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The SimWriteRecord function writes a file to the SIM. This function is part of the SIM Manager API set that enables access to information stored on the SIM card.

HRESULT SimWriteRecord (
  HSIM hSim,
  DWORD dwAddress,
  DWORD dwRecordType,
  DWORD dwIndex,
  LPBYTE lpData,
  DWORD dwByteCount


  • hSim
    Points to a valid HSIM handle.

  • dwAddress
    SIM address.

  • dwRecordType
    A SIM_RECORDTYPE constant.

    Value Description
    SIM_RECORDTYPE_UNKNOWN An unknown file type.
    SIM_RECORDTYPE_TRANSPARENT A single variable-length record.
    SIM_RECORDTYPE_CYCLIC A cyclic set of records, each of the same length.
    SIM_RECORDTYPE_LINEAR A linear set of records, each of the same length.
    SIM_RECORDTYPE_MASTER Every SIM has a single master record, effectively the head node.
    SIM_RECORDTYPE_DEDICATED Effectively a "directory" file that is a parent of other records.
  • dwIndex
    Applies only to the SIM_RECORDTYPE_CYCLIC and SIM_RECORDTYPE_LINEAR constants; this parameter is ignored in any other case.

  • lpData
    Data to write.

  • dwByteCount
    Number of bytes to write.

Return Values

HRESULTs are either S_OK for success, or one of the SIM_E error constants defined in the SIM Manager Error Constants table.


This is a privileged function.


Smartphone: Smartphone 2002 and later
Pocket PC: Pocket PC 2002 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later
Header: simmgr.h
Library: cellcore.lib

See Also


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