
w2 APPLICATION Characteristic Features

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The W2 APPID in the APPLICATION characteristic is used for adding a new browser favorite.

The following table shows the features in the APPLICATION characteristic.

Parameter Description
APPLICATION/APPID The APPID parameter for Application characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to indicate the type of application service available as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

OMA considers each transport to be an application and requires a corresponding APPLICATION Configuration Service Provider. For information of the supported transports, see APPLICATION Characteristic Features.

APPLICATION/NAME The NAME parameter for APPLICATION characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to specify a user readable identity as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

In Windows 5.0-based devices it is used to specify the name of the folder in which the favorites should be placed.

The following table shows the features in the RESOURCE characteristic.

Parameter Description
RESOURCE/NAME The NAME parameter for RESOURCE characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to contain the name of the bookmark as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).
RESOURCE/STARTPAGE The STARTPAGE parameter for RESOURCE characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to indicate if a favorite is a Start page as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

On Windows Mobile-based Smartphones, the Start page is added to the list of favorites. Although there can be multiple resource characteristics under the w2 APPID, only one of them should have the STARTPAGE parameter set.

If more than one Start page is specified, the last one seen is set as the Start page. RESOURCE characteristics that do not have a Start page are stored as favorites that the user can access.

RESOURCE/URI The URI parameter for RESOURCE characteristic elements is used in the provisioning XML file to contain the absolute URI for the bookmark as described in "Parameters for APPLICATION characteristics" in the OMA Provisioning Content specification version 1.1 (OMA-WAP-ProvCont-v1_1-20021112-C).

See Also

APPLICATION Characteristic Features | APPLICATION Configuration Service Provider

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