次の方法で共有 WORK

The WORK element MUST use the following template.

         <ID type="MS-GUID">
             [[- GUID -]]
     [[- owner -]]
     [[- preconditionlist -]]
     <RIGHTSGROUP name="Main-Rights">
             [[- right -]]

[[- GUID -]]: MUST be a unique GUID that identifies the certificate, represented as a literal ASCII string enclosed in braces.

[[- owner -]]: An optional element that specifies the owner of the PL. If present MUST be a METADATA element as specified in section

[[- preconditionlist -]]: An optional element that specifies the time conditions on the usage policy. If present MUST be a PRECONDITIONLIST element as specified in section

[[- right -]]: MUST be one or more RIGHT elements as specified in section