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This structure contains status report information about a text message sent with the PS_MESSAGE_OPTION_STATUSREPORT flag in SmsGetMessageStatus calls and in the STATUS_PROVIDER_SPECIFIC_DATA structure.

typedef struct sms_status_information_tag {
SMS_MESSAGE_ID smsmidMessageID;
DWORD dwMessageStatus0;
DWORD dwMessageStatus1;
SMS_ADDRESS smsaRecipientAddress;
SYSTEMTIME stServiceCenterTimeStamp;
SYSTEMTIME stDischargeTime;


  • smsmidMessageID
    A message identifier returned when calling SmsSendMessage.

  • dwMessageStatus0
    The status of the message. For a status information response resulting from a multipart message, this field is read with the status responses of each multipart message. Because there are more than 32 flags, message status if broken into two DWORDs (dwMessageStatus0 and dwMessageStatus1). Both fields must be set to MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN for the message status to be unknown.

    Value Description
    MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN Unknown message status.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_RECEIVEDBYSME Message was successfully received by destination but some other things may have happened along the way.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_FORWARDEDTOSME Message was successfully forwarded to destination, but some other things may have happened along the way.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_REPLACEDBYSC Message was successfully replaced in the Short Message Service Center (SMSC), but some other things may have happened along the way.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_CONGESTION_TRYING Network congestion. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SMEBUSY_TRYING Destination busy. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SMENOTRESPONDING_TRYING Destination not responding. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SVCREJECTED_TRYING Service rejected. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_QUALITYUNAVAIL_TRYING Quality unavailable. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SMEERROR_TRYING Destination error. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_CONGESTION Temporary failure due to network congestion. The network congestion should not persist.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SMEBUSY Temporary failure because the destination is busy. The destination should not remain busy.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SMENOTRESPONDING Temporary failure because the destination is unresponsive. The destination should not remain unresponsive.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SVCREJECTED Temporary failure because service was rejected. The service rejection should not persist.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_QUALITYUNAVAIL_TEMP Temporary failure because quality is unavailable. The quality should not remain unavailable.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SMEERROR Temporary failure due to a destination error. The destination error should not persist.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_REMOTEPROCERROR Permanent failure due to the remote processor.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_INCOMPATIBLEDEST Permanent failure because the destination is incompatible.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_CONNECTIONREJECTED Permanent failure because the destination rejected the connection.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_NOTOBTAINABLE Permanent failure because the destination is unattainable.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_NOINTERNETWORKING Permanent failure because internetworking is unavailable.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_VPEXPIRED Permanent failure because the validity period expired.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_DELETEDBYORIGSME Permanent failure because the message deleted by the originator.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_DELETEDBYSC Permanent failure because the message was deleted by the SMSC.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_NOLONGEREXISTS Permanent failure because the message no longer exists.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_QUALITYUNAVAIL Permanent failure because quality is unavailable.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_RESERVED_COMPLETED The message was successfully reserved, but some other things may have happened along the way.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_RESERVED_TRYING Reserved. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_RESERVED_ERROR Permanent failure due to a reserved error.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_RESERVED_TMPERROR Temporary failure because the message was reserved. The reservation should not persist.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SCSPECIFIC_COMPLETED The message is SMSC specific and successfully delivered, but some other things may have happened along the way.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SCSPECIFIC_TRYING SMSC specific. The message has not been delivered yet but the system is still trying.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_0_SCSPECIFIC_ERROR Permanent failure due to an SMSC-specific error.
  • dwMessageStatus1
    The status of the message. For a status information response resulting from a multipart message, this field is read with the status responses of each multipart message. Because there are more than 32 flags, message status if broken into two DWORDs (dwMessageStatus0 and dwMessageStatus1). Both fields must be set to MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN for the message status to be unknown.

    Value Description
    MESSAGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN Unknown message status.
    MESSAGE_STATUS_1_SCSPECIFIC_TMPERROR Temporary failure due to an SMSC-specific error. The error should not persist.
  • smsaRecipientAddress
    The destination address of the message.

  • stServiceCenterTimeStamp
    The time when the service center received the sent message. For a status information response resulting from a multipart message, this field contains the most recent timestamp of all the multipart messages.

    This timestamp must be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format.

  • stDischargeTime
    The time pertaining to the particular outcome defined in dwMessageStatus. For a status information response resulting from a multipart message, this field contains the most recent discharge timestamp of all the multipart messages.

    This timestamp must be in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) format.


Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: sms.h
Library: sms.lib

See Also

Short Message Service Structures | SmsSendMessage

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