
Web API Complex Type Reference

ComplexTypes represent structured data that doesn't have a key. Complex types are frequently returned as a response from using an Action or Function.

In this section

Name Description
AddSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the AddSolutionComponent action.
AddToQueueResponse Contains the response from the AddToQueue action.
AddUserToRecordTeamResponse Contains the response from the AddUserToRecordTeam action.
AIClassifyResponse Contains the response from the AIClassify action.
AIExtractResponse Contains the response from the AIExtract action.
AIReplyResponse Contains the response from the AIReply action.
AISentimentResponse Contains the response from the AISentiment action.
AISummarizeRecordResponse Contains the response from the AISummarizeRecord action.
AISummarizeResponse Contains the response from the AISummarize action.
AITranslateResponse Contains the response from the AITranslate action.
AlmHandlerResponse Contains the response from the AlmHandler action.
AnalyticsStoreDetails Contains information about the analytics storage container.
AnalyzeResponse Contains the response from the Analyze action.
AnalyzeSentimentResponse Contains the response from the AnalyzeSentiment action.
AppointmentProposal Represents a proposed appointment time and date as a result of the Search function.
AppointmentRequest Provides the details of an appointment request for the Search function.
AppointmentsToIgnore Specifies the appointments to ignore in an appointment request from the Search function.
AppValidationResponse The response from App validation.
AssociatedMenuConfiguration Defines how the associated records are displayed for an entity relationship.
AttributeAuditDetail Contains the details of changes to entity attributes.
AttributeMapping For internal use only.
AttributePrivilege Specifies the field level security privileges allowed for an attribute.
AttributeQueryExpression Contains query to retrieve attribute metadata for entities retrieved using EntityQueryExpression ComplexType.
AttributeRequiredLevelManagedProperty Represents the data to define a RequiredLevel property for an attribute.
AttributeTypeDisplayName Provides a list of types of attributes used by AttributeMetadata.AttributeTypeName
AuditDetail Provides a base type for storing the details of data changes.
AuditDetailCollection Contains a collection of AuditDetail ComplexType variables.
AuditPartitionDetail Identifies a Microsoft SQL Server partition that is used to store changes to entity data records.
AuditStorageDetails Contains audit storage details for a specific table.
AuditStorageDetailsResult Contains status of operation and AuditStorageDetails dictionary.
BackgroundSendEmailResponse Contains the response from BackgroundSendEmail action.
BatchGetFlowMachineStatusResponse Contains the response from the BatchGetFlowMachineStatus action.
BatchPredictionResponse Contains the response from the BatchPrediction action.
BookResponse Contains the response from the Book action.
BooleanManagedProperty Defines a managed property that stores a Boolean value.
BulkDeleteResponse The response from the BulkDelete Action.
BulkDetectDuplicatesResponse The response from the BulkDetectDuplicates Action.
BulkRetainResponse Contains the response from the BulkRetain action.
BusinessNotification For internal use only
BusinessNotificationParameter For internal use only.
CanBeReferencedResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferenced action.
CanBeReferencingResponse Contains the response from the CanBeReferencing action
CancelTrainingResponse Contains the response from the CancelTraining action.
CanManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the CanManyToMany action.
CardCreateCloneResponse The response from the CardCreateClone action.
CardGetFullJsonResponse The response from the CardGetFullJson Action.
CascadeConfiguration Contains properties representing actions that may be performed on the referenced entity in a one-to-many entity relationship.
CategorizeTextResponse Contains the response from the CategorizeText action
CheckIncomingEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckIncomingEmail function.
CheckPromoteEmailResponse Contains the response from the CheckPromoteEmail function.
ClearWorkQueueResponse Contains the response from the ClearWorkQueue action.
CloneAsPatchResponse Contains the response from the CloneAsPatch action.
CloneAsSolutionResponse Contains the response from the CloneAsSolution action.
Collection_Int32_String Represents a dictionary of Int32 and string values
Collection_String_AuditStorageDetails Dictionary with table logical name and Audit Storage Details
Collection_String_String Represents a dictionary of string and string values
ColumnSet Specifies the attributes for which non-null values are returned from a query.
CommitAnnotationBlocksUploadResponse Contains the response from the CommitAnnotationBlocksUpload action.
