次の方法で共有 Action Metadata URL

Applies to the OData 3.0 protocol

An action metadata URL is a URL string that points to the metadata of an action. An action metadata URL follows these rules:

  • If the conceptual schema definition language (CSDL) document for data services (section can be found by URI convention (section and the action is defined in that document, the path to the metadata can be established by convention.

  • If the path to the metadata can be established by convention, the action metadata URL SHOULD NOT include the metadata URL to the CSDL document.

  • If the path to the metadata cannot be established by convention, the action metadata URL MUST begin with an absolute URL that locates the CSDL document that defines the action, followed by a "#".

  • The EntityContainer name that contains the FunctionImport that defines the action MUST be unique across the data service.

  • A FunctionImport that represents an action MUST NOT have any overloads.

The rules for constructing the action metadata URL are as follows.

 actionMetadataUrl = [metadataUrl] "#" ecQualifiedActionName
 ecQualifiedActionName = entityContainer "." actionName
 entityContainer       = *pchar   ; section 3.3 of [RFC3986]
                       ; the name of an Entity Container in the EDM model
 actionName            = *pchar ; section 3.3 of [RFC3986]
                       ; the name of a FunctionImport in the EDM model that defines an Action
 metadataUrl           = ; a url that points to the Conceptual Schema Definition Language  
                      ; Document that contains the definition of the Action.

Listing: ABNF Rule for Constructing the Action Metadata URL