SQL 脆弱性評価スキャンの結果を取得します。
[-ScanId <String>]
[-RuleId <String>]
-ResourceId <String>
-WorkspaceId <String>
-Server <String>
-Database <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
[-ScanId <String>]
[-RuleId <String>]
-WorkspaceId <String>
-Server <String>
-Database <String>
-ComputerName <String>
-VmUuid <String>
-AgentId <String>
-WorkspaceResourceId <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
SQL 脆弱性評価スキャンの結果を取得します。
例 1: SQL Database の最新のスキャンからすべての結果を取得する
Get-AzSecuritySqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult -WorkspaceResourceId /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/ahabas-workspace -ComputerName -AgentId 49640166-652f-4ee6-b48b-cfb840b8afe2 -VmUuid 4c4c4544-0030-4b10-8039-b8c04f4a3332 -WorkspaceId ba7c9d0e-a6e3-4997-b575-cf7a18a98a49 -Server AHABASDEV01SRV -Database master
RuleId : VA1017
Status : NonFinding
IsTrimmed : False
QueryResults : {}
Remediation : {
Revoke EXECUTE permission on xp_cmdshell to all users (except dbo)
IsAutomated: False
Portal Link:
BaselineAdjustedResult : {}
RuleMetadata : {
Rule id: VA1017
Severity: High
Category: AuthenticationAndAuthorization
Rule type: NegativeList
Title: Execute permissions on xp_cmdshell from all users (except dbo) should be revoked.
Description: The xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure spawns a Windows command shell, passing in a string for execution. This rule checks that no users (except users with the CONTROL SERVER permission like members of the sysadmin server role) have permission to execute the xp_cmdshell ext
ended stored procedure.
Rationale: The xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure is a very powerful tool, but because of that, it is crucial that access to xp_cmdshell be tightly controlled. By default, only users with the CONTROL SERVER permission like members of the sysadmin server role can execute this extended
stored procedure. When first enabled, xp_cmdshell has the same security context as the SQL Server service account. The SQL Server service account is often more privileged than necessary for the work being performed by the process created by xp_cmdshell. As such, malicious users can attempt
to elevate their privileges by using xp_cmdshell. See for more information on xp_cmdshell.
Query check:
SELECT AS [Principal] FROM sys.database_permissions AS dp JOIN sys.database_principals AS dpr ON dp.grantee_principal_id = dpr.principal_id WHERE major_id = OBJECT_ID('xp_cmdshell') AND dp.[type] = 'EX' AND [state] IN ( 'G' ,'W' )
Column Names:
Expected Results:
Benchmark References:
Benchmark: FedRAMP
Id : /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/ahabas-workspace/onpremisemachines/
Name : VA1017
Type : Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults
RuleId : VA1018
Status : Finding
IsTrimmed : False
QueryResults : {True}
Remediation : {
Install the latest SQL Server CU corresponding to your version of SQL Server. Go to to find and download the required CU.
IsAutomated: True
Portal Link:
BaselineAdjustedResult : {}
RuleMetadata : {
Rule id: VA1018
Severity: High
Category: InstallationUpdatesAndPatches
Rule type: Binary
Title: Latest updates should be installed
Description: Microsoft periodically releases Cumulative Updates (CUs) for each version of SQL Server. This rule checks whether the latest CU has been installed for the particular version of SQL Server being used.
Rationale: Running with the latest Cumulative Updates (CU) for any particular version of SQL Server is important as these CU are a collection of all available patches up-to-date, including all known security fixes. Microsoft officially recommends ongoing, proactive installation of SQL
Server CUs as they become available.
