
Locale Configuration Service Provider

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Use the Locale Configuration Service Provider to configure regional settings on the device.

Note   This Configuration Service Provider is not available on Windows Mobile-based Pocket PCs.

Note   This Configuration Service Provider can be managed over both the OMA Client Provisioning (formerly WAP) and the OMA DM protocol.

Note   Access to this Configuration Service Provider is determined by Security roles. Because OEMs and Mobile Operators can selectively disallow access, ask them about the availability of this Configuration Service Provider. For more information about roles, see Security Roles and Default Roles for Configuration Service Providers.

The following table shows the default settings. The default security role maps to each subnode unless specific permission is granted to the subnode.

Permissions Read/Write
Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


The following image shows the management object used by OMA DM.

The following image shows the Configuration Service Provider in tree format as used by OMA Client Provisioning.


Only the root characteristic is available.


  • Language
    This parm sets the current language of the UI displayed on the device. This parm uses the ISO 639 language code for values. For example, US English is 1033 (0x409), German is 1031 (0x407), and French is 1036 (0x40C).

    Note   The user must reboot for this change to take effect.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
    Label Language:
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager

    Operator TPS

    Authenticated User

  • Locale
    This parm sets the current locale of the device. The value passed in must be the ISO 639 LCID.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
    Label Locale:
    Current calendar type. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    1 Gregorian (as in United States)
    2 Gregorian (English strings always)
    3 Era: Year of the Emperor (Japan)
    4 Era: Year based on the Chinese Calendar
    5 Tangun Era (Korea)
    Number of fractional digits for the local monetary format. The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is 9.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
    Label Number of decimal places:
    Positive currency mode. The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is 2. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Prefix, no separation
    1 Suffix, no separation
    2 Prefix, 1-character separation
    3 Suffix, 1-character separation

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
    Label Symbol position:
    Number of fractional digits. The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is 3.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
    Label Number of decimal places:
    Specification for the first day in a week. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    Specification for the first week of the year. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 Week containing 1/1 is the first week of that year.
    1 First full week following 1/1 is the first week of that year.
    2 First week containing at least 4 days is the first week of that year.
    Specification for leading zeros in decimal fields. The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is 2. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 No leading zeros
    1 Leading zeros
    System of measurement. This value is 0 if the metric system (Systéme International d'Unités, or S.I.) is used and 1 if the U.S. system is used. The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is 2.

    Negative currency mode. The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is 3. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Example
    0 ($1.1)
    1 0$1.1
    2 $01.1
    3 $1.10
    4 (1.1$)
    5 01.1$
    6 1.10$
    7 1.1$0
    8 01.1 $ (space before $)
    9 0$ 1.1 (space after $)
    10 1.1 $0 (space before $)
    11 $ 1.10 (Space after $)
    12 $01.1 (space after $)
    13 1.10 $ (space before $)
    14 ($ 1.1) (space after $)
    15 (1.1 $) (Space before $)

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
    Label Negative number format:
    Negative number mode. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 (1.1)
    1 01.1
    2 0 1.1
    3 1.10
    4 1.1 0

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type Integer
    Label Negative number format:
    Default paper size associated with the locale.

    Time format specification. The maximum number of characters allowed for this string is 2. The following table lists the possible values.

    Value Description
    0 AM / PM 12-hour format
    1 24-hour format
  • LOCALE_S1159
    String for the AM designator.

  • LOCALE_S2359
    String for the PM designator.

    Character to identify currency. For example, $.

    Character(s) for the date separator.

    Character(s) used as the decimal separator.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type String
    Label Decimal symbol:
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


    Sizes for each group of digits to the left of the decimal. An explicit size is needed for each group; semicolons separate sizes. If the last value is zero, the preceding value is repeated. To group thousands, specify 3;0.

    Character(s) used to separate list items. For example, a comma is used in many locales.

    Long date formatting string for this locale. The string can consist of a combination of day, month, and year format pictures defined in the Day, Month, Year, and Era Format Pictures table in National Language Support Constants and any string of characters enclosed in single quotes. Characters in single quotes remain as given.

    The following list shows the supported formats:

  • dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
  • MMMM dd, yyyy
    Character(s) used as the monetary decimal separator.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type String
    Label Decimal symbol:
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


    The only values that can be changed are Dot (.) and Comma(,).

    Sizes for each group of monetary digits to the left of the decimal. An explicit size is needed for each group; semicolons separate sizes. If the last value is zero, the preceding value is repeated. To group thousands, specify 3;0.

    Character(s) used as the monetary separator between groups of digits to the left of the decimal.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type String
    Label Digit grouping symbol:
    Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


    The only values that can be changed are Dot (.) and Comma(,).

    String value for the negative sign.

    String value for the positive sign.

    Short date formatting string for this locale. The string can consist of a combination of day, month, and year format pictures defined in Day, Month, Year, and Era Format Pictures table in National Language Support Constants.

    Character(s) used to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type String
    Label Digit grouping symbol:
    Character(s) for the time separator.

    Time formatting strings for this locale. The string can consist of a combination of the hour, minute, and second format pictures defined in the Hour, Minute, and Second Format Pictures table in National Language Support Constants.

    Note   For Windows Mobile-based Smartphones, the Home screen does not display the seconds in HH:MM:SS.

    The Year/Month formatting string for the locale. This string shows the proper format for a date string that contains only the year and the month.

    String used as the local monetary symbol.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type String
    Label Currency symbol:

Microsoft Custom Elements

The following table shows the Microsoft custom elements that this Configuration Service Provider supports for OMA Client Provisioning.

Elements Available
parm-query Yes
noparm No
nocharacteristic No
characteristic-query No

Use these elements to build standard OMA Client Provisioning (formerly WAP) configuration XML. For information about specific elements, see MSPROV DTD Elements. For examples of how to generally use the Microsoft custom elements, see Provisioning XML File Examples.

For information about OMA Client Provisioning, see OMA Client Provisioning Files.

See Also

Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile-Based Devices | Locale Configuration Service Provider Example | Locale Configuration Service Provider Example for OMA DM

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