
SoapAttributes.SoapEnum プロパティ

XmlSerializer が SOAP 列挙体をシリアル化する方法を指定するオブジェクトを取得または指定します。

Public Property SoapEnum As SoapEnumAttribute
public SoapEnumAttribute SoapEnum {get; set;}
public: __property SoapEnumAttribute* get_SoapEnum();public: __property void set_SoapEnum(SoapEnumAttribute*);
public function get SoapEnum() : SoapEnumAttribute;public function set SoapEnum(SoapEnumAttribute);




SoapEnumAttribute は、列挙体メンバのシリアル化を制御するために使用します。そのようなメンバのシリアル化をオーバーライドするには、 SoapEnum プロパティに新しい SoapEnumAttribute を設定します。

詳細については、 SoapAttributeOverrides クラスの概要を参照してください。


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] FoodFoodType という名前の 2 つのクラスをシリアル化する例を次に示します。 FoodType クラスには、オーバーライド対象の列挙体が 2 つ含まれており、この例は、それぞれの列挙体について SoapEnumAttribute を作成し、それらを SoapAttributesSoapEnum プロパティに割り当てています。その後、この SoapAttributesSoapAttributeOverrides に追加し、これを使用して XmlSerializer を作成します。

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Serialization

Public Class Group
   Public GroupName As String 
   Public Grouptype As GroupType 
End Class

Public enum GroupType
' Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
' to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.
   <SoapEnum("Small")> _
   <SoapEnum("Large")> _
End enum
Public Class Run
   Public Shared Sub Main()
      Dim test As Run = new Run()
      Console.WriteLine("Fininished writing two files")
   End Sub

   Private Shared Sub SerializeObject(filename As string)
      ' Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      Dim mapp  As XmlTypeMapping = _
      (New SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(GetType(Group))
      Dim mySerializer As XmlSerializer =  New XmlSerializer(mapp)

      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(filename)

      ' Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()

      ' Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      myGroup.Grouptype= GroupType.A

      ' Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup)
   End Sub

   Private  Sub SerializeOverride(fileName As String)
      Dim soapOver As SoapAttributeOverrides = new SoapAttributeOverrides()
      Dim SoapAtts As SoapAttributes = new SoapAttributes()

      ' Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.A enumerator. Instead
      ' of 'A' it will be "West".
      Dim soapEnum As SoapEnumAttribute = new SoapEnumAttribute("West")
      ' Override the "A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum
      soapOver.Add(GetType(GroupType), "A", SoapAtts)

      ' Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.B enumerator.
      ' Instead of 'B' it will be "East".
      SoapAtts= New SoapAttributes()
      soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute()
      soapEnum.Name = "East"
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum
      soapOver.Add(GetType(GroupType), "B", SoapAtts)

      ' Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      Dim map As XmlTypeMapping = New SoapReflectionImporter _
      Dim ser As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(map)
      Dim myGroup As Group = New Group()
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET"
      myGroup.Grouptype = GroupType.B
      ' Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      Dim writer As TextWriter = New StreamWriter(fileName)
      ser.Serialize(writer, myGroup)

   End Sub
End Class

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class Group{
   public string GroupName;
   public GroupType Grouptype;

public enum GroupType{
   // Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
   // to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.
public class Run {
   static void Main(){
      Run test= new Run();
      Console.WriteLine("Fininished writing two files");

     private void SerializeObject(string filename){
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      XmlTypeMapping mapp  =
      (new SoapReflectionImporter()).ImportTypeMapping(typeof(Group));
      XmlSerializer mySerializer =  new XmlSerializer(mapp);

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(filename);

      // Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Group myGroup = new Group();

      // Set the object properties.
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup.Grouptype= GroupType.A;

      // Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer.Serialize(writer, myGroup);

   private void SerializeOverride(string fileName){
      SoapAttributeOverrides soapOver = new SoapAttributeOverrides();
      SoapAttributes SoapAtts = new SoapAttributes();

      // Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.A enumerator.       
      // Instead of 'A'  it will be "West".
      SoapEnumAttribute soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute("West");
      // Override the "A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver.Add(typeof(GroupType), "A", SoapAtts);

      // Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType.B enumerator.
      // Instead of //B// it will be "East".
      SoapAtts= new SoapAttributes();
      soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute();
      soapEnum.Name = "East";
      SoapAtts.SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver.Add(typeof(GroupType), "B", SoapAtts);

      // Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      XmlTypeMapping map = 
      new SoapReflectionImporter(soapOver).
      XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(map);
      Group myGroup = new Group();
      myGroup.GroupName = ".NET";
      myGroup.Grouptype = GroupType.B;
      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fileName);
      ser.Serialize(writer, myGroup);

#using <mscorlib.dll>
#using <System.Xml.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Xml::Serialization;

__value public enum GroupType
   // Use the SoapEnumAttribute to instruct the XmlSerializer
   // to generate Small and Large instead of A and B.

__gc public class Group
   String* GroupName;
   GroupType Grouptype;

__gc public class Run 
   void SerializeObject(String* filename) 
      // Create an instance of the XmlSerializer Class.
      XmlTypeMapping * mapp  = (new SoapReflectionImporter()) -> ImportTypeMapping(__typeof(Group));
      XmlSerializer* mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(mapp);

      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter* writer = new StreamWriter(filename);

      // Create an instance of the Class that will be serialized.
      Group* myGroup = new Group();

      // Set the Object* properties.
      myGroup -> GroupName = S".NET";
      myGroup -> Grouptype= GroupType::A;

      // Serialize the Class, and close the TextWriter.
      mySerializer -> Serialize(writer, myGroup);
      writer -> Close();

   void SerializeOverride(String* fileName) 
      SoapAttributeOverrides* soapOver = new SoapAttributeOverrides();
      SoapAttributes* SoapAtts = new SoapAttributes();

      // Add a SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType::A enumerator.       
      // Instead of 'A'  it will be S"West".
      SoapEnumAttribute* soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute(S"West");

      // Override the S"A" enumerator.
      SoapAtts -> SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver -> Add(__typeof(GroupType), S"A", SoapAtts);

      // Add another SoapEnumAttribute for the GroupType::B enumerator.
      // Instead of //B// it will be S"East".
      SoapAtts = new SoapAttributes();
      soapEnum = new SoapEnumAttribute();
      soapEnum -> Name = S"East";
      SoapAtts -> SoapEnum = soapEnum;
      soapOver -> Add(__typeof(GroupType), S"B", SoapAtts);

      // Create an XmlSerializer used for overriding.
      XmlTypeMapping* map = (new SoapReflectionImporter(soapOver))->ImportTypeMapping(__typeof(Group));
      XmlSerializer* ser = new XmlSerializer(map);
      Group* myGroup = new Group();
      myGroup -> GroupName = S".NET";
      myGroup -> Grouptype = GroupType::B;
      // Writing the file requires a TextWriter.
      TextWriter* writer = new StreamWriter(fileName);
      ser -> Serialize(writer, myGroup);
      writer -> Close();

int main() 
   Run* test = new Run();
   test -> SerializeObject(S"SoapEnum.xml");
   test -> SerializeOverride(S"SoapOverride.xml");
   Console::WriteLine(S"Fininished writing two files");

[JScript] JScript のサンプルはありません。Visual Basic、C#、および C++ のサンプルを表示するには、このページの左上隅にある言語のフィルタ ボタン 言語のフィルタ をクリックします。


プラットフォーム: Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 ファミリ


SoapAttributes クラス | SoapAttributes メンバ | System.Xml.Serialization 名前空間 | XmlAttributes | エンコード済み SOAP シリアル化を制御する属性 | XML シリアル化を使用した SOAP メッセージの生成