Query check:
SELECT CASE WHEN Serverproperty('ProductVersion') >= '14.0.3356.20' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS [Violation]
Column Names:
Expected Results:
Benchmark References:
Benchmark: CIS
Reference: v1.0.0-08-11-2017:1.1
}, {
Benchmark: FedRAMP
この例では、ルール ID が指定されていない場合、使用中のスキャン ID に対して返されるすべてのスキャン結果が返されます。
例 2: SQL Database でスキャン ID を持つすべての結果を取得する
Get-AzSecuritySqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult -WorkspaceResourceId /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/ahabas-workspace -ComputerName -AgentId 49640166-652f-4ee6-b48b-cfb840b8afe2 -VmUuid 4c4c4544-0030-4b10-8039-b8c04f4a3332 -WorkspaceId ba7c9d0e-a6e3-4997-b575-cf7a18a98a49 -Server AHABASDEV01SRV -Database master -ScanId 7db278d4-4629-4f75-ae0b-9c0e3d3b0816
RuleId : VA1017
Status : NonFinding
IsTrimmed : False
QueryResults : {}
Remediation : {
Revoke EXECUTE permission on xp_cmdshell to all users (except dbo)
IsAutomated: False
Portal Link:
BaselineAdjustedResult : {}
RuleMetadata : {
Rule id: VA1017
Severity: High
Category: AuthenticationAndAuthorization
Rule type: NegativeList
Execute permissions on xp_cmdshell from all users (except dbo) should be revoked.
Description: The xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure spawns a Windows command shell, passin
g in a string for execution. This rule checks that no users (except users with the CONTROL SER
VER permission like members of the sysadmin server role) have permission to execute the xp_cmd
shell extended stored procedure.
Rationale: The xp_cmdshell extended stored procedure is a very powerful tool, but because o
f that, it is crucial that access to xp_cmdshell be tightly controlled. By default, only
users with the CONTROL SERVER permission like members of the sysadmin server role can execute
this extended stored procedure. When first enabled, xp_cmdshell has the same security context
as the SQL Server service account. The SQL Server service account is often more privileged tha
n necessary for the work being performed by the process created by xp_cmdshell. As such, malic
ious users can attempt to elevate their privileges by using xp_cmdshell. See https://docs.micr for
more information on xp_cmdshell.
Query check:
SELECT AS [Principal] FROM sys.database_permissions AS dp JOIN
sys.database_principals AS dpr ON dp.grantee_principal_id = dpr.principal_id WHERE
major_id = OBJECT_ID('xp_cmdshell') AND dp.[type] = 'EX' AND [state] IN ( 'G'
,'W' )
Column Names:
Expected Results:
Benchmark References:
Benchmark: FedRAMP
Id : /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/micr
Name : VA1017
Type : Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults
例 3: SQL Database の最新のスキャンから特定のルールの結果を取得する
Get-AzSecuritySqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult -WorkspaceResourceId /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/ahabas-workspace -ComputerName -AgentId 49640166-652f-4ee6-b48b-cfb840b8afe2 -VmUuid 4c4c4544-0030-4b10-8039-b8c04f4a3332 -WorkspaceId ba7c9d0e-a6e3-4997-b575-cf7a18a98a49 -Server AHABASDEV01SRV -Database master -RuleId "VA2108"
RuleId : VA2108
Status : Finding
IsTrimmed : False
QueryResults : {dbo db_owner SQL_USER}
Remediation : {
Remove members who should not have access to the database role
IsAutomated: True
Portal Link:
ALTER ROLE [db_owner] DROP MEMBER [dbo]
BaselineAdjustedResult : {
Status: Finding
Results not in baseline:
{dbo, db_owner, SQL_USER}
Results only in baseline:
{dbo, db_owner1, SQL_USER}
Update Time: 3/24/2021 3:59:39 PM
Expected Results:
{dbo, db_owner1, SQL_USER}}
RuleMetadata : {
Rule id: VA2108
Severity: High
Category: AuthenticationAndAuthorization
Rule type: BaselineExpected
Title: Minimal set of principals should be members of fixed high impact database roles
Description: SQL Server provides roles to help manage the permissions. Roles are security principals that group other principals. Database-level roles are database-wide in their permission scope. This rule checks that a minimal set of principals are members of the fixed database roles.
Rationale: Fixed database roles may have administrative permissions on the system. Following the principle of least privilege, it is important to minimize membership in fixed database roles and keep a baseline of these memberships. See for additional information on database roles.
