Adding Certificates to the Privileged, Unprivileged, and SPC Stores Example for OMA DM
This example shows how to add certificates to the privileged and, normal stores, and how to add a certificate with its corresponding role mask to the SPC store.
Note To use this example, you must replace the values as appropriate, and add the node as a child of the SyncBody node in an OMA DM provisioning file. For more information about the syntax of the provisioning file, see OMA DM Provisioning Files.
<LocURI>./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/Privileged%20Execution%20Trust%20Authorities/{sha1 hash of the certificate}/EncodedCertificate</LocURI>
<Data>{b-64 encoded certificate}</Data>
<Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
<LocURI>./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/Unprivileged%20Execution%20Trust%20Authorities/{sha1 hash of the certificate}/EncodedCertificate</LocURI>
<Data>{b-64 encoded certificate}</Data>
<Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
<LocURI>./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/SPC/{sha1 hash of the certificate}/EncodedCertificate</LocURI>
<Data>{encoded certificate}</Data>
<Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">b64</Format>
- <Target>
<LocURI>./Vendor/MSFT/CertificateStore/SPC/{hash of the certificate}/Role</LocURI>
- <Meta>
<Format xmlns="syncml:metinf">int</Format>
See Also
CertificateStore Configuration Service Provider Examples for OMA DM
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