Getting support from the community
The PowerShell Community is a vibrant and active group of users. This article can help you get connected with other member of the community.
The PowerShell community can file issues, bugs, or feature requests in our GitHub repository. If you have questions, you may find help from other members of the community in one of these public forums:
- User Groups
- PowerShell Tech Community
- DSC Community
- Stack Overflow
- r/PowerShell subreddit
- PowerShell Virtual User Group - join via:
For information about our support policy, see the PowerShell Support Lifecycle.
GitHub で Microsoft と共同作業する
このコンテンツのソースは GitHub にあります。そこで、issue や pull request を作成および確認することもできます。 詳細については、共同作成者ガイドを参照してください。