このトピックでは、Azure Storage 管理コマンドレットのヘルプ トピックを示します。
Add-AzRmStorageContainerLegalHold |
Adds legal hold tags to a Storage blob container |
Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction |
Adds an action to the input ManagementPolicy Action Group object, or creates a ManagementPolicy Action Group object with the action. The object can be used in New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule. |
Add-AzStorageAccountNetworkRule |
Add IpRules or VirtualNetworkRules to the NetworkRule property of a Storage account |
Close-AzStorageFileHandle |
Closes file handles of a file share, a file directory or a file. |
Copy-AzStorageBlob |
Copy a blob synchronously. |
Disable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy |
Disable delete retention policy for the Azure Storage Blob service. |
Disable-AzStorageBlobLastAccessTimeTracking |
Disable last access time tracking for the Azure Storage Blob service. |
Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy |
Disables Blob Restore Policy on a Storage account. |
Disable-AzStorageContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy |
Disable delete retention policy for Azure Storage blob containers. |
Disable-AzStorageDeleteRetentionPolicy |
Disable delete retention policy for the Azure Storage Blob service. |
Disable-AzStorageStaticWebsite |
Disable static website for the Azure Storage account. |
Enable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy |
Enable delete retention policy for the Azure Storage Blob service. |
Enable-AzStorageBlobLastAccessTimeTracking |
Enable last access time tracking for the Azure Storage Blob service. |
Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy |
Enables Blob Restore Policy on a Storage account. |
Enable-AzStorageContainerDeleteRetentionPolicy |
Enable delete retention policy for Azure Storage blob containers. |
Enable-AzStorageDeleteRetentionPolicy |
Enable delete retention policy for the Azure Storage Blob service. |
Enable-AzStorageStaticWebsite |
Enable static website for the Azure Storage account. |
Get-AzDataLakeGen2ChildItem |
Lists sub directories and files from a directory or filesystem root. |
Get-AzDataLakeGen2DeletedItem |
List all deleted files or directories from a directory or filesystem root. |
Get-AzDataLakeGen2Item |
Gets the details of a file or directory in a filesystem. |
Get-AzDataLakeGen2ItemContent |
Download a file. |
Get-AzRmStorageContainer |
Gets or lists Storage blob containers |
Get-AzRmStorageContainerImmutabilityPolicy |
Gets ImmutabilityPolicy of a Storage blob containers |
Get-AzRmStorageShare |
Gets or lists Storage file shares. |
Get-AzStorageAccount |
Gets a Storage account. |
Get-AzStorageAccountKey |
Gets the access keys for an Azure Storage account. |
Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy |
Gets the management policy of an Azure Storage account. |
Get-AzStorageAccountMigration |
Gets the status of the ongoing migration for the specified storage account. |
Get-AzStorageAccountNameAvailability |
Checks the availability of a Storage account name. |
Get-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet |
Get the NetWorkRule property of a Storage account |
Get-AzStorageBlob |
Lists blobs in a container. |
Get-AzStorageBlobByTag |
Lists blobs in a storage account across containers, with a blob tag filter sql expression. |
Get-AzStorageBlobContent |
Downloads a storage blob. |
Get-AzStorageBlobCopyState |
Gets the copy status of an Azure Storage blob. |
Get-AzStorageBlobInventoryPolicy |
Gets blob inventory policy from a Storage account. |
Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult |
Applies a simple Structured Query Language (SQL) statement on a blob's contents and save only the queried subset of the data to a local file. |
Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty |
Gets service properties for Azure Storage Blob services. |
Get-AzStorageBlobTag |
Get blob tags of a specific blob. |
Get-AzStorageContainer |
Lists the storage containers. |
Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy |
Gets the stored access policy or policies for an Azure storage container. |
Get-AzStorageCORSRule |
Gets CORS rules for a Storage service type. |
Get-AzStorageEncryptionScope |
Get or list encryption scopes from a Storage account. |
Get-AzStorageFile |
Lists directories and files for a path. |
Get-AzStorageFileContent |
Downloads the contents of a file. |
Get-AzStorageFileCopyState |
Gets the state of a copy operation. |
Get-AzStorageFileHandle |
Lists file handles of a file share, a file directory or a file. |
Get-AzStorageFileServiceProperty |
Gets service properties for Azure Storage File services. |
Get-AzStorageLocalUser |
Gets a specified local user or lists all local users in a storage account. |
Get-AzStorageLocalUserKey |
Lists SSH authorized keys and shared key of a specified local user. |
Get-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy |
Gets or lists object replication policy of a Storage account. |
Get-AzStorageQueue |
Lists storage queues. |
Get-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy |
Gets the stored access policy or policies for an Azure storage queue. |
Get-AzStorageServiceLoggingProperty |
Gets logging properties for Azure Storage services. |
Get-AzStorageServiceMetricsProperty |
Gets metrics properties for the Azure Storage service. |
Get-AzStorageServiceProperty |
Gets properties for Azure Storage services. |
Get-AzStorageShare |
Gets a list of file shares. |
