Theme テーブル/エンティティの参照
- [アーティクル]
Information that's used to set custom visual theme options for client applications.
プロパティ |
値 |
CollectionSchemaName |
Themes |
DisplayCollectionName |
Themes |
DisplayName |
Theme |
EntitySetName |
themes |
IsBPFEntity |
False |
LogicalCollectionName |
themes |
LogicalName |
theme |
OwnershipType |
OrganizationOwned |
PrimaryIdAttribute |
themeid |
PrimaryNameAttribute |
name |
SchemaName |
Theme |
これらの列/属性は IsValidForCreate または IsValidForUpdate のいずれかについて true を返します (通常は両方)。 SchemaName が一覧表示。
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the Unified Interface secondary theme color to be used on the process control |
DisplayName |
Accent Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
accentcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
For internal use only. |
DisplayName |
Background Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
backgroundcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the color that controls will use for borders |
DisplayName |
Control Hover Border Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
controlborder |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the background color for controls to use to indicate when you hover over items |
DisplayName |
Control Hover Fill Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
controlshade |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the default custom entity color if no color is assigned |
DisplayName |
Default Custom Entity Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
defaultcustomentitycolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the default color for system entities if no color is assigned |
DisplayName |
Default Entity Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
defaultentitycolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the color for all links, such as e-mail address and lookup links, and for all buttons that are in focus |
DisplayName |
Link and Button Text Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
globallinkcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the color for title text, such as form tab labels |
DisplayName |
Title Text Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
headercolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the color that commands or lists will use to indicate hovered over items |
DisplayName |
Hover Link Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
hoverlinkeffect |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
DisplayName |
Import Sequence Number |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
importsequencenumber |
MaxValue |
2147483647 |
MinValue |
-2147483648 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Integer |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Default status of theme. |
DisplayName |
Default Theme |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
isdefaulttheme |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Boolean |
IsDefaultTheme の選択肢/オプション
既定値 : 0
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Upload a web resource to use as a logo. Recommended dimensions are a height of 50 pixels and a maximum width of 400 pixels. |
DisplayName |
Logo |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
logoid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
webresource |
Type |
Lookup |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Enter text that will be used as the tooltip and alt text for the logo. |
DisplayName |
Logo Tooltip |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
logotooltip |
MaxLength |
80 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the Unified Interface primary theme color to be used on main command bar, buttons and tabs |
DisplayName |
Main Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
maincolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
The name of the Theme Entity. |
DisplayName |
Theme Name |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
name |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the primary Navigation Bar background color |
DisplayName |
Navigation Bar Fill Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
navbarbackgroundcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the secondary Navigation Bar background color |
DisplayName |
Navigation Bar Shelf Fill Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
navbarshelfcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Date and time that the record was migrated. |
DisplayName |
Record Created On |
Format |
DateOnly |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
overriddencreatedon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the page header background color |
DisplayName |
Page Header Fill Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
pageheaderbackgroundcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the panel header background color |
DisplayName |
Panel Header Fill Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
panelheaderbackgroundcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the primary background color for process controls |
DisplayName |
Legacy Accent Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
processcontrolcolor |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Choose the color that commands or lists will use to indicate selected items |
DisplayName |
Selected Link Color |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
selectedlinkeffect |
MaxLength |
7 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Reason for the status of the Theme |
DisplayName |
Status Reason |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
statuscode |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Status |
statuscode の選択肢/オプション
値 |
ラベル |
状態 |
1 |
Custom |
0 |
2 |
System |
1 |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Unique identifier for entity instances |
DisplayName |
Theme |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
themeid |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Uniqueidentifier |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
For internal use only. |
DisplayName |
Time Zone Rule Version Number |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
timezoneruleversionnumber |
MaxValue |
2147483647 |
MinValue |