CommitAttachmentBlocksUploadResponse Contains the response from the CommitAttachmentBlocksUpload action.
CommitFileBlocksUploadResponse Contains the response from the CommitFileBlocksUpload action
ComplexAttributeMetadata Contains the metadata for a complex attribute.
ComplexBigIntAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a BigInt column.
ComplexBooleanAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a Boolean column.
ComplexBooleanOptionSetMetadata Contains the options for a Boolean column.
ComplexDateTimeAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a DateTime column.
ComplexDecimalAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a Decimal column.
ComplexDoubleAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a Double column.
ComplexEntityKeyMetadata Contains the metadata for a complex entity key.
ComplexEntityMetadata Contains the metadata for a complex entity.
ComplexEnumAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a column that provides choices.
ComplexFileAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a File column.
ComplexImageAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for an Image column.
ComplexIntegerAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a Integer column.
ComplexLookupAttributeMetadata The definition of a lookup attribute passed to the CreateCustomerRelationships Action Lookup parameter.
ComplexManagedPropertyAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a ManagedProperty column.
ComplexManyToManyRelationshipMetadata Contains the metadata for a many-to-many entity relationship.
ComplexMemoAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a Memo column.
ComplexMoneyAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a Money column.
ComplexOneToManyRelationshipMetadata Contains the metadata for a one-to-many entity relationship.
ComplexOptionSetMetadata Defines a set of options.
ComplexStringAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for a String column.
ComplexUniqueIdentifierAttributeMetadata Contains the definition for an UniqueIdentifier column.
Component Contains a collection of components.
ComponentDetail Provides additional information about the solution components that are related to a missing component.
ComponentPrincipalAccess For internal use only.
ConditionExpression An expression used to filter the results of the query.
ConstraintRelation Specifies additional constraints to be applied when you select resources for appointments.
CreateCustomerRelationshipsResponse The response from the CreateCustomerRelationships Action.
CreateExceptionResponse Contains the response from the CreateException action.
CreateHostedFlowMachineGroupResponse Contains the response from the CreateHostedFlowMachineGroup action.
CreateInstanceResponse Contains the response from the CreateInstance action.
CreateMultipleResponse Contains the response from the CreateMultiple action.
CreatePolymorphicLookupAttributeResponse Contains the response from the CreatePolymorphicLookupAttribute action
CreateRpaBoxResponse The response from the CreateRpaBox action
DateTimeBehavior Specifies the behavior of a DateTimeAttributeMetadata attribute using the DateTimeBehavior property.
DeleteAndPromoteAsyncResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAndPromoteAsync action.
DeleteAndPromoteResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAndPromote action.
DeleteAuditDataResponse Contains the response from the DeleteAuditData action.
DeletedMetadataCollection Contains deleted metadata.
DeleteRecordChangeHistoryResponse The response for the DeleteRecordChangeHistory action.
DetectLanguageResponse Contains the response from the DetectLanguage action.
DownloadBlockResponse Contains the response from the DownloadBlock action
DownloadReportDefinitionResponse Contains the response from the DownloadReportDefinition function.
DownloadSolutionExportDataResponse Contains the response from the DownloadSolutionExportData action.
EndpointCollection A collection of service endpoints.
EntityKeyQueryExpression Contains the details of retrieved entity keys.
EntityQueryExpression Query expression for the tables to return.
EntityRecordCountCollection The collection of results for the RetrieveTotalRecordCount Function.
EntitySetting For internal use only.
ErrorInfo Specifies the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or Reschedule action.
ExpandCalendarResponse Contains the response from the ExpandCalendar function.
ExportComponentDetails For internal use only.
ExportComponentsParams For internal use only.
ExportFieldTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ExportFieldTranslation function.
ExportMappingsImportMapResponse The response from the ExportMappingsImportMap action.
ExportRetainedDataResponse Contains the response from the ExportRetainedData action.
ExportSolutionAsyncResponse Contains the response from the ExportSolutionAsync action.
ExportSolutionResponse Contains the response from the ExportSolution action.
ExportTranslationResponse Contains the response from the ExportTranslation action.
ExtractKeyPhrasesResponse Contains the response from the ExtractKeyPhrases action.
ExtractTextEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the ExtractTextEntities action.
FetchExpression Contains a query expressed in FetchXML.
