

Set up Microsoft Entra ID with Kerberos for SSO

You can set up the Power Platform SAP ERP connector to use Microsoft Entra ID credentials for Kerberos-based single sign-on (SSO). Your users can access SAP data and run SAP Remote Function Calls (RFCs) in Power Platform solutions without having to sign in multiple times to multiple services. This article walks you through the process, including configuring Kerberos constrained delegation (KCD) on the on-premises data gateway for secure communication.

Learn more about Kerberos constrained delegation.

These instructions assume that you're starting from scratch. Most customers have already completed some of the steps. Determining which steps you need to complete for your scenario is beyond the scope of this article. For example, you can skip the Create an SAP service account in Active Directory Domain Services section if your SAP system is already configured for Kerberos-based SSO.


Create an SAP service account in AD DS

As a domain admin, you'll first create a service account and then define the Service Principal Name (SPN) and enable it for Kerberos encryption.


If your SAP Basis admin confirms that your SAP system is already configured for Kerberos-based SSO, skip this section.

Perform the following steps as a domain admin to set up the service account:

  1. On the domain controller host PC, open Microsoft Management Console (MMC) and run the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in.

  2. In your domain, right-click Users and select New > User.

  3. Enter Kerberos<SID> as the Full name and User logon name, where <SID> is the ID of your SAP system, such as A4H.

  4. Select Next.

  5. Enter and confirm the password for the new service account.

  6. Select both User cannot change password and Password never expires.

  7. Select Next, and then select Finish.

With the service account created, define its Service Principal Name (SPN) and enable it for Kerberos encryption.

  1. Open the ADSI Edit snap-in (adsiedit.msc) and connect to your domain.

  2. Select CN=Users from your domain's default naming context.

  3. Right-click the CN=Kerberos<SID> user object and select Properties.

  4. In the Attributes list, select ServicePrincipalName.

  5. Select Edit.

  6. Enter the Service Principal Name in the format SAP/<SID>, where <SID> is the ID of your SAP system, such as A4H.

  7. Select Add, and then select OK.

  8. Go back to the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in.

  9. In the Users list, right-click the new SAP service account Kerberos<SID> and select Properties.

  10. Select the Account tab.

  11. Under Account options, select This account supports Kerberos AES 256 bit encryption.

  12. Select OK.


Enabling Kerberos AES 256-bit encryption can cause problems for other clients, like SAP GUI, that request Kerberos tickets from this Active Directory account. This is because it changes the list of encryption methods available, and other clients no longer have a common encryption cipher. Check the Active Directory logs to determine which encryption methods all clients are using, and then manually update the msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes property with the correct value. After the update, the AES 256 encryption option should appear automatically without needing to be selected manually. Learn more at Decrypting the selection of supported Kerberos encryption types on the Core infrastructure and Community blog.

Set up Secure Network Communications with Kerberos SSO auth in SAP

Perform the following steps as an SAP Basis admin in SAP GUI.

  1. To start the SAP Single Sign-On wizard, enter SNCWIZARD in the Command field.

  2. On the wizard Start page, select Continue.

  3. Accept the default value for the system's SNC Identity and select Continue.

  4. On the Default Profile Parameters page, select Continue.

  5. Select Close.

  6. Sign out from the SAP system and restart the SAP application server.

  7. Sign in to SAP GUI and run SNCWIZARD again.

  8. On the Start page, select Continue.

  9. On the Kerberos Credentials page, select Continue.

  10. In SPNEGO Configuration, select Display/Change to switch to edit mode, and then select Add.

  11. Enter the following values:

    • User Principal Name: Kerberos<SID>@DOMAIN, where Kerberos<SID> is the service account user name and DOMAIN is the fully-qualified name of your Active Directory domain in uppercase letters; for example, KerberosA4H(at)CORP.BESTRUN.COM.
    • Password and Confirm Password: The password that you entered when you created the Active Directory account.
  12. Select Check User in Active Directory to verify the user, and then select Exit.

  13. Select Save.

  14. On the X.509 Credentials page, select Skip.

  15. Select Complete.

Next, map the SNC user name (based on the Windows domain user name) to the SAP User Principal Name.