-1 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Integer |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Exchange rate for the currency associated with the Theme with respect to the base currency. |
DisplayName |
Currency |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
transactioncurrencyid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
transactioncurrency |
Type |
Lookup |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Define type of theme. |
DisplayName |
Type |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
IsValidForUpdate |
False |
LogicalName |
type |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
Boolean |
Type の選択肢/オプション
値 |
ラベル |
内容 |
1 |
Custom |
0 |
System |
既定値 : 1
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
DisplayName |
UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
Format |
None |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
utcconversiontimezonecode |
MaxValue |
2147483647 |
MinValue |
-1 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Integer |
これらの列/属性は IsValidForCreate または IsValidForUpdate の両方について false を返します。 SchemaName が一覧表示。
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
DisplayName |
Created By |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Date and time when the record was created. |
DisplayName |
Created On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. |
DisplayName |
Created By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
createdonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Exchange rate for the currency associated with the Theme with respect to the base currency. |
DisplayName |
ExchangeRate |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
exchangerate |
MaxValue |
100000000000 |
MinValue |
0.000000000001 |
Precision |
12 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
Decimal |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
logoidname |
MaxLength |
400 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Unique identifier of the user who modified the record. |
DisplayName |
Modified By |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
DateTimeBehavior |
UserLocal |
Description |
Date and time when the record was modified. |
DisplayName |
Modified On |
Format |
DateAndTime |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedon |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
DateTime |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. |
DisplayName |
Modified By (Delegate) |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfby |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
systemuser |
Type |
Lookup |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
modifiedonbehalfbyyominame |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Unique identifier for the organization |
DisplayName |
Organization Id |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
organizationid |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Targets |
organization |
Type |
Lookup |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
organizationidname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
Status of the Theme |
DisplayName |
Status |
IsValidForForm |
True |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
statecode |
RequiredLevel |
SystemRequired |
Type |
State |
statecode の選択肢/オプション
値 |
ラベル |
既定の状態 |
不変名 |
0 |
Custom |
1 |
Active |
1 |
System |
2 |
Inactive |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
FormatName |
Text |
IsLocalizable |
False |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
transactioncurrencyidname |
MaxLength |
100 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
String |
プロパティ |
値 |
Description |
DisplayName |
IsValidForForm |
False |
IsValidForRead |
True |
LogicalName |
versionnumber |
MaxValue |
9223372036854775807 |
MinValue |
-9223372036854775808 |
RequiredLevel |
None |
Type |
BigInt |
SchemaName が一覧表示。
asyncoperation テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ theme_AsyncOperations と同じです。
プロパティ |
値 |
ReferencingEntity |
asyncoperation |
ReferencingAttribute |
regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical |
False |
IsCustomizable |
True |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName |
theme_AsyncOperations |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration |
Behavior: UseCollectionName Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration |
Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
processsession テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ theme_ProcessSession と同じです。
プロパティ |
値 |
ReferencingEntity |
processsession |
ReferencingAttribute |
regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical |
False |
IsCustomizable |
True |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName |
theme_ProcessSession |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration |
Behavior: UseCollectionName Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration |
Assign: NoCascade Delete: NoCascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
bulkdeletefailure テーブル/エンティティの多対一のリレーションシップ theme_BulkDeleteFailures と同じです。
プロパティ |
値 |
ReferencingEntity |
bulkdeletefailure |
ReferencingAttribute |
regardingobjectid |
IsHierarchical |
False |
IsCustomizable |
True |
ReferencedEntityNavigationPropertyName |
theme_BulkDeleteFailures |
AssociatedMenuConfiguration |
Behavior: UseCollectionName Group: Details Label: Order: |
CascadeConfiguration |
Assign: NoCascade Delete: Cascade Merge: NoCascade Reparent: NoCascade Share: NoCascade Unshare: NoCascade |
各多対一の関係付けは、関連するテーブルとの対応する一対多の関係付けによって定義されます。 SchemaName が一覧表示。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_theme_createdby を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_theme_createdonbehalfby を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_theme_modifiedby を参照してください。
systemuser テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_theme_modifiedonbehalfby を参照してください。
organization テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ organization_theme を参照してください。
transactioncurrency テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ TransactionCurrency_Theme を参照してください。
webresource テーブル/エンティティの一対多のリレーションシップ lk_theme_logoid を参照してください。
Dataverse テーブル/エンティティ参照
Web API リファレンス
theme EntityType