FetchXmlToQueryExpressionResponse The response from the FetchXmlToQueryExpression Action.
FileSasUrlResponse Contains data about a shared access signature (SAS) file
FilterExpression Specifies complex condition and logical filter expressions used for filtering the results of the query.
FormatAddressResponse Contains the response from the FormatAddress function.
GenerateAutomatedPluginResponse Contains the response from the GenerateAutomatedPlugin action.
GenerateInstantPluginResponse Contains the response from the GenerateInstantPlugin action.
GenerateSharedLinkResponse Contains the response from the GenerateSharedLink action.
GetAuditStorageDetailsResponse Contains the response from the GetAuditStorageDetails action
GetAutoNumberSeedResponse Contains the response from the GetAutoNumberSeed action.
GetDistinctValuesImportFileResponse The response from the GetDistinctValuesImportFile function.
GetFileSasUrlResponse Contains the response from the GetFileSasUrl function.
GetHeaderColumnsImportFileResponse The response from the GetHeaderColumnsImportFile function.
GetHostedRpaCapacityResponse Contains the response from the GetHostedRpaCapacity function.
GetJobStatusResponse Contains the response from the GetJobStatus action.
GetLinkedChatsResponse Contains the response from the GetLinkedChats action.
GetNextAutoNumberValueResponse Contains the response from the GetNextAutoNumberValue action
GetPublicKeyResponse Contains the response from the GetPublicKey action.
GetReportHistoryLimitResponse Contains the response from the GetReportHistoryLimit function.
GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedNameResponse Contains the response from the GetTimeZoneCodeByLocalizedName function.
GetTrackingTokenEmailResponse Contains the response from the GetTrackingTokenEmail function.
GetValidManyToManyResponse Contains the response from the GetValidManyToMany function.
GetValidReferencedEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencingEntities function.
GetValidReferencingEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the GetValidReferencingEntities function.
GuidCollection Contains the collection of unique identifiers.
ImmediateBookResponse Contains the response from the ImmediateBook action.
ImportCardTypeSchemaResponse Contains the response from the ImportCardTypeSchema action.
ImportSolutionAsyncResponse Contains the response from the ImportSolutionAsync action.
ImportTranslationAsyncResponse Contains the response from the ImportTranslationAsync action
IngestResponse Contains the response from the Ingest action.
InitializeAnnotationBlocksDownloadResponse Contains the response from the InitializeAnnotationBlocksDownload action
InitializeAnnotationBlocksUploadResponse Contains the response from the InitializeAnnotationBlocksUpload action.
InitializeAttachmentBlocksDownloadResponse Contains the response from the InitializeAttachmentBlocksDownload action.
InitializeAttachmentBlocksUploadResponse Contains the response from the InitializeAttachmentBlocksUpload action.
InitializeFileBlocksDownloadResponse Contains the response from the InitializeFileBlocksDownload action.
InitializeFileBlocksUploadResponse Contains the response from the InitializeFileBlocksUpload action.
InputArgument Contains custom application data.
InputArgumentCollection Contains a collection of InputArgument objects.
InsertOptionValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertOptionValue action.
InsertStatusValueResponse Contains the response from the InsertStatusValue action.
installResponse Contains the response from the install action.
IPFirewallAccessAuditDetail Contains the audited details of the requests subjected to IP firewall restriction.
IsComponentCustomizableResponse Contains the response from the IsComponentCustomizable function.
IsDataEncryptionActiveResponse Contains the response from the IsDataEncryptionActive function.
IsPaiEnabledResponse Contains the response from the IsPaiEnabled action.
IsPmEnabledResponse Contains the response from the IsPmEnabled action.
IsValidStateTransitionResponse Contains the response from the IsValidStateTransition function.
Label Contains a collection of translations for a label.
LabelQueryExpression Contains the languages for the labels to be retrieved for metadata items.
LayerDesiredOrder Holds data for a single hint. Internal use only.
LinkEntity Specifies the links between multiple entity types used in creating complex queries.
ListConnectionReferencesResponse Contains the response from the ListConnectionReferences action.
ListCredentialDependenciesResponse Contains the response from the ListCredentialDependencies function
LocalizedLabel Contains a localized label, including the label string and the language code.
LocalTimeFromUtcTimeResponse Contains the response from the LocalTimeFromUtcTime function.
