SoapAttributeOverrides.Item プロパティ
オーバーライドする側の SOAP 属性のコレクションを表すオブジェクトを取得します。
[C#] C# では、このプロパティは SoapAttributeOverrides クラスのインデクサになります。
指定された型 (基本クラス) に関連付けられているオブジェクトを取得します。
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(Type) As SoapAttributes
[JScript] SoapAttributeOverrides.Item (Type)
指定された型 (基本クラス) に関連付けられているオブジェクトを取得します。member パラメータには、オーバーライドされる基本クラス メンバを指定します。
[Visual Basic] Overloads Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(Type, String) As SoapAttributes
[C++] public: __property SoapAttributes* get_Item(Type*, String*);
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] Group
クラスのインスタンスのシリアル化をオーバーライドするために使用される SoapAttributeOverrides の作成例を次に示します。この例では、 Item プロパティを使用して、シリアル化のオーバーライドを指定するために使用される SoapAttributes の取得も行っています。
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] メモ ここでは、Item プロパティ (SoapAttributeOverrides インデクサ) のオーバーロード形式のうちの 1 つだけについて、使用例を示します。その他の例については、各オーバーロード形式のトピックを参照してください。
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization
Public Class Group
' Override the serialization of this member.
Public GroupName As String
End Class
Public Class Run
Shared Sub Main()
Dim test As Run = new Run()
End Sub
Public Sub SerializeOverride(filename As string )
' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class
' that overrides the serialization.
Dim overrideSerializer As XmlSerializer = _
' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
Dim writer As TextWriter = new StreamWriter(filename)
' Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
Dim myGroup As Group = new Group()
' Set the object properties.
myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
' Serialize the class, and close the TextWriter.
overrideSerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup)
End Sub
Private Function CreateOverrideSerializer() As XmlSerializer
Dim mySoapAttributeOverrides As SoapAttributeOverrides = _
New SoapAttributeOverrides()
Dim mySoapAtts As SoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes()
Dim mySoapElement As SoapElementAttribute = _
new SoapElementAttribute()
mySoapElement.ElementName = "TeamName"
mySoapAtts.SoapElement = mySoapElement
' Add the SoapAttributes to the
' mySoapAttributeOverridesrides object.
mySoapAttributeOverrides.Add(GetType(Group), "GroupName", _
' Get the SoapAttributes with the Item property.
Dim thisSoapAtts As SoapAttributes = _
mySoapAttributeOverrides(GetType(Group), "GroupName")
Console.WriteLine("New serialized element name: " & _
' Create an XmlTypeMapping that is used to create an instance
' of the XmlSerializer. Then return the XmlSerializer object.
Dim myMapping As XmlTypeMapping = _
(New SoapReflectionImporter(mySoapAttributeOverrides)). _
Dim ser As XmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(myMapping)
return ser
End Function
End Class
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
public class Group
// Override the serialization of this member.
public string GroupName;
public class Run
public static void Main()
Run test = new Run();
public void SerializeOverride(string filename)
// Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class
// that overrides the serialization.
XmlSerializer overRideSerializer = CreateOverrideSerializer();
// Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
// Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
Group myGroup = new Group();
// Set the object properties.
myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
// Serialize the class, and close the TextWriter.
overRideSerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup);
private XmlSerializer CreateOverrideSerializer()
SoapAttributeOverrides mySoapAttributeOverrides =
new SoapAttributeOverrides();
SoapAttributes mySoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes();
SoapElementAttribute mySoapElement = new SoapElementAttribute();
mySoapElement.ElementName = "TeamName";
mySoapAttributes.SoapElement = mySoapElement;
// Add the SoapAttributes to the
// mySoapAttributeOverridesrides object.
mySoapAttributeOverrides.Add(typeof(Group), "GroupName",
// Get the SoapAttributes with the Item property.
SoapAttributes thisSoapAtts =
mySoapAttributeOverrides[typeof(Group), "GroupName"];
Console.WriteLine("New serialized element name: " +
// Create an XmlTypeMapping that is used to create an instance
// of the XmlSerializer. Then return the XmlSerializer object.
XmlTypeMapping myMapping = (new SoapReflectionImporter(
XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(myMapping);
return ser;
#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;
__gc public class Group
// Override the serialization of this member.
String* GroupName;
__gc public class Run
void SerializeOverride(String* filename)
// Create an instance of the XmlSerializer class
// that overrides the serialization.
XmlSerializer * overRideSerializer = CreateOverrideSerializer();
// Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
TextWriter* writer = new StreamWriter(filename);
// Create an instance of the class that will be serialized.
Group* myGroup = new Group();
// Set the object properties.
myGroup -> GroupName = S".NET";
// Serialize the class, and close the TextWriter.
overRideSerializer -> Serialize(writer, myGroup);
writer -> Close();
XmlSerializer * CreateOverrideSerializer()
SoapAttributeOverrides* mySoapAttributeOverrides = new SoapAttributeOverrides();
SoapAttributes* mySoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes();
SoapElementAttribute* mySoapElement = new SoapElementAttribute();
mySoapElement -> ElementName = S"TeamName";
mySoapAttributes -> SoapElement = mySoapElement;
// Add the SoapAttributes to the
// mySoapAttributeOverridesrides object.
mySoapAttributeOverrides -> Add(__typeof(Group), S"GroupName", mySoapAttributes);
// Get the SoapAttributes with the Item property.
SoapAttributes * thisSoapAtts = mySoapAttributeOverrides->get_Item(__typeof(Group), S"GroupName");
Console::WriteLine(S"New serialized element name: {0}", thisSoapAtts -> SoapElement -> ElementName);
// Create an XmlTypeMapping that is used to create an instance
// of the XmlSerializer. Then return the XmlSerializer object.
XmlTypeMapping * myMapping = (new SoapReflectionImporter(mySoapAttributeOverrides)) -> ImportTypeMapping(__typeof(Group));
XmlSerializer* ser = new XmlSerializer(myMapping);
return ser;
int main()
Run* test = new Run();
test -> SerializeOverride(S"GetSoapAttributes.xml");
[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン をクリックします。
SoapAttributeOverrides クラス | SoapAttributeOverrides メンバ | System.Xml.Serialization 名前空間