
Remote API Structures

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The following table shows the structures for the Remote API (RAPI).

Structure PPC SP Description
CE_FIND_DATA X X Describes a file found by the CeFindAllFiles function.
CEBLOB X X Contains information about a binary large object (BLOB) of data in the object store.
CEDB_FIND_DATA X X Contains information about a database in the Microsoft® Windows® CE object store. This structure is used by the CeFindAllDatabases function.
CEDBASEINFO X X Contains information about a database object and is used by the CeSetDatabaseInfo and CeCreateDatabaseEx functions.
CEDIRINFO X X Contains information about a directory object.
CEFILEINFO X X Contains information about a file object.
CEGUID X X Contains the globally unique identifier (GUID) of a mounted database.
CENOTIFICATION X X Contains information about a change in the object store or a mounted database volume.
CENOTIFYREQUEST X X Contains information to initialize the database and object store notification process.
CEOIDINFO X X Contains information about an object in the object store or database volume.
CEOSVERSIONINFO X X Contains operating system version information.
CEPROPVAL X X Contains a property value.
CERECORDINFO X X Contains information about a record object.
RAPIINIT X X Contains information used to initialize a RAPI connection.
SORTORDERSPEC X X Contains information about a sort order in a database.
STORE_INFORMATION X X Contains the size of the object store and the amount of free space currently in the object store.
SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS_EX X X Contains information about the power status of the system.

See Also

Remote API (RAPI) Reference

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