MailboxTrackingFolderMapping Represents an individual folder-level tracking rule item in the MailboxTrackingFolderMappingCollection.
MetadataConditionExpression Contains a condition expression used to filter the results of the metadata query.
MetadataFilterExpression Contains logical filter expressions used for filtering the results of a metadata query.
MetadataPropertiesExpression Contains the properties for which non-null values are returned from a query.
MissingComponent Contains the data to describe a solution component that is required by a solution but not found in the system.
MissingDependency Provides information about a missing dependent solution component.
msdyn_DeleteCalendarResponse Contains the response from the msdyn_DeleteCalendar action.
msdyn_LoadCalendarsResponse Contains the response from the msdyn_LoadCalendars action.
msdyn_MigrateSlaProactiveRunResponse Contains the response from the msdyn_MigrateSlaProactiveRun action.
msdyn_SaveCalendarResponse Contains the response from the msdyn_SaveCalendar action
msdyn_SLACustomTimeCalculationTemplateResponse Contains the response from the msdyn_SLACustomTimeCalculationTemplate action.
msdyn_SLATimeCalculationResponse Contains the response from the msdyn_SLATimeCalculation action.
Object Contains values to be passed as arguments.
ObjectiveRelation Contains the data that describes the scheduling strategy for an AppointmentRequest and that overrides the default constraints.
OnBackgroundOperationCompleteResponse Contains the response from the OnBackgroundOperationComplete action.
OptionMetadata Contains metadata representing an option within an Option set.
OrderExpression The order in which the entity instances are returned from the query.
OrganizationDetail Provides detailed information on an organization.
OrganizationInfo Provides information about the instance type and solutions available in an organization.
OrganizationResources Contains data regarding the resources used by an organization.
PagingInfo Specifies a number of pages and a number of entity instances per page to return from the query.
ParameterCollection Contains a collection of parameters.
PredictByReferenceResponse Contains the response from the PredictByReference action
PredictionSchemaResponse Contains the response from the PredictionSchema action.
PredictResponse Contains the response from the PredictReponse action.
PreferredSolutionUsedByResponse Contains the response from the PreferredSolutionUsedBy function.
PrincipalAccess Contains access rights information for the security principal (user, team, or organization).
ProposalParty Represents a party (user, team, or resource) that is needed for the proposed appointment.
ProvisionLanguageAsyncResponse Contains the response from the ProvisionLanguageAsync action.
PublishAIConfigurationResponse Contains the response from the PublishAIConfiguration action.
PublishAllXmlAsyncResponse Contains the response from the PublishAllXmlAsync action.
PurgeRetainedContentResponse Contains the response from the PurgeRetainedContent action.
PvaCreateContentSnapshotResponse Contains the response from the PvaCreateContentSnapshot action.
PvaGetDirectLineEndpointResponse Contains the response from the PvaGetDirectLineEndpoint action.
PvaGetFeatureControlSetResponse Contains the response from the PvaGetFeatureControlSet action.
PvaGetMaxDatabaseVersionResponse Contains the response from the PvaGetMaxDatabaseVersion action.
PvaGetUserBotsResponse Contains the response from the PvaGetUserBots action.
PvaPublishResponse Contains the response from the PvaPublish action.
QueryBase The abstract base class for constructing a query.
QueryByAttribute A query that is expressed as a set of attribute and value pairs.
QueryDvUnstructuredDataResponse Contains the response from the QueryDvUnstructuredData action.
QueryExpression A complex query expressed in a hierarchy of expressions.
QueryExpressionToFetchXmlResponse Contains the response from the QueryExpressionToFetchXml action.
QueryScheduleResponse Contains response from QuerySchedule function.
QuickTestResponse Contains the response from the QuickTest action.
RecognizeTextResponse Contains the response from the RecognizeText action.
RefreshRpaLicensingCapacityResponse Contains the response from the RefreshRpaLicensingCapacity action.
RegisterFlowMachineResponse Contains the response from the RegisterFlowMachine action.
RelationshipAuditDetail Contains the audited details of a change in a relationship.
RelationshipQueryExpression Contains a complex query to retrieve entity relationship metadata for entities retrieved using an EntityQueryExpression.
RemoveSolutionComponentResponse Contains the response from the RemoveSolutionComponent action.
