
CM_WiFiEntries Configuration Service Provider

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CM_WiFiEntries Configuration Service Provider is deprecated and is supported for backward compatibility only. For Windows Mobile Version 5.0, use the Wi-Fi Configuration Service Provider instead.

The CM_WiFiEntries Configuration Service Provider configures the Wireless Network (WiFi) entries on Windows Mobile-based devices. This configuration service provider changes the destination metanetwork for a WiFi service set identifier (SSID). If the SSID is already connected, the changed setting is not applied until the next time you connect to that network.

Note   This Configuration Service Provider is not available on Windows Mobile-based Smartphones.

Note   This Configuration Service Provider is managed over the OMA Client Provisioning (formerly WAP) protocol.

Note   Access to this Configuration Service Provider is determined by Security roles. Because OEMs and Mobile Operators can selectively disallow access, ask them about the availability of this Configuration Service Provider. For more information about roles, see Security Roles and Default Roles for Configuration Service Providers.

The CM_WiFiEntries Configuration Service Provider is used to configure a wireless network association with Internet or Private networks on Windows Mobile-based devices.

The nocharacteristic tag will work on the top two levels to delete all, or specific, entries.

The CM_WiFiEntries Configuration Service Provider can be configured in the following ways:

  • The user enters the association to configure the wireless network to the Internet or Private network, and then the user interface (UI) component calls Connection Manager again with the new setting. Connection Manager would, in turn, store this setting.
  • A corporation pre-configures a device prior to rollout with the information about their WiFi network and its metanetwork association.
  • The configuration information for the metanetwork association is updated through over-the-air (OTA) configuration of these parameters.

The following table shows the default settings. The default security role maps to each subnode unless specific permission is granted to the subnode.

Permissions Read/Write
Roles allowed to query and update setting Manager


The following image shows the Configuration Service Provider in tree format as used by OMA Client Provisioning.


  • <entryname>
    User-friendly, unique network name. Some possible networks are MSFTINET or MSFTWLAN. Used as the name of an 802.11 wireless network connection. Fields under this characteristic specify parameters for this connection.

    Note   A slash mark (\) and quotation mark (") are not valid characters in the network name.


  • DestId
    This parameter is used in the <entryname> characteristic as a GUID that represents the unique ID of the network to which this entry connects. See the Connmgr.h header for predefined GUID values IID_DestNet*.

    Note   The only two valid networks for Windows Mobile-based devices are Internet and Corporate/Private Network.

    The following table shows the default settings.

    Permissions Read/Write
    Data type String

Microsoft Custom Elements

The following table shows the Microsoft custom elements that this Configuration Service Provider supports for OMA Client Provisioning.

Elements Available
noparm No
nocharacteristic Yes
characteristic-query Yes
parm-query Yes

Use these elements to build standard OMA Client Provisioning (formerly WAP) configuration XML. For information about specific elements, see MSPROV DTD Elements. For examples of how to generally use the Microsoft custom elements, see Provisioning XML File Examples.

For information about OMA Client Provisioning, see OMA Client Provisioning Files.

See Also

Configuration Service Provider Reference for Windows Mobile-Based Devices | CM_WiFiEntries Configuration Service Provider Examples for OMA Client Provisioning

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