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The IWebBrowser2 interface enables applications to reuse the Internet Explorer Mobile web browser. This interface derives from the IWebBrowserApp interface, which in turn derives from the IWebBrowser interface.

Note   Windows Mobile-based Smartphones do not support frames.

The IWebBrowser2 interface supports features such as the following:

  • Displaying and modifying windows
  • Managing object states
  • Resizing objects
  • Managing the device
  • Managing the history list
  • Navigating to a URL, file, or start page
  • Accessing application executable file


The following table shows the Smartphone methods supported for IWebBrowser2.

Smartphone methods Description
ClientToWindow Converts client sizes into window sizes.
ExecWB This method is not supported for Windows Mobile Version 5.0.

Executes a command on an OLE object and returns the status of the command execution using the IOleCommandTarget::Exec method.

get_Application Gets the automation object for an application that is hosting the WebBrowser control.
get_Busy Indicates whether the object is engaged in a navigation or downloading operation.
get_Container Gets an object reference to a container.
get_Document Gets the automation object of the active document.
get_FullName Gets the file specification of the application, including the path.
get_Height Gets the vertical dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
get_HWND Gets the HWND of the current browser window.
get_Left Gets the horizontal position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
get_LocationName Gets the short, user-friendly name of the document currently being viewed.
get_LocationURL Gets the full URL of the document currently being viewed.
get_Name Gets the name of an application.
get_Offline Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is currently operating in offline mode.
get_Parent Gets the parent of the object.
get_Path Gets the path to the application.
get_ReadyState Gets the ready state of an object.
get_StatusBar Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the status bar is visible or hidden.
get_Top Gets the vertical position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
get_TopLevelContainer Indicates whether the object is a top-level container.
get_Type Gets the type name of the contained document object.
get_Visible Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is visible or hidden.
get_Width Gets the horizontal dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
GetProperty Gets the value of a property associated with an object.
GoBack Navigates to the previous item in the history list.
GoForward Navigates to the next item in the history list.
GoHome Navigates to the start page.
GoSearch Navigates to the search page.
Navigate Navigates to a URL or file.
Navigate2 Navigates to a URL, file or item identifier list (pidl).
put_Height Sets the vertical dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
put_Left Sets the horizontal position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
put_Offline Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is currently operating in offline mode.
put_StatusBar Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the status bar is visible or hidden.
put_Top Sets the vertical position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
put_Visible Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is visible or hidden.
put_Width Sets the horizontal dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
PutProperty Sets the value of a property associated with an object.
QueryStatusWB This method is not supported for Windows Mobile 5.0.

Queries the OLE object for the status of commands using the IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus method.

Quit Exits an application and closes the open document.
Refresh Refreshes the currently viewed page.
Refresh2 Refreshes the currently viewed page.
Stop Stops opening a file.

The following table shows the Pocket PC methods supported for IWebBrowser2.

Pocket PC methods Description
ClientToWindow Converts client sizes into window sizes.
ExecWB This method is not supported for Windows Mobile 5.0.

Executes a command on an OLE object and returns the status of the command execution using the IOleCommandTarget::Exec method.

get_AddressBar (PPC) Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the address bar is visible or hidden.
get_Application Gets the automation object for an application that is hosting the WebBrowser control.
get_Busy Indicates whether the object is engaged in a navigation or downloading operation.
get_Container Gets an object reference to a container.
get_Document Gets the automation object of the active document.
get_FullName Gets the file specification of the application, including the path.
get_Height Gets the vertical dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
get_HWND Gets the HWND of the current browser window.
get_Left Gets the horizontal position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
get_LocationName Gets the short, user-friendly name of the document currently being viewed.
get_LocationURL Gets the full URL of the document currently being viewed.
get_Name Gets the name of an application.
get_Offline Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is currently operating in offline mode.
get_Parent Gets the parent of the object.
get_Path Gets the path to the application.
get_ReadyState Gets the ready state of an object.
get_StatusBar Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the status bar is visible or hidden.
get_Top Gets the vertical position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
get_TopLevelContainer Indicates whether the object is a top-level container.
get_Type Gets the type name of the contained document object.
get_Visible Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is visible or hidden.
get_Width Gets the horizontal dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
GetProperty Gets the value of a property associated with an object.
GoBack Navigates to the previous item in the history list.
GoForward Navigates to the next item in the history list.
GoHome Navigates to the start page.
GoSearch Navigates to the search page.
Navigate Navigates to a URL or file.
Navigate2 Navigates to a URL, file or item identifier list (pidl).
put_AddressBar (PPC) Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the address bar is visible or hidden.
put_Height Sets the vertical dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
put_Left Sets the horizontal position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
put_Offline Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is currently operating in offline mode.
put_StatusBar Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether the status bar is visible or hidden.
put_Top Sets the vertical position of the frame window relative to the screen, in pixels.
put_Visible Sets a Boolean value that indicates whether an object is visible or hidden.
put_Width Sets the horizontal dimension of the frame window, in pixels.
PutProperty Sets the value of a property associated with an object.
QueryStatusWB This method is not supported for Windows Mobile 5.0.

Queries the OLE object for the status of commands using the IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus method.

Quit Exits an application and closes the open document.
Refresh Refreshes the currently viewed page.
Refresh2 Refreshes the currently viewed page.
Stop Stops opening a file.


The following members are not currently implemented. They return the E_NOTIMPL value.

  • get_FullScreen
  • get_MenuBar
  • get_RegisterAsBrowser
  • get_RegisterAsDropTarget
  • get_Resizable
  • get_Silent
  • get_StatusText
  • get_TheaterMode
  • get_ToolBar
  • put_FullScreen
  • put_MenuBar
  • put_RegisterAsBrowser
  • put_RegisterAsDropTarget
  • put_Resizable
  • put_Silent
  • put_StatusText
  • put_TheaterMode
  • put_ToolBar
  • ShowBrowserBar


Pocket PC: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
Smartphone: Windows Mobile Version 5.0 and later
OS Versions: Windows CE 5.01 and later
Header: piedocvw.h
Library: piedocvw.lib

See Also

Internet Explorer Mobile Browser Reference | Internet Explorer Mobile Browser Interfaces

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