Get-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy |
Gets stored access policies for a Storage share. |
Get-AzStorageTable |
Lists the storage tables. |
Get-AzStorageTableStoredAccessPolicy |
Gets the stored access policy or policies for an Azure storage table. |
Get-AzStorageUsage |
Gets the Storage resource usage of the current subscription. |
Invoke-AzRmStorageContainerImmutableStorageWithVersioningMigration |
Migrate an existing Storage blob containers to enable immutable Storage with versioning. |
Invoke-AzStorageAccountFailover |
Invokes failover of a Storage account. |
Invoke-AzStorageAccountHierarchicalNamespaceUpgrade |
Validates if a storage account can be upgraded to enable HierarchicalNamespace, or upgrades a Storage account to enabled HierarchicalNamespace. |
Lock-AzRmStorageContainerImmutabilityPolicy |
Locks ImmutabilityPolicy of a Storage blob containers |
Move-AzDataLakeGen2Item |
Move a file or directory to another a file or directory in same Storage account. |
New-AzDataLakeGen2Item |
Create a file or directory in a filesystem. |
New-AzDataLakeGen2SasToken |
Generates a SAS token for Azure DatalakeGen2 item. |
New-AzRmStorageContainer |
Creates a Storage blob container |
New-AzRmStorageShare |
Creates a Storage file share. |
New-AzStorageAccount |
Creates a Storage account. |
New-AzStorageAccountKey |
Regenerates a storage key for an Azure Storage account. |
New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyBlobIndexMatchObject |
Creates a ManagementPolicy BlobIndexMatch object, which can be used in New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyFilter. |
New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyFilter |
Creates a ManagementPolicy rule filter object, which can be used in New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule. |
New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule |
Creates a ManagementPolicy rule object, which can be used in Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy. |
New-AzStorageAccountSASToken |
Creates an account-level SAS token. |
New-AzStorageBlobInventoryPolicyRule |
Creates a blob inventory policy rule object, which can be used in Set-AzStorageBlobInventoryPolicy. |
New-AzStorageBlobQueryConfig |
Creates a blob query configuration object, which can be used in Get-AzStorageBlobQueryResult. |
New-AzStorageBlobRangeToRestore |
Creates a Blob Range object to restores a Storage account. |
New-AzStorageBlobSASToken |
Generates a SAS token for an Azure storage blob. |
New-AzStorageContainer |
Creates an Azure storage container. |
New-AzStorageContainerSASToken |
Generates an SAS token for an Azure storage container. |
New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy |
Creates a stored access policy for an Azure storage container. |
New-AzStorageContext |
Creates an Azure Storage context. |
New-AzStorageDirectory |
Creates a directory. |
New-AzStorageEncryptionScope |
Creates an encryption scope for a Storage account. |
New-AzStorageFileSASToken |
Generates a shared access signature token for a Storage file. |
New-AzStorageLocalUserPermissionScope |
Creates a permission scope object, which can be used in Set-AzStorageLocalUser. |
New-AzStorageLocalUserSshPassword |
Regenerate SSH password of a specified local user in a storage account. |
New-AzStorageLocalUserSshPublicKey |
Creates a SSH public key object, which can be used in Set-AzStorageLocalUser. |
New-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicyRule |
Creates an object replication policy rule. |
New-AzStorageQueue |
Creates a storage queue. |
New-AzStorageQueueSASToken |
Generates a shared access signature token for an Azure storage queue. |
New-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy |
Creates a stored access policy for an Azure storage queue. |
New-AzStorageShare |
Creates a file share. |
New-AzStorageShareSASToken |
Generate Shared Access Signature token for Azure Storage share. |
New-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy |
Creates a stored access policy on a Storage share. |
New-AzStorageTable |
Creates a storage table. |
New-AzStorageTableSASToken |
Generates an SAS token for an Azure Storage table. |
New-AzStorageTableStoredAccessPolicy |
Creates a stored access policy for an Azure storage table. |
Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive |
Remove ACL recursively on the specified path. |
Remove-AzDataLakeGen2Item |
Remove a file or directory. |
Remove-AzRmStorageContainer |
Removes a Storage blob container |
Remove-AzRmStorageContainerImmutabilityPolicy |
Removes ImmutabilityPolicy of a Storage blob container with an unlocked policy |
Remove-AzRmStorageContainerLegalHold |
Removes legal hold tags from a Storage blob container |
Remove-AzRmStorageShare |
Removes a Storage file share. |
Remove-AzStorageAccount |
Removes a Storage account from Azure. |
Remove-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy |
Removes the management policy of an Azure Storage account. |
Remove-AzStorageAccountNetworkRule |
Remove IpRules or VirtualNetworkRules from the NetWorkRule property of a Storage account |
Remove-AzStorageBlob |
Removes the specified storage blob. |
Remove-AzStorageBlobImmutabilityPolicy |
Removes ImmutabilityPolicy of a Storage blob. |
Remove-AzStorageBlobInventoryPolicy |
Removes blob inventory policy from a Storage account. |
Remove-AzStorageContainer |
Removes the specified storage container. |
Remove-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy |
Removes a stored access policy from an Azure storage container. |
Remove-AzStorageCORSRule |
Removes CORS for a Storage service. |
Remove-AzStorageDirectory |
Deletes a directory. |
Remove-AzStorageFile |
Deletes a file. |
Remove-AzStorageLocalUser |
Removes a specified local user in a storage account. |
Remove-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy |
Removes the specified object replication policy from a Storage account. |
Remove-AzStorageQueue |
Removes a storage queue. |
Remove-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy |
Removes a stored access policy from an Azure storage queue. |
Remove-AzStorageShare |
Deletes a file share. |
Remove-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy |
Removes a stored access policy from a Storage share. |
Remove-AzStorageTable |
Removes a storage table. |
Remove-AzStorageTableStoredAccessPolicy |
Removes a stored access policy from an Azure storage table. |
Rename-AzStorageDirectory |
Renames a directory. |
Rename-AzStorageFile |
Renames a file. |
Restore-AzDataLakeGen2DeletedItem |
Restores a deleted file or directory in a filesystem. |
Restore-AzRmStorageShare |
Restores a deleted file share. |
Restore-AzStorageBlobRange |
Restores a Storage account for specific blob ranges. |
Restore-AzStorageContainer |
Restores a previously deleted Azure storage blob container. |
Revoke-AzStorageAccountUserDelegationKeys |
Revoke all User Delegation keys of a Storage account. |
Set-AzCurrentStorageAccount |
Modifies the current Storage account of the specified subscription. |
Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive |
Set ACL recursively on the specified path. |
Set-AzDataLakeGen2ItemAclObject |
Creates/Updates a DataLake gen2 item ACL object, which can be used in Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item cmdlet. |
Set-AzRmStorageContainerImmutabilityPolicy |
Creates or updates ImmutabilityPolicy of a Storage blob containers |
Set-AzStorageAccount |
Modifies a Storage account. |
Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy |
Creates or modifies the management policy of an Azure Storage account. |
Set-AzStorageBlobContent |
Uploads a local file to an Azure Storage blob. |
Set-AzStorageBlobImmutabilityPolicy |
Creates or updates ImmutabilityPolicy of a Storage blob. |
Set-AzStorageBlobInventoryPolicy |
Creates or updates blob inventory policy in a Storage account. |
Set-AzStorageBlobLegalHold |
Enables or disables legal hold on a Storage blob. |
Set-AzStorageBlobTag |
Set blob tags of a specific blob. |
Set-AzStorageContainerAcl |
Sets the public access permission to a storage container. |
Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy |
Sets a stored access policy for an Azure storage container. |
Set-AzStorageCORSRule |
Sets the CORS rules for a type of Storage service. |
Set-AzStorageFileContent |
Uploads the contents of a file. |
Set-AzStorageLocalUser |
Creates or updates a specified local user in a storage account. |
Set-AzStorageObjectReplicationPolicy |
Creates or updates the specified object replication policy in a Storage account. |
Set-AzStorageQueueStoredAccessPolicy |
Sets a stored access policy for an Azure storage queue. |
Set-AzStorageServiceLoggingProperty |
Modifies logging for Azure Storage services. |
Set-AzStorageServiceMetricsProperty |
Modifies metrics properties for the Azure Storage service. |
Set-AzStorageShareQuota |
Sets the storage capacity for a share. |
Set-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy |
Updates a stored access policy on a Storage share. |
Set-AzStorageTableStoredAccessPolicy |
Sets the stored access policy for an Azure storage table. |
Start-AzStorageAccountMigration |
Account Migration request can be triggered for a storage account to change its redundancy level. The migration updates the non-zonal redundant storage account to a zonal redundant account or vice-versa in order to have better reliability and availability. Zone-redundant storage (ZRS) replicates your storage account synchronously across three Azure availability zones in the primary region. |
Start-AzStorageBlobCopy |
Starts to copy a blob. |
Start-AzStorageBlobIncrementalCopy |
Start an Incremental copy operation from a Page blob snapshot to the specified destination Page blob. |
Start-AzStorageFileCopy |
Starts to copy a source file. |
Stop-AzStorageAccountHierarchicalNamespaceUpgrade |
Aborts an ongoing HierarchicalNamespace upgrade task on a storage account. |
Stop-AzStorageBlobCopy |
Stops a copy operation. |
Stop-AzStorageFileCopy |
Stops a copy operation to the specified destination file. |
Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive |
Update ACL recursively on the specified path. |
Update-AzDataLakeGen2Item |
Update a file or directory on properties, metadata, permission, ACL, and owner. |
Update-AzRmStorageContainer |
Modifies a Storage blob container |
Update-AzRmStorageShare |
Modifies a Storage file share. |
Update-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet |
Update the NetworkRule property of a Storage account |
Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty |
Modifies the service properties for the Azure Storage Blob service. |
Update-AzStorageEncryptionScope |
Modify an encryption scope for a Storage account. |
Update-AzStorageFileServiceProperty |
Modifies the service properties for the Azure Storage File service. |
Update-AzStorageServiceProperty |
Modifies the properties for the Azure Storage service. |