Registration Format for File System Shortcut Menu Extensions
The registration format for file system shortcut menu extensions is as follows:
@ = MenuDisplayName
DelayLoad = dword:DLoad
The Programmatic Identifier (PROGID) of the application associated with this particular file type. This is the default key value for this file type. For example, Word Mobile uses docfile as the default value for the key HKCR\.doc.CLSID
The Class Identifier (CLSID) of your shortcut menu extension component.MenuDisplayName
A string specifying the shortcut menu item text that appears in the shortcut menu.Dload
Specifies whether to delay-load the shortcut menu extension. When delay-loaded, the IContextMenu object is neither initialized nor called until the menu item is invoked. Only one shortcut menu extension can be delay-loaded at a time.To delay-load the shortcut menu extension, include the DelayLoad value name and give it the value DelayLoad=dword:1. If DelayLoad is missing or set to 0, the shell calls IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu during the call to SHLoadContextMenuExtensions and enumerates the shortcut menu items to add.
File Explorer and the other document lists have an IDataObject abstraction interface. The IDataObject::GetData method supports the CF_HDROP format, passed as FORMATETC.cfFormat, and returns a medium of type TYMED_HGLOBAL. The STGMEDIUM.hGlobal attribute contains a DROPFILES structure.
See Also
How to: Extend Shortcut Menus | How to: Register a File System Shortcut Menu | Registration Format for Application Shortcut Menu Extensions | Shortcut Menu Overview
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