Query check:
SELECT user_name(sr.member_principal_id) as [Principal] ,user_name(sr.role_principal_id) as [Role] ,type_desc as [Principal Type] FROM sys.database_role_members AS sr INNER JOIN sys.database_principals sp ON sp.principal_id = sr.member_principal_id WHERE sr.role_principal_id IN
(user_id('bulkadmin'), user_id('db_accessadmin'), user_id('db_securityadmin'), user_id('db_ddladmin'), user_id('db_backupoperator'),
Column Names:
Principal, Role, Principal Type
Expected Results:
Benchmark References:
Benchmark: FedRAMP
Id : /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/ahabas-workspace/onpremisemachines/
Name : VA2108
Type : Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults
オンプレミスのパラメーターを使用する例。 スキャン ID が指定されていないため、最新の結果が得られます。
例 4: SQL Database のスキャン ID パラメーターを使用して特定のルールの結果を取得する
Get-AzSecuritySqlVulnerabilityAssessmentScanResult -ResourceId /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/ahabas-workspace/onPremiseMachines/ -WorkspaceId ba7c9d0e-a6e3-4997-b575-cf7a18a98a49 -Server AHABASDEV01SRV -Database master -ScanId 5cded390-68c4-4f5b-9ce6-b8a7a12b288b -RuleId "VA2108"
RuleId : VA2108
Status : Finding
IsTrimmed : False
QueryResults : {dbo db_owner SQL_USER}
Remediation : {
Remove members who should not have access to the database role
IsAutomated: True
Portal Link:
ALTER ROLE [db_owner] DROP MEMBER [dbo]
BaselineAdjustedResult : {
Status: NonFinding
Results not in baseline:{}
Results only in baseline:{}
Update Time: 12/20/2020 3:33:31 PM
Expected Results:
{dbo, db_owner, SQL_USER}
RuleMetadata : {
Rule id: VA2108
Severity: High
Category: AuthenticationAndAuthorization
Rule type: BaselineExpected
Title: Minimal set of principals should be members of fixed high impact database roles
Description: SQL Server provides roles to help manage the permissions. Roles are security
principals that group other principals. Database-level roles are database-wide in their
permission scope. This rule checks that a minimal set of principals are members of the fixed
database roles.
Rationale: Fixed database roles may have administrative permissions on the system.
Following the principle of least privilege, it is important to minimize membership in fixed
database roles and keep a baseline of these memberships. See
sql/relational-databases/security/authentication-access/database-level-roles for additional
information on database roles.
Query check:
SELECT user_name(sr.member_principal_id) as [Principal] ,user_name(sr.role_principal_id)
as [Role] ,type_desc as [Principal Type] FROM sys.database_role_members AS sr INNER JOIN
sys.database_principals sp ON sp.principal_id = sr.member_principal_id WHERE
sr.role_principal_id IN (user_id('bulkadmin'),
user_id('db_accessadmin'), user_id('db_securityadmin'),
user_id('db_backupoperator'), user_id('db_owner'))
Column Names:
Principal, Role, Principal Type
Expected Results:
Benchmark References:
Benchmark: FedRAMP
Id : /subscriptions/f26d1f13-67d5-4ad6-9012-67ca12d2436f/resourcegroups/ahmadtesting/providers/micr
Name : VA2108
Type : Microsoft.Security/sqlVulnerabilityAssessments/scans/scanResults
リソース ID パラメーター セットの使用例。 サポートされているリソースは次のとおりです。
- ARC: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/{machineName}
- VM: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{machineName}
- オンプレミス: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}/onPremiseMachines/{machineName}
エージェント ID - オンプレミス パラメーター
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
コンピューターのフル ネーム - オンプレミス パラメーター
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
Azure との通信のために使用される資格情報、アカウント、テナント、サブスクリプションです。
型: | IAzureContextContainer |
Aliases: | AzContext, AzureRmContext, AzureCredential |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | False |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
コマンドを呼び出すセキュリティ リソースの ID。
- ARC: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines/{machineName}
- VM: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{machineName}
- オンプレミス: /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroup}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}/onPremiseMachines/{machineName}
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
脆弱性評価規則 ID
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | False |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
脆弱性評価スキャン ID - scanId = 'latest' を使用して最新の結果を取得する
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | False |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
仮想マシンのユニバーサル一意識別子 - オンプレミス パラメーター
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
ワークスペース ID。
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
ワークスペース リソース ID - オンプレミス パラメーター
型: | String |
配置: | Named |
規定値: | None |
必須: | True |
パイプライン入力を受け取る: | False |
ワイルドカード文字を受け取る: | False |
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このコンテンツのソースは GitHub にあります。そこで、issue や pull request を作成および確認することもできます。 詳細については、共同作成者ガイドを参照してください。
Azure PowerShell