次の方法で共有 MPR_DEVICE_1

The MPR_DEVICE_1 structure stores information about a device used for a link in a multilinked demand-dial interface. In addition to the information in MPR_DEVICE_0 (section, MPR_DEVICE_1 contains phone number information.

 typedef struct _MPR_DEVICE_1 {
   WCHAR szDeviceType[17];
   WCHAR szDeviceName[129];
   WCHAR szLocalPhoneNumber[129];
   PWCHAR szAlternates;

szDeviceType: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that indicates the device type referenced by szDeviceName. See MPRI_INTERFACE_2 (section for a list of possible device types.

szDeviceName: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that contains the name of the TAPI device to use with this phone book entry.

szLocalPhoneNumber: Specifies a null-terminated Unicode string that contains a telephone number. The router uses the szLocalPhoneNumber string as the entire phone number.

szAlternates: Pointer to a list of consecutive null-terminated Unicode strings. The last string is terminated by two consecutive null characters. The strings are alternate phone numbers that the router dials in the order listed if the primary number (see szLocalPhoneNumber) fails to connect.