  1. In SAP GUI, run transaction SU01.

  2. Enter the test user ID (for example, JDAVIS) in the User field, and then select Change.

  3. Select the SNC tab.

  4. Enter the User Principal Name in the SNC name field; for example, p:CN=JDAVIS(at)CORP.BESTRUN.COM.

  5. Select Save.

Set up the on-premises data gateway for Kerberos Constrained Delegation

By default, the on-premises gateway runs as the machine-local service account NT Service\PBIEgwService. To use Kerberos Constrained Delegation with the protocol's S4U extensions, the gateway has to run as a service account in the domain.

Perform the following steps as a domain admin.

  1. On the Domain Controller host PC, go back to the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in.

  2. In your domain, right-click Users and select New > User.

  3. Enter GatewaySvc as the Full name and User logon name.

  4. Select Next.

  5. Enter and confirm the password for the new domain service account.

  6. Select both User cannot change password and Password never expires.

  7. Select Next, and then select Finish.

With the domain service account created, next you'll define its Service Principal Name and enable it for Kerberos constrained delegation.

  1. In an elevated PowerShell window, enter the following command to create an SPN for the new service account. Replace <OPDG hostname> with the hostname of your on-premises data gateway and <domain> with the name of your domain. You can find out the hostname by entering the command hostname at a command prompt.

    setspn –s gateway/<OPDG hostname> <domain>\GatewaySvc
  2. In the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in, right-click the new service account and select Properties.

  3. Select the Delegation tab.

  4. Select Trust this user for delegation to specified services only and Use any authentication protocol.

  5. Select Add.

  6. Select Users or Computers.

  7. Enter Kerberos<SID> in the object names field, where <SID> is the ID of your SAP system, such as A4H.

  8. Select Check Names, and then select OK.

The list of allowed services now contains the SPN of the SAP system. The new gateway service account can request a service ticket only for the SAP system on behalf of the propagated user with the Kerberos S4U2proxy protocol extension.

  1. Select Select All.
  2. Select OK.
  3. Select OK a second time.
  4. The on-premises data gateway service account must be granted to local policies on the on-premises data gateway host. Perform this configuration with the Local Group Policy Editor by running gpedit.msc from an Administrator command prompt.
  5. Go to Local Computer Policy -> Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> User Rights Assignment. Grant the on-premises data gateway domain service account (for example CORP\GatewaySvc) the local policy act as part of the operating system by double-clicking on it.
  6. Select Add User or Group.
  7. Enter the name of your on-premises data gateway's domain service account (for example GatewaySvc) and select Check Names to resolve it to the full existent name. Select OK. The service account's domain name (for example CORP\GatewaySvc) is now added to the policy's user list. Select OK to apply the new configuration.
  8. Repeat the same step for the Impersonate a client after authentication policy by double-clicking on it. Select Add User or Group and resolve the on-premises data gateway's service account to the full existent name with Check Names. Select OK.
  9. The service account's name (for example CORP\GatewaySvc) is now added to the policy's user list. Select OK. Close the Local Group Policy Editor.
  10. Start the on-premises data gateway app from the desktop link on the gateway host, or by running C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway\EnterpriseGatewayConfigurator.exe. Select Sign in to sign-in as the Power Platform System administrator user who registered the on-premises data gateway in the environment.
  11. Select Service Settings from the configurator's menu. Select Change account.
  12. Select Apply and Restart.
  13. Enter your on-premises data gateway's service account name (for example CORP\GatewaySvc) and password. Select Configure.
  14. Provide your Power Platform System administrator sign-in account, by selecting Sign in.
  15. Select Migrate, restore or takeover an existing gateway to restore your gateway registration.
  16. Select your gateway cluster and instance from the drop-down boxes and provide the recovery key chosen during the initial registration. Select Configure.
  17. After the restoration is complete, your on-premises data gateway service instance uses the domain service account (for example CORP\GatewaySvc).

Install and configure the SAP Cryptographic Library

For SNC communication between the on-premises data gateway and the SAP system, the SAP Cryptographic Library must be installed on the gateway host along with SAP NCo 3.1.

