次の方法で共有 DownstreamServerRollupClientActivitySummary

 <s:complexType name="DownstreamServerRollupClientActivitySummary">
     <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="UpdateId" type="s1:gui
 d" />
     <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="RevisionNumber" type=
 "s:int" />
     <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="InstallSuccessCount" 
 type="s:int" />
     <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="InstallFailureCount" 
 type="s:int" />

UpdateId: This field MUST be present. It identifies the update for which the client computer's activity is being described.

RevisionNumber: This field MUST be present. It identifies the specific Revision of the update for which the client computer's activity is being described.

InstallSuccessCount: This field MUST be present. It indicates the number of times this update has been installed successfully on client computers in this group since the last time information on this update server was reported to its parent using the RollupDownstreamServers method. Note that this is the number of successful install operations, not the number of client computers that have installed the update. If a single client computer has installed the update multiple times, it is counted multiple times, once per successful install operation.

InstallFailureCount: This field MUST be present. It indicates the number of times client computers in this group attempted to install this update but failed since the last time information on this update server was reported to its parent using the RollupDownstreamServers method. Note that this is the number of unsuccessful install attempts, not the number of client computers that have failed. If a single client computer attempts unsuccessfully to install the update multiple times, it is counted multiple times, once per failed install attempt.