
HybridDictionary.Add メソッド

指定したキーおよび値を持つエントリを HybridDictionary に追加します。

名前空間: System.Collections.Specialized
アセンブリ: System (system.dll 内)


Public Sub Add ( _
    key As Object, _
    value As Object _
Dim instance As HybridDictionary
Dim key As Object
Dim value As Object

instance.Add(key, value)
public void Add (
    Object key,
    Object value
virtual void Add (
    Object^ key, 
    Object^ value
) sealed
public final void Add (
    Object key, 
    Object value
public final function Add (
    key : Object, 
    value : Object


  • key
  • value
    追加するエントリの値。値は null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) に設定できます。


例外の種類 条件


key が null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) です。


同じキーを持つエントリが、HybridDictionary に既に存在します。


状態とハッシュ コード値との間に相関関係のないオブジェクトは、通常はキーとして使用しないでください。たとえば、StringBuilder オブジェクトよりも String オブジェクトの方が、キーとして使用するには適しています。

キーには null 参照 (Visual Basic では Nothing) は使用できませんが、値には使用できます。

Item プロパティを使用すると、HybridDictionary 内に存在しないキーの値を設定することで、新しい要素を追加することもできます (例 : myCollection["myNonexistentKey"] = myValue)。ただし、指定したキーが HybridDictionary 内に既に存在する場合、Item プロパティを設定すると既存の値が上書きされます。対照的に、Add メソッドは既存の要素を変更しません。

要素の数が ListDictionary の最適サイズより大きくなると、要素は ListDictionary から Hashtable へコピーされます。ただし、この処理は 1 回しか行われません。そのコレクションが Hashtable に既に格納されていて、要素数が ListDictionary の最適サイズより小さい場合、そのコレクションは Hashtable 内に残されます。

このメソッドは O(1) 操作です。


HybridDictionary に対して要素を追加および削除するコード例を次に示します。

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized

Public Class SamplesHybridDictionary   

   Public Shared Sub Main()

      ' Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
      Dim myCol As New HybridDictionary()
      myCol.Add("Braeburn Apples", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Fuji Apples", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Gala Apples", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Granny Smith Apples", "0.89")
      myCol.Add("Red Delicious Apples", "0.99")
      myCol.Add("Plantain Bananas", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Yellow Bananas", "0.79")
      myCol.Add("Strawberries", "3.33")
      myCol.Add("Cranberries", "5.98")
      myCol.Add("Navel Oranges", "1.29")
      myCol.Add("Grapes", "1.99")
      myCol.Add("Honeydew Melon", "0.59")
      myCol.Add("Seedless Watermelon", "0.49")
      myCol.Add("Pineapple", "1.49")
      myCol.Add("Nectarine", "1.99")
      myCol.Add("Plums", "1.69")
      myCol.Add("Peaches", "1.99")

      ' Displays the values in the HybridDictionary in three different ways.
      Console.WriteLine("Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:")

      ' Deletes a key.
      Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements after removing ""Plums"":")

      ' Clears the entire collection.
      Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:")

   End Sub 'Main

   Public Shared Sub PrintKeysAndValues(myCol As IDictionary)

      Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE")
      Dim de As DictionaryEntry
      For Each de In  myCol
         Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value)
      Next de

   End Sub 'PrintKeysAndValues

End Class 'SamplesHybridDictionary 

'This code produces the following output.
'Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Plums                     1.69
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'The collection contains the following elements after removing "Plums":
'   KEY                       VALUE
'   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
'   Nectarine                 1.99
'   Cranberries               5.98
'   Plantain Bananas          1.49
'   Honeydew Melon            0.59
'   Pineapple                 1.49
'   Strawberries              3.33
'   Grapes                    1.99
'   Braeburn Apples           1.49
'   Peaches                   1.99
'   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
'   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
'   Yellow Bananas            0.79
'   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
'   Gala Apples               1.49
'   Navel Oranges             1.29
'   Fuji Apples               1.29
'The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
'   KEY                       VALUE
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;

public class SamplesHybridDictionary  {

   public static void Main()  {

      // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
      HybridDictionary myCol = new HybridDictionary();
      myCol.Add( "Braeburn Apples", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Fuji Apples", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Gala Apples", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Granny Smith Apples", "0.89" );
      myCol.Add( "Red Delicious Apples", "0.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Plantain Bananas", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Yellow Bananas", "0.79" );
      myCol.Add( "Strawberries", "3.33" );
      myCol.Add( "Cranberries", "5.98" );
      myCol.Add( "Navel Oranges", "1.29" );
      myCol.Add( "Grapes", "1.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Honeydew Melon", "0.59" );
      myCol.Add( "Seedless Watermelon", "0.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Pineapple", "1.49" );
      myCol.Add( "Nectarine", "1.99" );
      myCol.Add( "Plums", "1.69" );
      myCol.Add( "Peaches", "1.99" );

      // Displays the values in the HybridDictionary in three different ways.
      Console.WriteLine( "Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );

      // Deletes a key.
      myCol.Remove( "Plums" );
      Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after removing \"Plums\":" );
      PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );

      // Clears the entire collection.
      Console.WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:" );
      PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );


   public static void PrintKeysAndValues( IDictionary myCol )  {
      Console.WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
      foreach ( DictionaryEntry de in myCol )
         Console.WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value );


This code produces the following output.

Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

The collection contains the following elements after removing "Plums":
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
   KEY                       VALUE

#using <System.dll>

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
using namespace System::Collections::Specialized;
void PrintKeysAndValues( IDictionary^ myCol )
   Console::WriteLine( "   KEY                       VALUE" );
   IEnumerator^ myEnum = myCol->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      DictionaryEntry de =  safe_cast<DictionaryEntry>(myEnum->Current);
      Console::WriteLine( "   {0,-25} {1}", de.Key, de.Value );


int main()
   // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
   HybridDictionary^ myCol = gcnew HybridDictionary;
   myCol->Add( "Braeburn Apples", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Fuji Apples", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Gala Apples", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Granny Smith Apples", "0.89" );
   myCol->Add( "Red Delicious Apples", "0.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Plantain Bananas", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Yellow Bananas", "0.79" );
   myCol->Add( "Strawberries", "3.33" );
   myCol->Add( "Cranberries", "5.98" );
   myCol->Add( "Navel Oranges", "1.29" );
   myCol->Add( "Grapes", "1.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Honeydew Melon", "0.59" );
   myCol->Add( "Seedless Watermelon", "0.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Pineapple", "1.49" );
   myCol->Add( "Nectarine", "1.99" );
   myCol->Add( "Plums", "1.69" );
   myCol->Add( "Peaches", "1.99" );
   // Displays the values in the HybridDictionary in three different ways.
   Console::WriteLine( "Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );
   // Deletes a key.
   myCol->Remove( "Plums" );
   Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after removing \"Plums\":" );
   PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );
   // Clears the entire collection.
   Console::WriteLine( "The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:" );
   PrintKeysAndValues( myCol );

This code produces the following output.

Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

The collection contains the following elements after removing "Plums":
   KEY                       VALUE
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Nectarine                 1.99
   Cranberries               5.98
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Strawberries              3.33
   Grapes                    1.99
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29

The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
   KEY                       VALUE

import System.*;
import System.Collections.*;
import System.Collections.Specialized.*;

public class SamplesHybridDictionary
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creates and initializes a new HybridDictionary.
        HybridDictionary myCol = new HybridDictionary();
        myCol.Add("Braeburn Apples", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Fuji Apples", "1.29");
        myCol.Add("Gala Apples", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Golden Delicious Apples", "1.29");
        myCol.Add("Granny Smith Apples", "0.89");
        myCol.Add("Red Delicious Apples", "0.99");
        myCol.Add("Plantain Bananas", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Yellow Bananas", "0.79");
        myCol.Add("Strawberries", "3.33");
        myCol.Add("Cranberries", "5.98");
        myCol.Add("Navel Oranges", "1.29");
        myCol.Add("Grapes", "1.99");
        myCol.Add("Honeydew Melon", "0.59");
        myCol.Add("Seedless Watermelon", "0.49");
        myCol.Add("Pineapple", "1.49");
        myCol.Add("Nectarine", "1.99");
        myCol.Add("Plums", "1.69");
        myCol.Add("Peaches", "1.99");
        // Displays the values in the HybridDictionary in three different ways.
        Console.WriteLine("Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:");
        // Deletes a key.
        Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements"
            + " after removing \"Plums\":");
        // Clears the entire collection.
        Console.WriteLine("The collection contains the following elements"
            + " after it is cleared:");
   } //main    
   public static void PrintKeysAndValues(IDictionary myCol) 
        IEnumerator objEnum = myCol.GetEnumerator();
        Console.WriteLine("   KEY                       VALUE");
        while (objEnum.MoveNext()) {
            DictionaryEntry de = (DictionaryEntry)objEnum.get_Current();
            Console.WriteLine("   {0,-25} {1}", de.get_Key(), de.get_Value());
    } //PrintKeysAndValues
} //SamplesHybridDictionary
This code produces the following output.

Initial contents of the HybridDictionary:
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Plums                     1.69
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

The collection contains the following elements after removing "Plums":
   KEY                       VALUE
   Strawberries              3.33
   Yellow Bananas            0.79
   Cranberries               5.98
   Grapes                    1.99
   Granny Smith Apples       0.89
   Seedless Watermelon       0.49
   Honeydew Melon            0.59
   Red Delicious Apples      0.99
   Navel Oranges             1.29
   Fuji Apples               1.29
   Plantain Bananas          1.49
   Gala Apples               1.49
   Pineapple                 1.49
   Braeburn Apples           1.49
   Peaches                   1.99
   Golden Delicious Apples   1.29
   Nectarine                 1.99

The collection contains the following elements after it is cleared:
   KEY                       VALUE



Windows 98, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows CE, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP Media Center Edition, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Starter Edition

開発プラットフォームの中には、.NET Framework によってサポートされていないバージョンがあります。サポートされているバージョンについては、「システム要件」を参照してください。


.NET Framework

サポート対象 : 2.0、1.1、1.0

.NET Compact Framework

サポート対象 : 2.0、1.0



HybridDictionary クラス
HybridDictionary メンバ
System.Collections.Specialized 名前空間