RemoveUserFromRecordTeamResponse Contains the response from the RemoveUserFromRecordTeam action.
RequiredResource Specifies a resource that is required for a scheduling operation.
RescheduleResponse Contains the response from the Reschedule action.
ResetInheritedAccessResponse Contains the response from the ResetInheritedAccess function.
ResourceInfo Contains information about a resource that has a scheduling problem for an appointment.
RestoreResponse Contains the response from the Restore Action.
RetainResponse Contains the response from the Retain action.
RetrieveAadUserPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAadUserPrivileges function.
RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByIdsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByIds function.
RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAadUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse function.
RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrlResponse The response from the RetrieveAbsoluteAndSiteCollectionUrl function.
RetrieveAccessOriginResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAccessOrigin function.
RetrieveAllEntitiesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAllEntities function.
RetrieveAnalyticsStoreDetailsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAnalyticsStoreDetails function.
RetrieveApplicationRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveApplicationRibbon function.
RetrieveAttributeChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from RetrieveAttributeChangeHistory function.
RetrieveAuditDetailsResponse Contains the response from RetrieveAuditDetails function.
RetrieveAuditPartitionListResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAuditPartitionList function.
RetrieveAvailableLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveAvailableLanguages function.
RetrieveCascadeAssignAsyncJobIdResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveCascadeDeleteAsyncJobId function.
RetrieveCascadeDeleteAsyncJobIdResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveCascadeDeleteAsyncJobId function.
RetrieveCurrentOrganizationResponse Contains the response from processing RetrieveCurrentOrganization function.
RetrieveDataEncryptionKeyResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDataEncryptionKey function.
RetrieveDeploymentLicenseTypeResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeploymentLicenseType function.
RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveDeprovisionedLanguages function.
RetrieveEntityResponse Contains the response from RetrieveEntity function.
RetrieveEntityRibbonResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEntityRibbon function.
RetrieveEnvironmentVariableSecretValueResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEnvironmentVariableSecretValue action.
RetrieveEnvironmentVariableValueResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveEnvironmentVariableValue function.
RetrieveExchangeRateResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveExchangeRate function.
RetrieveFinanceAndOperationsIntegrationDetailsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFinanceAndOperationsIntegrationDetails function.
RetrieveFormattedImportJobResultsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveFormattedImportJobResults function.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacksResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePacks function.
RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveInstalledLanguagePackVersion function.
RetrieveLicenseInfoResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLicenseInfo function.
RetrieveLocLabelsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveLocLabels function.
RetrieveMailboxTrackingFoldersResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMailboxTrackingFolders function.
RetrieveMetadataChangesResponse Contains the response from RetrieveMetadataChanges function.
RetrieveMissingComponentsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveMissingComponents function.
RetrieveOrganizationInfoResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOrganizationInfo function.
RetrieveOrganizationResourcesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveOrganizationResources function.
RetrieveParsedDataImportFileResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveParsedDataImportFile function.
RetrievePrincipalAccessResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAccess function.
RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalAttributePrivileges function.
RetrievePrincipalSyncAttributeMappingsResponse Contains the response from the RetrievePrincipalSyncAttributeMappings function.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguagePackVersion function.
RetrieveProvisionedLanguagesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveProvisionedLanguages function.
RetrieveRecordChangeHistoryResponse Contains the response from RetrieveRecordChangeHistory function.
RetrieveRolePrivilegesRoleResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveRolePrivilegesRole function.
RetrieveSettingResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveSetting function.
RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccessResponse Contains the response from RetrieveSharedPrincipalsAndAccess function.
RetrieveTeamPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTeamPrivileges function.
RetrieveTimelineWallRecordsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTimelineWallRecords function.
RetrieveTimestampResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTimestamp function.
RetrieveTotalRecordCountResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveTotalRecordCount function.
RetrieveUserLicenseInfoResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserLicenseInfo function.
RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeIdResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeId function.
RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeNameResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivilegeByPrivilegeName function.
RetrieveUserPrivilegesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserPrivileges function.
RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByIdsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByIdsResponse function.
RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUserSetOfPrivilegesByNamesResponse function.
RetrieveUsersPrivilegesThroughTeamsResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveUsersPrivilegesThroughTeams function.
