
Anonymous Methods (C# Programming Guide) 

In versions of C# previous to 2.0, the only way to declare a delegate was to use named methods. C# 2.0 introduces anonymous methods.

Creating anonymous methods is essentially a way to pass a code block as a delegate parameter. For example:

// Create a handler for a click event
button1.Click += delegate(System.Object o, System.EventArgs e)
                   { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Click!"); };


// Create a delegate instance
delegate void Del(int x);

// Instantiate the delegate using an anonymous method
Del d = delegate(int k) { /* ... */ };

By using anonymous methods, you reduce the coding overhead in instantiating delegates by eliminating the need to create a separate method.

For example, specifying a code block in the place of a delegate can be useful in a situation when having to create a method might seem an unnecessary overhead. A good example would be when launching a new thread. This class creates a thread and also contains the code that the thread executes, without the need for creating an additional method for the delegate.

void StartThread()
    System.Threading.Thread t1 = new System.Threading.Thread
                System.Console.Write("Hello, ");


The scope of the parameters of an anonymous method is the anonymous-method-block.

It is an error to have a jump statement, such as goto, break, or continue, inside the anonymous method block whose target is outside the block. It is also an error to have a jump statement, such as goto, break, or continue, outside the anonymous method block whose target is inside the block.

The local variables and parameters whose scope contain an anonymous method declaration are called outer or captured variables of the anonymous method. For example, in the following code segment, n is an outer variable:

int n = 0;
Del d = delegate() { System.Console.WriteLine("Copy #:{0}", ++n); };

Unlike local variables, the lifetime of the outer variable extends until the delegates that reference the anonymous methods are eligible for garbage collection. A reference to n is captured at the time the delegate is created.

An anonymous method cannot access the ref or out parameters of an outer scope.

No unsafe code can be accessed within the anonymous-method-block.


The following example demonstrates the two ways of instantiating a delegate:

  • Associating the delegate with an anonymous method.

  • Associating the delegate with a named method (DoWork).

In each case, a message is displayed when the delegate is invoked.

// Declare a delegate
delegate void Printer(string s);

class TestClass
    static void Main()
        // Instatiate the delegate type using an anonymous method:
        Printer p = delegate(string j)

        // Results from the anonymous delegate call:
        p("The delegate using the anonymous method is called.");

        // The delegate instantiation using a named method "DoWork":
        p = new Printer(TestClass.DoWork);

        // Results from the old style delegate call:
        p("The delegate using the named method is called.");

    // The method associated with the named delegate:
    static void DoWork(string k)


The delegate using the anonymous method is called.

The delegate using the named method is called.

See Also


Methods (C# Programming Guide)


C# Programming Guide
Delegates (C# Programming Guide)
Unsafe Code and Pointers (C# Programming Guide)
Named Methods (C# Programming Guide)

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