmlSerializer;
} //CreateOverrider
public void SerializeObject(String fileName)
XmlSerializer myXmlSerializer = CreateOverrider();
Address myAddress = new Address();
myAddress.state = "AAA";
myAddress.zip = "11111";
Person myPerson = new Person();
myPerson.personName = "Smith";
myPerson.address = myAddress;
// Serialize to a file.
TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName);
myXmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, myPerson);
} //SerializeObject
} //PersonTypeAttribute
Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition
開発プラットフォームの中には、.NET Framework によってサポートされていないバージョンがあります。サポートされているバージョンについては、「システム要件」を参照してください。
.NET Framework
サポート対象 : 2.0、1.1、1.0
.NET Compact Framework
サポート対象 : 2.0、1.0
XmlTypeAttribute クラス
XmlTypeAttribute メンバ
System.Xml.Serialization 名前空間