
Software-Based Input Panel Functions

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The following table shows the software-based input panel functions, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element PPC SP Description
SipEnumIM X X This function enumerates the currently available input methods (IMs).
SipEnumIMProc X X This application-defined callback function is used with the SipEnumIM function to enumerate the currently available input methods.
SipGetCurrentIM X X This function returns the class identifier (CLSID) of the current input method (IM).
SipGetInfo X X This function receives information including the state of the software-based input panel, the area of the desktop that is not obscured by the software-based input panel, the screen coordinates of the software-based input panel, and information about the input method (IM) that the software-based input panel is currently using.
SipRegisterNotification X X This function registers a window, which then receives software-based input panel notifications related to the current input method (IM).
SipSetCurrentIM X X This function sets the class identifier (CLSID) for the current input method (IM).
SipSetDefaultRect X X This function sets the default size and position of the software-based input panel window.
SipSetInfo X X This function sets information including the state of the software-based input panel, the area of the desktop that is not obscured by the software-based input panel, the screen coordinates of the software-based input panel, and application-defined information about the input method (IM) that the software-based input panel is currently using.
SipShowIM X X This function shows or hides the currently active software-based input panel window. An application must call this function to display the software-based input panel and its current input method.
SipStatus X X This function is called by an application to determine if the software-based input panel environment is loaded. With this information, an application can decide whether to continue interacting with the software-based input panel environment.

See Also

Software-Based Input Panel Reference | Software-Based Input Panel Application Development

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