
Retrieving a PIM Item from the Outlook Mobile Database

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Retrieving a PIM item from the Outlook Mobile database involves calling the IPOutlookItemCollection::Item method on the collection.

The Outlook Mobile database consists of three separate PIM item lists contained in the three default folders: the Appointments folder, the Tasks folder, and the Contacts folder.

To retrieve a particular item from the Tasks folder

  1. Create an instance of the Outlook Mobile application object and then use it to establish a POOM session. For more information, see How to: Establish a POOM session.

  2. Declare a reference to a generic PIM item collection, as follows:

    IPOutlookItemCollection *pItems;
  3. Declare a reference to a generic PIM item folder:

    IFolder *pFolder;
  4. Declare a reference to a Task item:

    ITask *pTask;
  5. Use the generic PIM item folder to get the Tasks folder:

    polApp->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks, &pFolder);
  6. Use the Tasks folder to get the collection of Task items:

  7. Get the third Task item from the collection of Task items:

    pItems->Item(3, &pTask)

Code Example

The following code example demonstrates how to retrieve the third Task item from the Tasks folder.

Note   To make the following code example easier to read, security checking and error handling are not included. This code example should not be used in a release configuration unless it has been modified to include them.

int index = 3;

void RetrieveTask(IPOutlookApp *polApp, int index)
    IPOutlookItemCollection *pItems;
    IFolder *pFolder;
    ITask *pTask;

    polApp->GetDefaultFolder(olFolderTasks, &pFolder)
    pItems->Item(index, &pTask)

    // ...
    // Do something with the Task item.
    // ...


See Also

How to Create a PIM Application with POOM | Pocket Outlook Object Model Application Development for Windows Mobile-based Devices | IPOutlookItemCollection::Item

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