The DRS_MSG_QUERYSITESREQ_V1 structure defines a request message sent to the IDL_DRSQuerySitesByCost method.
typedef struct { [string] const WCHAR* pwszFromSite; [range(1,10000)] DWORD cToSites; [string, size_is(cToSites)] WCHAR** rgszToSites; DWORD dwFlags; } DRS_MSG_QUERYSITESREQ_V1;
pwszFromSite: The RDN of the site object of the "from" site.
cToSites: The number of items in the rgszToSites array (the count of "to" sites).
rgszToSites: The RDNs of the site objects of the "to" sites.
dwFlags: Unused. MUST be 0 and ignored.