次の方法で共有 Message Syntax for XML-Based Wireless Group Policy

The XML-based wireless Group Policy MUST be packed as a single XML string that is constructed according to the wireless policy schema, as specified in Appendix A section 6.1. The syntax for fields in the XML string MUST adhere to this schema specification. In accordance with this schema, primitive data types are defined by the World Wide Web Consortium's XML schema. For more details, see [XMLSCHEMA].

The fields in the wireless policy XML string MUST be as follows:

name: User-friendly name for the wireless policy.

description: User-friendly description string for the wireless policy.

enableAutoConfig: This value specifies if the domain clients uses the wireless connection component in the operating system for managing wireless connectivity.

showDeniedNetwork: A true/false Boolean value; if true, the wireless connection component on the domain client shows the denied networks to the user.

allowList: A list of 0 or more networks to which the wireless connection component of the domain client can establish connections.

blockList: A list of 0 or more networks to which the wireless connection component on the domain client is not to establish connections.

denyAllIBSS: A true/false Boolean value; if true the domain client connects only to 802.11 infrastructure networks.

denyAllESS: A true/false Boolean value; if true, the domain client connects only to 802.11 ad hoc networks.

profileList: The list of wireless profiles within the policy, each of which MUST conform to the WLAN profile schema, as specified in Appendix A section 6.3.1. This element specifies an ordered list of wireless networks with settings that a domain client is to connect to. The elements of the WLAN profile schema are described in section

allowEveryoneToCreateAllUserProfiles: A Boolean value; if true, all users on the domain client are allowed to create WLAN profile settings that can be used by all other users on the same domain client to connect to WLANs.

onlyUseGPProfilesForAllowedNetworks: A Boolean value; if true, the domain clients only use the network settings configured by this protocol for connecting to the WLANs specified in the allowList earlier in this list.

enbleSoftAP: A Boolean value; if true, the domain client is allowed to act as an IEEE 802.11 access point (AP) in addition to its wireless connection as a station (STA). enbleSoftAP is enabled by default.<5>

enableExplicitCreds: A Boolean value; if true, explicit user credentials are allowed.

Explicit user credentials are user credentials that a user has made available to a machine. They are used only for the machine's network authentication and connectivity (for example, to run upgrades or administrative scripts), regardless of which user is logged in or whether any user is logged in; they are not used for any other purpose.<6>

blockPeriod: The length of time, in minutes, during which the domain client will not try to reconnect to the same network after an authentication failure.<7>

enableWFD: An optional Boolean indicating whether Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer connections, as described in [WF-P2P1.2], are allowed. If true or omitted, Wi-Fi Peer-to-Peer connections are allowed. If false, they are prohibited.<8>