
Shell Messages

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The following table shows the Shell messages, with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
DLM_DELETESEL Sent by an application to delete the item or items selected in the document list.
DLM_DISABLEUPDATES Sent by an application to prevent the document list view from updating.
DLM_ENABLEUPDATES Sent by an application to allow the document list view to be updated.
DLM_GETFILTERINDEX Sent by an application to retrieve the current file filter selection (for example, when a user sets the current file filter in a combo box).
DLM_GETITEMCOUNT Sent by an application to count the items in the document list.
DLM_GETNEXTITEM Sent by an application to retrieve the next item in the document list.
DLM_GETNEXTWAVE Sent by an application to retrieve the next listed WAV file.
DLM_GETPREVWAVE Sent by an application to retrieve the previous listed WAV file.
DLM_GETSELCOUNT Sent by an application to retrieve the number of selected items.
DLM_GETSELPATHNAME Sent by an application to retrieve the path name associated with the selected item.
DLM_RECEIVEIR Sent by an application to receive information using the IR port of the device.
DLM_REFRESH Sent by an application to refresh the document list view.
DLM_RENAMEMOVE Sent by an application to call the Rename/Move dialog for the items selected in the document list.
DLM_SELECTALL Sent by an application to select all items in the document list.
DLM_SELECTITEM Sent by an application to retrieve the item associated with the path name selected in the document list.
DLM_SENDEMAIL Sent by an application to send e-mail.
DLM_SENDIR Sent by an application to send information using the IR port of the device.
DLM_SETFILTERINDEX Sent when the file filter is changed (for example, if a user changes device settings in an Options dialog).
DLM_SETFOLDER Sent by an application to set the document list to a folder.
DLM_SETITEMSTATE Sent by an application to change the state of an item in the document list.
DLM_SETONEITEM Sent by an application to create an item that contains the PA structure that was passed in.
DLM_SETSELECT Sent by an application to select an item based on its index value.
DLM_SETSELPATHNAME Sent by an application to set the path name of the item to show as selected during the next document list refresh.
DLM_SETSORTORDER Sent by an application to restore the document list view.
DLM_UPDATE Sent by an application to refresh the document list view, but the selection will not be restored.
DLM_VALIDATEFOLDER Sent by an application to determine whether the current folder is valid.
DM_RESETSCROLL Resets scroll information.
EM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE Retrieves the extended styles that are currently in use for an edit control.
EM_GETINPUTMODE Gets the default input mode if the control does not have focus and gets the actual input mode if the control has focus.
EM_SETINPUTMODE Sets the default input mode.
EM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE Sets extended styles.
EM_SETSYMBOLS Sets symbols that are displayed when the user presses the 1 key in Multi-press mode.
NM_CUSTOMDRAW This message is sent by some common controls to notify their parent windows about drawing operations.
SHCMBM_GETMENU Retrieves the owning hmenu as specified in the load resource.
SHCMBM_GETSUBMENU Retrieves the owning hmenu as specified in the load resource.
SHCMBM_GETMENU Retrieves the owning hmenu as specified in the load resource.
SHCMBM_GETSUBMENU Retrieves the owning hmenu as specified in the load resource.
SHCMBM_OVERRIDEKEY Sent by a window to its soft key bar to modify the default handling of key messages sent to the soft key bar or to be notified of these messages.
SHCMBM_SETSUBMENU Assigns the owning hmenu as specified in the load resource.
TB_GETBUTTONINFO Retrieves information for a button on a soft key bar. This message can be used to get the ID, text, and state of a soft key bar button, as well as the handle of the pop-up menu associated with the button.
TB_SETBUTTONINFO Sets the information for an existing button on a soft key bar. This message can be used to change the ID, text, and state of a soft key bar button.
WM_FILECHANGEINFO This notification message is sent by SendNotifyMessage from the shell to the window that was registered with SHChangeNotifyRegister.

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