  1. Download the latest version of the SAP Cryptographic Library from the SAP Support Portal's Software Download (S-User required), and copy the library file (sapcrypto.dll) to the on-premises data gateway's installation directory on the gateway host (C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway). Right-click on the sapcrypto.dll file and select Properties from the context menu.
  2. Switch to the Details tab to check the version of the library. It should be 8.5.25 or newer. Select OK.
  3. Create a new text file sapcrypto.ini in the same directory (C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway) with this content: ccl/snc/enable_kerberos_in_client_role = 1.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Create a CCL_PROFILE system environment variable and set its value to the path of the sapcrypto.ini configuration file. On the gateway host, launch the Control Panel and navigate to System and Security -> System. Select Advanced system settings.
  6. Select Environment Variables.
  7. Under System variables, select New.
  8. Enter CCL_PROFILE as the variable name. For the variable value, enter the full path to your sapcrypto.ini file, for example, C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway\sapcrypto.ini. Select OK.
  9. Select OK a second time.

Configure the FullDomainResolutionEnabled OPDG setting

To help the on-premises data gateway when looking up Active Directory users, we need to set a configuration value in the on-premises data gateway settings.

  1. On the gateway host, open the file Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.GatewayCore.dll.config in the on-premises data gateway installation folder (C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway) in an editor.
  2. Search for the setting FullDomainResolutionEnabled and set its value to True.
  3. Select Restart now from the on-premises data gateway configurator's Service Settings tab to apply the changes.

Configure User Mappings in Active Directory

If Microsoft Entra ID User Principal Names are the same as the Active Directory on-premises email property, then this step can be skipped.

To enable Kerberos-based principal propagation for a user in this scenario, a mapping from the user's full username (User Principal Name, UPN) in Microsoft Entra ID to the user's local name in Active Directory is required. For this purpose, we use the unused attribute msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1 of the local Active Directory user to store the Microsoft Entra ID UPN. Any other unused Active Directory attribute can be used as well.

In the scenario for the application test user Jack Davis, set the msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1 attribute of the local Active Directory domain user account jdavis@corp.bestrun.com to the user's Microsoft Entra ID UPN jdavis@bestruncorp.onmicrosoft.com for linking their two accounts.

  1. On the gateway host, open the file Microsoft.PowerBI.DataMovement.Pipeline.GatewayCore.dll.config in the on-premises data gateway installation folder (C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway) in an editor.
  2. Search for the setting ADUserNameReplacementProperty and set its value to SAMAccountName.
  3. Search for the setting ADUserNameLookupProperty and set it to the value msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1. Save the changes in the file.
  4. Select Restart now from the on-premises data gateway configurator's Service Settings tab to apply the changes.
  5. On the Domain Controller host, select Start, and select Windows Administrative Tools -> ADSI Edit from the menu. In the ADSI Editor, navigate in the left-side object tree to CN=Users under the domain's default naming context. Right-click on the test user's object (for example CN=Jack Davis) and select Properties from the context menu.
  6. Select the attribute msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1 from the list and select Edit.
  7. Enter the test user's Microsoft Entra ID UPN (for example jdavis@<domainname>.onmicrosoft.com) in the Value field. Replace <domainname> with your Microsoft Entra ID tenant's domain name, for example, bestruncorp. Select OK.

Create a Power Automate Flow

All on-premises components (SAP system, on-premises data gateway, and AD) are now configured properly for Kerberos-based principal propagation. In this step, create and run a Power Automate Flow to test the configuration.

  1. Sign-in to Power Automate at https://make.powerautomate.com.

  2. Select My Flows -> New Flow -> Instant cloud flow

  3. Give the flow a name, select Manually trigger a flow, and select Create.

  4. Add the SAP ERP connector action Call SAP function (V3) to your flow.

  5. If you don't have any SAP ERP connections created, you're prompted to create one. If you have an existing connection, create a new one.

    • Authentication Type should be Microsoft Entra ID (with Kerberos).
    • Data Gateway should be the on-premises data gateway that was configured in this guide.
    • Select Sign-in.
  6. In the SAP ERP Call SAP function (V3) action, set the following parameters:

    • RFC Name is set to STFC_CONNECTION.
    • SAP system is set to (change these values according to your SAP Basis admin).

    json { "AppServerHost": "<SAP Server Name>", "Client": "<SAP Client>", "LogonType": "ApplicationServer", "SncLibraryPath": "C:\Program Files\On-premises data gateway\sapcrypto.dll", "SncPartnerName": "p:<SAP Partner Name>", "SncQOP": "Default", "SncSso": "On", "SystemNumber": "<SAP System Number>", "UseSnc": "true" }

  7. If everything is successful, a REQUTEXT parameter where a value like Hello World can be entered.

  8. Save and test the flow.