
How to: Register Automation Servers

You can make your Automation server available to other applications after you add the server to the Windows registry. When you build an Automation server, it is registered automatically on the computer that you build it on. When you use the Visual FoxPro Setup program to create setup disks, the setup program registers your server on the computer it is set up on. However, you can also manually register servers.


The registry contains the full path name to the file, so if you move the file, you need to register it again.

To register an .exe component

  • Run the .exe file with the /regserver switch.

    For example, to register Myserver.exe, run the following command:

    myserver /regserver

To remove an .exe component registry entry

  • Run the .exe file with the /unregserver switch.

    For example, to unregister Myserver.exe, run the following command:

    myserver /unregserver

To register a .dll component

  • Run REGSVR32 with the name of the server.

    For example, to register Myserver.dll run the following command:

    REGSVR32 myserver.dll

To remove a .dll component registry entry

  • Run REGSVR32 with the name of the server and the /u switch.

    For example, to register Myserver.dll run the following command:

    REGSVR32 /u myserver.dll

See Also

Other Resources

Working with Automation Servers