このセクションのトピックでは、Azure Resource Manager フレームワークの Azure Blueprints 用の Azure PowerShell コマンドレットについて説明します。 コマンドレットは、Microsoft.Azure.PowerShell.Cmdlets.Blueprint 名前空間に存在します。
Export-AzBlueprintWithArtifact |
Export specified blueprint definition to the specified output location as a JSON file. |
Get-AzBlueprint |
Get one or more blueprint definitions. |
Get-AzBlueprintArtifact |
Retrieve artifacts from a blueprint definition. |
Get-AzBlueprintAssignment |
Get one or more blueprint assignments. |
Import-AzBlueprintWithArtifact |
Import a blueprint file in JSON format to a blueprint object and save it within the specified subscription or management group. |
New-AzBlueprint |
Create a new blueprint definition and save it within the specified subscription or management group. |
New-AzBlueprintArtifact |
Create a new artifact and save it within a blueprint definition. |
New-AzBlueprintAssignment |
Assign a blueprint definition to a subscription or a management group. |
Publish-AzBlueprint |
Publish a new version of a blueprint. |
Remove-AzBlueprintAssignment |
Remove a blueprint assignment from a subscription or a management group. |
Set-AzBlueprint |
Update a blueprint definition. |
Set-AzBlueprintArtifact |
Update an artifact in a blueprint definition. |
Set-AzBlueprintAssignment |
Update an existing blueprint assignment. |
Azure PowerShell