This structure is used to contain a number of FW_QUERY_CONDITION elements. This structure can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. It evaluates to TRUE if all query condition elements evaluate to TRUE; otherwise, it evaluates to FALSE.
typedef struct_tag_FW_QUERY_CONDITIONS { DWORD dwNumEntries; [size_is(dwNumEntries)] FW_QUERY_CONDITION *AndedConditions; }FW_QUERY_CONDITIONS, *PFW_QUERY_CONDITIONS;
dwNumEntries: Specifies the number of query conditions that the structure contains.
AndedConditions: A pointer to an array of FW_QUERY_CONDITIONS elements, which are to be logically AND'd together by the server.
A query condition structure MUST pass the following semantic checks:
If the dwNumEntries field is zero, the AndedConditions field MUST be NULL; and if the dwNumEntries field is not zero, the AndedConditions field MUST NOT be NULL.
If the AndedConditions field array has a FW_QUERY_CONDITION element with the matchKey field equal to FW_MATCH_KEY_LOCAL_PORT or FW_MATCH_KEY_REMOTE_PORT at position N of the array, the array MUST have another element whose matchKey field is equal to FW_MATCH_KEY_PROTOCOL at position M, where M < N.
All elements of the AndedConditions array MUST have valid FW_QUERY_CONDITION structures.