
Sync Configuration Service Provider

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Use the Sync Configuration Service Provider to configure synchronization settings on the device. You can synchronize with a server and two separate desktops.

Note   The Sync Configuration Service Provider is supported for synchronizing with a single source. For information about synchronizing with multiple sources, see Sync Configuration Service Provider Examples for OMA DM.

Note   This Configuration Service Provider can be managed over both the OMA Client Provisioning (formerly WAP) and the OMA DM protocol.

Note   Access to this Configuration Service Provider is determined by Security roles. Because OEMs and Mobile Operators can selectively disallow access, ask them about the availability of this Configuration Service Provider. For more information about roles, see Security Roles and Default Roles for Configuration Service Providers.

The following table shows the default settings for the root node of this Configuration Service Provider. The default security role maps to each subnode unless specific permission is granted to the subnode.

Permissions Read/write
Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


The following images show in two parts the management object used by OMA DM.

The following images show in two parts the Configuration Service Provider in tree format as used by OMA Client Provisioning.


  • Calendar
    Calendar synchronization settings.

  • Connection
    The name, location, and connection information for the synchronization operation.

  • Contacts
    Contacts synchronization settings.

  • FolderHierarchy
    The beginning of the folder hierarchy section.

    Note   The folder hierarchy settings need to be sent to the device after the initial sync has already been performed, otherwise the folder hierarchy is not yet on the device and the provisioning XML will not do anything.

  • Mail
    Mail synchronization settings.

  • PeakDays
    This characteristic is used by the Settings characteristic to set the peak days of service.

  • Providers
    GUID that identifes the Sync Service Provider for each of the following:

    • Calendar
    • Contacts
    • E-Mail
    • Tasks
  • Settings
    Sets scheduled synchronization times and item conflict resolution settings.


  • AllowSSLOption
    This parm is used in the Connection and Settings characteristic to allow the user to have the option of selecting a non-SSL server address when connecting to an ActiveSync server. Enabling AllowSSLOption allows the user the choice of using SSL on the device and on the desktop computer.

    AllowSSLOption sets a registry key that disables the user interface (UI) option and forces the use of SSL. Only the administrator should modify this setting

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Boolean
  • AutoSync
    This parameter is no longer used, but may appear in a return to a Query.

  • AutoSyncWhenCradled
    This parameter is no longer used, but may appear in a return to a Query.

  • BodyTruncation
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to identify the maximum body size for the notes fields in contacts and the calendar. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    512 .5k
    1024 1K
    5120 5K
    -1 All
    0 Header Only

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
  • CalendarAgeFilter
    This parameter is used in the Calendar and Settings characteristic as an age filter for the calendar. The filter only filters out expired calendar entries; all future appointments are synced to the device. This parameter also determines how long expired calendar entries can remain on the device. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 All
    4 2 Weeks
    5 1 Month
    6 3 Months
    7 6 Months

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Include past
  • Device
    This parameter is used in the Connections and Settings characteristics. This is a read-only parameter containing a string that identifies the type of device. For Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs, this parameter contains the string "Pocket PC"; for Windows Mobile-based Smartphones, this parameter contains the string "Smartphone".

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read-only (Settings)

    Read/write (Connections)

    Data type String
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


    This parameter is used in the Sync Configuration Service Provider under Connection\.

  • DeviceAddressingMethod
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to specify how to address your device to synchronize new items as they arrive on devices that support notification based synchronization. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    1 Device SMS address, SMTP.
    2 Corporate Service Provider, using the phone number for the device address.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Device Address
  • DeviceID
    This parameter is used in the Connections and Settings characteristics as a unique identifier for the device. The device automatically generates the value of this parameter.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read-only
    Data type String
    Label Device ID

    This parameter is used in the Sync Configuration Service Provider under Connection\.

  • DevicePhoneReadOnly
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to set the Device Phone Number to read-only. It is an integer value that is set to 1 when the Device Phone Number is loaded by default on the device. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 The Device Phone Number may be edited.
    1 The Device Phone Number cannot be changed in the edit box. It is read-only.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
  • Domain
    This parameter is used in the Connection characteristic to identify the network domain for the Server ActiveSync server.

