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The STATUS_OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure describes a status object that has been affected by a change.


struct {
  ULONG cbEntryID; 
  ULONG cValues; 
  LPSPropValue lpPropVals; 


  • cbEntryID
    Count of bytes in the entry identifier pointed to by lpEntryID.
  • lpEntryID
    Pointer to the entry identifier of the changed status object.
  • cValues
    Count of SPropValue structures in the array pointed to by lpPropVals*.*
  • lpPropVals
    Pointer to an array of SPropValue structures that describe the properties of the changed status object.


This type is supported, but the notification that uses it (fnevStatusObjectModified) is never sent by MAPI.

The STATUS_OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure is one of the members of the union of structures included in the info member of the NOTIFICATION structure. The STATUS_OBJECT_NOTIFICATION structure is included with a status object notification — a notification for an event of type fnevStatusObjectModified. Status object notification is an internal MAPI notification; clients and service providers cannot register for it and service providers cannot generate it.


Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: mapidefs.h

See Also

MAPI Structures | Messaging | NOTIFICATION | SPropValue

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