RetrieveVersionResponse Contains the response from the RetrieveVersion function.
RolePrivilege Contains information about a privilege.
RolePrivilegeAuditDetail Represents audited changes to the privileges of a security role.
RollbackRetainResponse Contains the response from the RollbackRetain action.
RunDesktopFlowResponse Contains the response from the RunDesktopFlow action.
SaveAsDesktopFlowResponse Contains the response from the SaveAsDesktopFlow Action.
SchedulePredictionResponse Contains the response from the SchedulePrediction Action.
ScheduleRetrainResponse Contains the response from the ScheduleRetrain Action.
ScheduleTrainingResponse Contains the response from the ScheduleTraining Action.
searchautocompleteResponse Contains the response from the searchautocomplete Action.
searchqueryResponse Contains the response from the searchquery Action.
SearchResponse Contains the response from the Search function.
SearchResults Contains the results from the Search action.
searchstatisticsResponse Contains the response from the searchstatistics Action.
searchstatusResponse Contains the response from the searchstatus Action.
searchsuggestResponse Contains the response from the searchsuggest Action.
SecurityPrivilegeMetadata The metadata that describes a security privilege for access to an entity.
SendAppNotificationResponse Contains the response from the SendAppNotification action.
SendEmailResponse Contains the response from the BackgroundSendEmail action.
ServicePlan Contains information about a service plan assigned to a system user.
SettingDetail Provides information about a setting.
ShareAuditDetail A shared audit detail record.
ShareResponse Contains the response from the Share Action.
Solution Contains information about a solution in an organization.
SolutionComponentDetails Provides detailed information about a solution component.
SolutionComponentOption For internal use only.
SolutionDetails Provides detailed information about a solution.
SolutionInfo Contains information about the details of the solution. Internal use only.
SolutionParameters Additional solution parameters.
SolutionValidationResult The result returned from validating the solution.
StageAndUpgradeAsyncResponse Contains the response from the StageAndUpgradeAsync action.
StageAndUpgradeResponse Contains the response from the StageAndUpgrade Action.
StageSolutionResponse Contains the response from the StageSolution action.
StageSolutionResults Contains detailed information from staging a solution.
StateOptionMetadata Contains data to define an option for the options in a State attribute.
StatusOptionMetadata Contains one of the possible values for an attribute of type status.
StringCollection Collection of strings.
StringFormatName Specifies the format of a StringAttributeMetadata attribute using the FormatName property.
SyncBulkOperationResponse Contains the response from the SyncBulkOperation Action.
TimeInfo Specifies a set of time blocks with appointment information.
TraceInfo Contains the results of a scheduling operation using the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, RescheduleRequest, or Search actions.
TrainResponse Contains the response from the Train Action.
TriggerDesktopFlowRunCallbackResponse Contains the response from the TriggerDesktopFlowRunCallback Action.
UninstallSolutionAsyncResponse Contains the response from the UninstallSolutionAsync action.
UnpublishAIConfigurationResponse Contains the response from the UnpublishAIConfiguration Action.
UnschedulePredictionResponse Contains the response from the UnschedulePrediction Action.
UnscheduleTrainingResponse Contains the response from the UnscheduleTraining Action.
UserAccessAuditDetail Contains data used for user access auditing.
UserLicenseInfo Contains information about the service plans that a system user has access to.
UserName Contains data about a user associated with a preferred solutions.
ValidateAIConfigurationResponse Contains the response from the ValidateAIConfiguration Action.
ValidateAppResponse Contains the response from the ValidateApp Function.
ValidateFetchXmlExpressionResponse Contains the response from the ValidateFetchXmlExpression function.
ValidateFetchXmlExpressionResult The result of processing a FetchXml query for performance issues.
ValidateRecurrenceRuleResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRecurrenceRule function.
ValidateResponse Contains the response from the Validate action.
ValidateRetentionConfigResponse Contains the response from the ValidateRetentionConfig action.
ValidationIssue For internal use only.
ValidationResult Contains the result from the ValidateRequest, BookRequest, or Reschedule actions.
ValidatorIssue An issue found during the processing of a fetchxml query using the ValidateFetchXmlExpression function.
WhoAmIResponse Contains the response from WhoAmI function.
XrmAttributeExpression Contains data to specify aggregation.

See also