    Send the Domain value with the settings update only when necessary, for example, when the domain has changed. The string compare logic in the Sync Configuration Service Provider is case sensitive. If the new domain value does not equal the current domain value, the Sync Configuration Service Provider logic treats the transaction as a new domain.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type String
    Label Domain
  • EmailAgeFilter
    This parameter is used in the Mail and Settings characteristic as an age filter for e-mail. The filter only filters out expired items; all unexpired e-mail messages are synced to the device. This parameter also determines how long expired e-mail messages can remain on the device. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    1 1 Day
    2 3 Days
    3 1 Week
    4 2 Weeks
    5 1 Month
    0 All

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Include past
  • Enabled
    This parameter is used in the Mail characteristic to identify whether or not mail is synchronized using Server ActiveSync.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Boolean
    Label Synchronize Inbox
  • Enabled
    This parameter is used in the Calendar characteristic to enable the calendar application for Server ActiveSync.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Boolean
    Label Synchronize Calendar
  • Enabled
    This parameter is used in the Contacts characteristic to enable the contacts (address book) application to use Server ActiveSync.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Boolean
    Label Synchronize Contacts
  • EnableNonLocalCrossPollination
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to allow or disallow backend cross pollination. The following list shows the possible values:

    • 0 = Disallow backend cross pollination
    • 1 = Allows backend cross pollination<CR><LF>

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Boolean
  • FolderType
    This parameter is used in the FolderHierarchy characteristic to identify an e-mail folder type and cannot be changed. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Invalid folder
    1 User created folder (root)
    2 Inbox folder
    3 Drafts folder
    4 Deleted Items folder
    5 Sent Items folder
    6 Outbox folder
    7 Tasks folder
    8 Calendar folder
    9 Contacts folder
    10 Notes folder
    11 Journal folder
    12 User created Mail folder
    13 User created Calendar folder
    14 User created Contacts folder
    15 User created Tasks folder
    16 User created Journal folder
    17 User created Notes folder
    18 Invalid folder

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read-only
    Data type Integer
  • MailBodyTruncation
    This parameter is used in the Mail and Settings characteristic to identify the amount of e-mail message body to fetch during a Server ActiveSync. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    512 .5k
    1024 1K
    5120 5K
    -1 All
    0 Header Only

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Limit e-mail size to
  • MailFileAttachments
    This parameter is used in the Mail and Settings characteristic to specify the maximum size (in bytes) an attachment can be to automatically download. For instance if this parameter is set to 2048, any message with an attachment smaller than 2k in size would have that attachment automatically downloaded during sync.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
  • MIMETruncation
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to identify the amount of email message body to fetch during a Server ActiveSync when using MIME.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
  • OffPeakFrequency
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic. This parameter determines how frequently scheduled synchronization will be performed during off-peak hours. Switching from peak to off-peak is based on the device's clock. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Off, no scheduled synchronization during peak hours.
    5 5 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    10 10 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    15 15 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    30 30 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    60 60 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    120 120 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    240 240 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    >-1 Synchronize as new items arrive. This will not appear unless the device has synchronized with a server that supports notifications.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label During off-peak times, Sync
  • OutboundMailDelay
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to set the time delay for sending mail. The latency used for synchronizing after an outgoing item is sent is a value read from the registry. The default latency is 5 seconds.

    When synchronizing on a mobile schedule or by using notifications, there is the possibility that a significant amount of time can lapse between synchronizations. To keep data always-up-to date outbound as well as inbound between synchronizations based mobile schedules or the next notification, this parameter allows you to schedule an additional synchronization to push outbound items.

    Since real-time response works by registering a schedule synchronization, which is considered a background synchronization, no UI interrupts the user.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
  • PeakDaysLink
    This parameter is used to identify the current days the user has selected as peak days to the desktop user interface. The formatting is proprietary.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read-only
    Data type String
  • PeakEndTime
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic as a time control that allows setting any valid hour and minute combination in 24-hour format. The control sets the end of the peak service period for Peak Days.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Time
    Label Peak End Time
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


