The BGP_PEER structure<191> is used to get or set the configuration of a BGP peer.
typedef struct _BGP_PEER { DWORD dwFlags; WCHAR szPeeringName (152 bytes)[76]; BGP_IP_ADDRESS localIP; BGP_IP_ADDRESS remoteIP; USHORT uHoldTime; DWORD dwRemoteASN; BOOL bAutoStart; BGP_PEERING_OP_MODE opMode; } BGP_PEER, *PBGP_PEER;
dwFlags: Specifies the BGP peer attribute that is being modified. This field is used while modifying the BGP peer configuration. This value MUST be a bitwise OR combination of one or more of the following values.
The local IP address is modified.
The local hold timeout is modified.
The remote ASN is modified.
The operation mode of the BGP peer is modified.
szPeeringName (152 bytes): A null-terminated Unicode string that specifies a unique name for the BGP peer.
localIP: Specifies local IP Address to be used for BGP peering. This MUST be of type BGP_IP_ADDRESS (section
remoteIP: Specifies remote IP address to be used for BGP peering. This MUST be of type BGP_IP_ADDRESS.
uHoldTime: Specifies the local value of the Hold Timer in seconds. This value MUST NOT be 1 or 2.
dwRemoteASN: Specifies the peer's ASN number. This value MUST be between 1 and 65534.
bAutoStart: This MUST be set to TRUE.
opMode: Specifies the operation mode of the BGP as defined in BGP_PEERING_OP_MODE (section enumeration type.