  • PeakEndTimeUI
    The end time of peak work hours. This setting will stop the sync application syncing at the peak work hours interval. This setting is for the Smartphone UI.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type String
  • PeakFrequency
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to determine how frequently scheduled synchronization will be performed during peak hours. Switching from peak to off-peak is based on the device's clock. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Off, no scheduled synchronization during peak hours.
    5 5 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    10 10 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    15 15 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    30 30 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    60 60 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    120 120 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    240 240 minutes between synchronizations during peak times.
    >-1 Synchronize as new items arrive. This will not appear unless the device has synchronized with a server that supports notifications.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label During peak times, Sync
  • PeakStartTime
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic as a time control that allows setting any valid hour and minute combination in 24-hour format. The control sets the beginning Peak service period for Peak Days.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Time
    Label Peak Start Time
  • PeakStartTimeUI
    This parameter identifies the current time that peak time starts and stops. The formatting is proprietary.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type String
  • RadioEnabledDevice
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to determine if the device is radio enabled. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 No radio on device.
    1 Radio on device.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read
    Data type Integer
    Label Radio
  • ReadOnly
    The data type is read only, meaning that the values were pushed from desktop and cannot be modified on the device.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type String
  • Sun
    This parameter is used in the Settings\PeakDays characteristic to specify whether Sunday is a peak service day, one of the days when the most e-mail is received. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled, not a peak day.
    1 Enabled, is a peak day.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Peak Days
  • Mon
    This parameter is used in the Settings\PeakDays characteristic to specify whether Monday is a peak service day, one of the days when the most e-mail is received. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled, not a peak day.
    1 Enabled, is a peak day.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Peak Days
  • Tue
    This parameter is used in the Settings\PeakDays characteristic to specify whether Tuesday is a peak service day, one of the days when the most e-mail is received. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled, not a peak day.
    1 Enabled, is a peak day.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Peak Days
  • Wed
    This parameter is used in the Settings\PeakDays characteristic to specify whether Wednesday is a peak service day, one of the days when the most e-mail is received. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled, not a peak day.
    1 Enabled, is a peak day.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Peak Days
  • Thr
    This parameter is used in the Settings\PeakDays characteristic to specify whether Thursday is a peak service day, one of the days when the most e-mail is received. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled, not a peak day.
    1 Enabled, is a peak day.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Peak Days
  • Fri
    This parameter is used in the Settings\PeakDays characteristic to specify whether Friday is a peak service day, one of the days when the most e-mail is received. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled, not a peak day.
    1 Enabled, is a peak day.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Peak Days
  • Sat
    This parameter is used in the Settings\PeakDays characteristic to specify whether Saturday is a peak service day, one of the days when the most e-mail is received. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled, not a peak day.
    1 Enabled, is a peak day.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Peak Days
  • SaveSentItems
    This read-only parameter is used in the Mail and Settings characteristic to identify whether or not sent items are saved in the Sent Items folder on the server.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read-only
    Data type Boolean
  • SendMailItemsImmediately
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to enable sending mail with no delay. Use SendMailItemsImmediately in conjunction with OutboundMailDelay. The following table lists the possible values for SendMailItemsImmediately.

    Value Description
    0 Disabled.
    1 Enabled. Send mail after the delay specified by the OutboundMailDelay parameter.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label Sync outgoing items as they are sent
  • Server
    This parameter is used in the Connection characteristic to identify the name of the Server ActiveSync server.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type String
    Label Server name
  • SyncAfterCount
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to identify the number of item notifications required to start an automatic sync.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
  • SyncAfterTime
    This parameter is no longer used, but may appear in a return to a Query.

  • SyncAfterTimeWhenCradled
    This parameter exists, but the device ignores the value and always syncs at the 5 minute interval.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
  • SyncEnabled
    This parameter is used in the FolderHierarchy characteristic to identify whether or not sync is enabled for a specific folder. Not all folders can have sync enabled; for example, Drafts and Outbox cannot have sync enabled. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Sync disabled
    1 Sync enabled

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Boolean
    Label Enable sync
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


  • SyncSwitchPurge
    This parameter is used in the Mail characteristic to identify whether or not to keep the existing mail data on the device when switching from Desktop ActiveSync to Server ActiveSync, or when changing server or UserID information. The recommended value of this parameter is 3.

    The following table shows the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Keep if changed
    1 Purge always
    2 Keep always
    3 Purge if changed

    Note   The device does not store a value for the SyncSwitchPurge parameter. The parameter is intended to be used more as a command than as a stored setting. A query for the parameter value will always return a value of 0.

    The following table shows the default settings for this parameter in the Sync Configuration Service Provider.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
  • SyncWhenRoaming
    This parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to to allow synchronization when roaming. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Manually synchronize
    1 Use mobile settings

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type Integer
    Label When roaming, sync
  • User
    This parameter is used in the Connection characteristic to identify the Server ActiveSync Username.

    Send the username value with the settings update only when necessary, for example when the username has changed. The string compare logic in the Sync Configuration Service Provider is case sensitive. If the new username value does not equal the current username value, the Sync Configuration Service Provider logic treats the transaction as a new username.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/write
    Data type String
    Label Username
  • VersionMajor
    This read-only parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to identify the major version number for the Sync Configuration Service Provider. If the value is less than 1, Server ActiveSync is not supported on the device

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read-only
    Data type Integer
  • VersionMinor
    This read-only parameter is used in the Settings characteristic to identify the minor version number for the Sync Configuration Service Provider.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read-only
    Data type Integer

Microsoft Custom Elements

The following table shows the Microsoft custom elements that this Configuration Service Provider supports for OMA Client Provisioning.

Elements Available
parm-query Yes
noparm No
nocharacteristic No
characteristic-query Yes
recursive: No
root level of the Configuration Service Provider: Yes

Use these elements to build standard OMA Client Provisioning (formerly WAP) configuration XML. For information about specific elements, see MSPROV DTD Elements. For examples of how to generally use the Microsoft custom elements, see Provisioning XML File Examples.

For information about OMA Client Provisioning, see OMA Client Provisioning Files.

See Also

Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile-Based Devices | Sync Configuration Service Provider Examples for OMA Client Provisioning

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